Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Seasons Greetings and Showing Kindness

Hello Everyone!

Today I want to focus on something that has been on my mind lately. Recently I've been noticing a lot of negativity on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and to some degree, YouTube. People are writing such hateful, cruel, and thoughtless posts for everyone to see. I haven't encountered any of this negativity or rudeness personally, but I still have some thoughts about it. I can't tell anyone what to write or not to write, but here are some of my thoughts about the matter. I understand that even though this can be a very hectic strenuous time because of the holidays, I still feel that people can remember the reason for the season. 

I've also read posts that I get the sense something is going wrong. For those types of posts I feel there is nothing wrong with leaving someone a kind word. You never know, leaving a kind word on someone post may brighten their day or give them a little bit hope of things getting better. I don't look at these people as attention seekers, some people are just in need of being shown a little bit of support. Even though this is considered the most wonderful time of year, it may not feel all that wonderful for those who may have financial hardships, holiday depression, or any other issue that may cause some displeasure. We don't always know what people are going through and to read hateful posts, I can imagine how this may make someone feel if they're going through something terrible.

I feel the world could use a lot more kindness instead of some of the hatefulness I've been seeing. I didn't write this post to offend anyone nor am I talking about anyone in particular, these are just my thoughts.

Have you seen these types of issues going on social media? What are your thoughts about it? 

Happy Holidays! 


Shireen L. Platt said...

I personally haven't any nastiness and I hope it remains that way. Too many bitter people in this world, Pilar....I wish we learn to be kinder to each other.

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A Very Sweet Blog said...

I've noticed there are more negative people in the world. People can be so ugly to others. It's truly unfortunate. It doesn't say much about society nowadays. I try to stay as positive as possible and help others whenever I can.

Unknown said...

I also have noticed some negativity around youtube and Instagram lately, and it's on people's videos and posts that I follow and watch regularly. It makes me sad people can be so mean. This is a great post Pilar, you are so positive and kind hearted I wish the world had more of that!

Naturalle Drea said...

Yes, I agree. Too many people hide behind their keyboards and be someone they are not. It's just crazy how negative people are today. I don't get it myself but stay positive, I wish people would come together more.

Jackie Harrison said...

I agree there should be more compassion toward others we do not know what they going through I had seen these hate comment and is uncomfortable also I had read post that sound like the person is going through a hard time. Is the season to show love I believe all year round but especially now some are lonely some have hardship of some sort and we as human should not help in making their situation worse, by leaving a kind word you might help them with a smile. I had not experience but cannot speak for the future great post doll.

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Totally agree. I dont get how someone can just say such hateful things! I feel like everyone goes through hard times and we dont need other people bringing us down as well. Just wish we could all be nice to eachother, maybe one day...


Pilar said...

I haven't experienced any either and I hope it stays that way.
It's just some of the things I've been reading and viewing on social media is so mean. I think at some people may feel bitter, but I wouldn't spread that negativity and rudeness online.

Pilar said...

I agree Kim, I've notice an increase of negative people too. It's just plain wrong to go around mistreating others. I'm like that too, I try to be positive and help others.

willsingformakeup said...

Pilar, you are such a source of light in this world, and I thank you for that. I agree, the hate on the internet is out of control. Like you, I haven't encountered it personally, but I see it everywhere. People would act differently if they understood that we are all connected, and that hurting one person hurts us all.

Unknown said...

This is so true and sad! Not sure what is it that compels a person to even think of things as such to say. Totally agree, the negativity is overly saturated.

Pilar said...

Thank Ashley! I've seen rant videos on YouTube but lately it's been an increase on there and on social media in general. It's like I mentioned in my post, I know the holidays can be a hectic strenuous time, but some of the things I'm reading and viewing are so awful! I try to be a kindhearted person!

Pilar said...

Thanks for you insights Andrea! I agree with what you wrote also! Life can be tough sometimes, but I try to keep a positive outlook.

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie! I agree with you insights too. I try to show compassion all throughout the year as well. I've notice when some people write ugly things on social media, they may be going through things as well. Like I said I'm not here to tell others what they can or cannot post, but posting negative rude things online won't solve any problems. You're so right, we as people shouldn't make anyone's situation worse by being mean. There should be more caring and compassion etc.in the world.

Pilar said...

You're right everyone has or will go through something and I don't understand how someone could say or write hurtful or mean things. I feel the same maybe one day people will change how they act toward one another. The world would definitely be a better place if that ever happened.

Pilar said...

Thank you Lauren! You ladies that have responded to this post are a source of light in this world as well. I agree, and if the shoe was on the other foot, people may understand the hurt they cause. I usually just ignore the negativity I see, but lately I've noticed an increase of this issue and I wanted to share my thoughts about it. You're right it hurts us all as a society.

Pilar said...

Thanks for sharing your insights, you're right it is sad. I wish people could focus on being more positive on social media rather than be negative.

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