Friday, January 15, 2016

Inspirational Post: Relaxation Tips and Activites

Hello Everyone!

For today's inspirational post, I want to focus on relaxation. Relaxation is one element that I want to focus on more during 2016 and in general. For people that have a Type A personality such as myself, may find reducing stress and relaxing a challenging task at times. Here are a few tips and activities that help me relax.

1. Baking and Cooking

One of my favorite things to do in life is cook and bake food. Whether I'm preparing a meal for myself or people that I care about I really like cooking and baking. I don't know what it is about cooking and baking, but I feel so relaxed when I'm preparing food.

2. Taking a Bubble Bath

There's nothing like taking a long hot bubble to help me relax. Whether you had a long day or you just need to de-stress, I find taking a bubble bath helps take my mind off anything stress related. I like to take bath's in general because I find them to be so relaxing! I typically don't drink much, but during this bath I decided to pour myself a glass of wine while I soaked in the tub.  I also used this is my intro picture since taking a bubble bath is my favorite way to relax!

3. Light Candles

If you follow me on social media, you already know that I LOVE candles! There's nothing like unwinding to wonderful aroma of a candle burning. I find aroma therapy to be so soothing and calming. As you noticed in my tip above, you see that I also burn candles when I take a bath.

4. Reading and Journal Writing

To relax my mind, I like to read. I'm trying to read more books this year, so I think reading will be help. Journal writing also helps me relax by writing down my thoughts.

5. Grab a Hot Drink

When I drink hot chocolate, I usually drink it at night after I taken my shower or bath for the night. There are times I'll grab a cup of hot honey lemon tea (I typically like to hot drink tea during the day). Sipping on a hot beverage also helps me prepare to get ready to go to bed.

6. Eat Fruit

You never can go wrong with clean eating! Eating a half of a grapefruit is what I like to eat for breakfast sometimes or just for a snack. 

7. Go to Bed Early

I can be a night owl sometimes, but when I want to relax I try to go to bed around 10:30/11pm I know that seems a little late to some people, but I rather fall asleep around 10:30/11pm instead of 1am! Getting a good night's sleep can make all the difference on how you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically.

How do you like to relax?

* This week is Inspiration Week on my blog! I'll be posting the links for all the content I write this at the end of each post

Need more inspiration? Here are my Inspirational Posts from 2015

Inspirational Post: What Makes Me Smile (February 2015)

Inspirational Post: Tips for a Happier Morning (May 2015)

Inspirational Post: It's Not Failure

Inspirational Post: Finding Your Way in Life (July 2015)

Inspirational Post: The Importance of Discipline (September 2015)

Inspirational Post: What Makes Me Stronger (November 2015)

How do you like to relax?

Thanks for stopping by my blog


FelyM said...

relaxing time..

Jackie Harrison said...

I love cooking it just take me to a different world and very relaxing for me.

Unknown said...

I love all the things you listed in this post, Pilar! Reading definitely calms my mind, and so does burning a candle I love. Drinking coffee almost always makes me instantly happy too, so I agree with hot beverage too! I'm such a night owl and don't go to bed until between 1-3am but I know I feel better and more relaxed when I can sleep earlier and get a good nights sleep!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

I love your de-stressing tips! My fave ways to de-stress are write, draw, or watch my favorite tv shows :)

Shireen L. Platt said...

Yassss! Definitely cooking and baking for me! I know many find cooking and baking stressful but it's so therapeutic for me and it's a shared passion with my dad, he's an amazing cook while my mum hates it. LOL!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Marie said...

The bubble bath scenery looks so relaxing! This is a great post and you shared a lot of helpful tips! I also like to cook and bake it helps me feel relaxed and stress free!

WhingingNinja said...

your meatloaf looks amazing!

May Cho said...

Going to bed early, I find, is the best way to relax, hahaha. I think knowing that I'll be in bed early and that I'll have sufficient sleep the next morning helps a lot!

May x | THEMAYDEN.COM | bloglovin'

A Very Sweet Blog said...

These are so good Pilar. I light candles and read. That always helps. Plus I love my bath time goodies.

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

As usual, another well done post!


Pilar said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Pilar said...

I agree!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! Going to before 12 a.m. is a challenge for me, so I understand about being a night owl! There have been times I've stayed up all night because of insomnia!

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo! Watching my favorite shows and movies are also great ways to relax!

Pilar said...

The only time I find cooking or baking stress is when I'm trying out a new recipe that I find challenging lol, other than that I love it! I think that I pattern after my mom with cooking and baking! She taught how to cook and bake and I love doing both just as much as my mom does!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! I love taking bubble baths!

Pilar said...

Thanks Tara!

Pilar said...

Thanks Mary! I agree!

Pilar said...

Thanks Kim!

Pilar said...


Denise Lindsay said...

Baths are definitely one of the best ways to unwind! It's good to just lie there and soak away your stress. Bonus points to you though for the wine & candles as I've not done that in ages, might have to do that again soon 😊 Xx

Beauty Editer said...

Fantastic post dear! Hope you have a lovely day.

** I'm inviting you to join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


Elle Sees said...

i def did a few of those this weekend!

Pilar said...

I agree! I usually feel so relaxed after taking a bath! It's been a while since I had a glass of wine until recently while I was taking a bath!

Pilar said...

Thanks same to you!

Pilar said...

Hope the activities helped you relax!

willsingformakeup said...

These are great ways to relax! I found baking to be really relaxing over the holidays, and reading is one of the ways I relax at night.

Pilar said...

Thanks Lauren! Holiday baking is a great way to relax! I've been reading more at night before bed.

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