Sunday, March 15, 2020

My Take...

Hello Everyone!

Today's post is a little different. I want to give my take on the Coronavirus. I won't sit here and say that this virus doesn't scare me because it does.

No bread

Do you ever notice in times like this the world goes into panic mode? Panic buying, panic and overspending, worrying excessively and constantly. I think to get through this pandemic we have to have a level and rational head about things.

Late night Target Run last Sunday

I live in a hurricane state South Carolina so this type of panic isn't all that new to me. I'm used to seeing empty shelves, during the possible threat of hurricane. It can get pretty crazy around here.

Eggs are scarce 
Thankfully there was plenty of food at the grocery when I went on Friday, but there was literally no toilet paper.  I have 3 packs of toilet paper because we were running low and I usually buy 2 or 3 packs when they're on sale for my stockpile, not as a panic buy.  As you go out and shop, please remember to get groceries and not just toilet paper. You should be nourishing yourself with food to stay healthy.

As for sanitary conditions I'm also confused,  we should be washing our hands, and sanitizing our homes etc anyway not just during the threat of illness spreading. I also had to go back to Target on Friday I was in the self check out line and there was this little boy and he was sneezing and coughing not covering his mouth and his mom just stood there and said nothing to him. I'm sure this lady had to notice the displeased looks on many of the customers faces. Thankfully I was at the last lane so I wasn't in the path of him caughing. Once again we should be covering our cough anyway. Another thing, please be aware of your mental health. Anxiety and depression are issues I suffer from, so I'm trying to be aware of my daily feelings.

Like I said this virus does scare me and worry me, but I'm putting my faith in God that we get through this and taking safety and sanitary precautions to prevent the spread of this virus. Everyone please be safe and take care. As always my relationship with my God is my own, I am in no way trying to push my religious beliefs on anyone.

Be well!


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Pilar, I totally understand your frustration about having people cough around you. I was at church and a lady kept coughing throughout mass. I got up and sat somewhere else. I actually did a post that will come out tomorrow. I get that people are concerned and worried, but I don't like when they are hoarding food. I can't seem to find toilet paper anywhere. I have about two packages, so I'm good for now, but I do hope that the stores keep stocking up. And Yes, keep your faith strong. : )


Anonymous said...

Stay safe!

ALLIE NYC said...

I know this panic buying is nuts. Seriously they may have to start rationing. People are going to bring martial law on to themselves it they are not careful. AND TP seriously?? When this first stated happening I was like WTF??? Ummmmm if your worried about trucks not being able to make deliveries and goods not being available TP is the first thing you think of???? That is truly reflective of the first world...pathetic.

Allie of

Lisa said...

The panic buying and all the closing are worrying me more than my chances of catching this virus.
I was leaving walmart last week and a lady walked in as we were leaving and was coughing without covering her mouth. Made me sorta mad and how rude this was. I also see people grab buggies without wiping them down. No matter what time of year it is I ALWAYS at least do this but then again, I am a bit of a germ phobe.
Keep your faith in Jesus.

Sarah F said...

It’s scary how selfish people are being. In my area people are hoarding items and then reselling them for 5x the amount. It’s pathetic. I found the last pack of TP at Target and had to go to 3 stores for paper towels. Still I only took a few rolls so others would be able to buy some as well. Hopefully this is all over sooner rather than later. Stay safe!

xo, Sarah

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Situations like this bring our the worst in some people. I don't get the mad rush for toilet paper. Do some people not have any supplies of it in their house regularly. If you get sick you're going to need tissues for your nose more. As people stockpile, they should be mindful of those who may not be able to do so because of limited finances or limited mobility . Now is the time for more kindness not selfishness.

Marie said...

The stores were so empty the other day. I don't understand the panic buying toilet paper either. I pray this virus gets under control.

Miss Val's Creations said...

This virus is so scary, especially when one can be carrying it with no symptoms and accidentally spread it. When this started we luckily bought a couple of loaves of bread to freeze. We bought flours and sugars too to bake with. It does looks like we will have difficult weeks ahead in the US.

Pilar said...

It was frustrating because the lady didn't even tell her son to cover his cough. I wasn't near when it happened, but so many other people were standing close by. The stores have been so empty this past week. During the time I wrote this post, the grocery store was stocked except for toilet tissue and cleaning supplies. I'm definitely keeping my strong faith. Be well!

Pilar said...

Thank you, be well!

Pilar said...

I felt like stores were going to start limiting the number of items customers can purchase. I'm noticing stores are having strict return policies on items such as toilet paper as well. I don't understand the toilet paper panic buying. Toilet paper is very essential, but I was thinking more on the lines of food and medication that would top the list before toilet paper. Like I mentioned I purchased a few toilet paper packs before the panic buying all started because we were running low, and it was on sale.

Pilar said...

I agree, I worry about the virus because it's spreading so rapidly, but I try to stay inside and take precautions. Panic buying is leading to shortages and people aren't able to get items that they need. It irks me that people don't cover their mouth when they cough. I'm the same way, I always wipe the buggy too. I keep having faith and praying. Hugs

Pilar said...

That's terrible that people are price gouging. You're right, it's selfish. I'm praying for better days. Be well!

Pilar said...

As I mentioned since I live in South Carolina, I've seen over the years the selfishness is some people during hurricane season in terms of panic buying. I wondered that as well about some people not having supplies in their home. You're absolutely right now is the time for more kindness and consideration.

Pilar said...

The days following when I posted this blog post, the stores didn't have much to choose from. Shelves were empty. I pray this virus gets under control too.

Pilar said...

I agree. People have reported not having any symptoms with this virus. I'm glad you were able to get the things you needed. Be well and take care.

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...