Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mental Health Matters

Hello Everyone!

I hope that everyone's month of May is off to a great start. Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? I've mentioned numerous times over the years on my blog that I first started having depression symptoms when I was 15 and I started struggling with anxiety during my senior year in college.

I ask myself why is it that in 2020 mental health isn't discussed more? Yes, mental health is discussed, but in my opinion not as much as it should be. Since many people are still quarantined, it is important to pay attention to your feelings and thoughts etc. As the title of my post states, mental health matters, you matter.

I choose me over the drama

I choose me over my obstacles

I choose me over people and things that don't benefit my overall health and well being

I've accepted a long time ago it's a possibly that I could have anxiety and depression for the rest of my life. I don't pretend everyday is a good day, but every day isn't a bad day either. At one point I was having more bad days than good and I decided to go back to counseling. I'm still in counseling and I take an antidepressant to help ease my anxiety and depression symptoms. Whatever you're going through, you're not alone and there is help to cope with mental health issues. My hope is that by sharing my story I'm helping others to know there is light in the mist of darkness.

Always remember to be kind. People may be fighting a battle you know nothing about.

I wanted to share my previous links from last month for my self care posts. Self Care is very beneficial to mental health

Self Care: Mental Health

Self Care: Hair Care Wash Day feat. Curls

Self Care: Quarantine Makeup Routine

Self Care: Current Morning Skincare Routine feat. Derma E

Self Care: Pamper Routine

Self Care: At Home Manicure feat. Zoya Gelie-Cure


Lisa said...

Your strong and beautiful! I am always thinking about you especially in times like this.

R's Rue said...

Thank you for this post. I appreciate it.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Mental health may be more important now than ever with people on quarantine at home. I agree it should be discussed more over all and there should definitely not be a stigma about it. Good for you for getting help and sharing your story may also help others. Happy May Pilar!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing

Ashley said...

I think this is so wonderful that you're sharing this, and that you've been so open about your anxiety and depression. I have no doubt you're helping others by doing this! As you mentioned, while mental health is discussed today, I still feel they're really missing the mark overall.

Love the positive affirmations you shared, and I will try to incorporate those into my daily thoughts!

Make Life Marvelous

ALLIE NYC said...

Wow I didn't know that and it is great that is finally being taken more seriously and is not in the shadows. And yes this pandemic is going to cause a lot of anxiety and depression to be sure...

Allie of

Miss Val's Creations said...

Beautifully said Pilar. The pandemic is surely making symptoms worse for so many. It is awesome that you share your fight. Gorgeous photos. :)

Marie said...

Since we're living in a new normal right now, mental health is so important. I'm glad you shed light on this topic. Beautifully written post and you look beautiful in your photos!

Mica said...

I agree, mental health is so important and it's good to reach out to people who may be struggling to make sure they are okay, with all the changes around the world right now! It's good you've found habits that work for you - mental health is something that should be prioritised!

Hope that your week is off to a good start! :) We are on week 6 of staying at home but they have started to lift some restrictions which is nice! :)

Away From Blue

Antonella said...


Red Rose Alley said...

A thoughtful mental health post to help people who are going through the same thing, Pilar. I'm glad you are feeling better, and these pictures of you are cute. Your hair looks a bit longer and fuller, and you have a sweet smile.

Happy May days, Pilar.


Pilar said...

Thank you Lisa! Hugs!

Pilar said...

You're welcome Rue!

Pilar said...

Thank you Rowena! I was watching the local news and I heard that more people are having depression and anxiety issues since more people are at home and/or out of work etc. My hope is that more people will discuss mental health issues more. Getting treatment for my anxiety and depression has been a beneficial decision in my life. Happy May Rowena!

Pilar said...

You're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thank you Ashley! I tell my story because I want others to know they're not alone in their struggles and there is help available. I try to have daily positive affirmations!

Pilar said...

I agree Allie. I'm glad that mental health is being discussed, but I still feel these issues aren't discussed enough. My hope is that people who are struggling with mental health know they don't have suffer in silence especially during a time like this.

Pilar said...

Thank you Val!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Mica! I agree it's so important to reach out to people you know are struggling. A simple phone call can make a difference.

My week has been going well. My state has lifted a few restrictions as well, but I'm only going out for essential. Have a great weekend!

Pilar said...

Thank you Antonella!

Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri for the kind words, and Happy May! :) When I wrote this post I was thinking about people that are currently struggling due to the pandemic and in general. I think now more than ever is the time to focus on mental health issues.

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