Monday, March 8, 2021

International Women's Day 2021

 Hello Everyone!

If you didn't know March is Women's History Month and today is International Women's Day. Happy International Women's Day Ladies!

When I think of International Women's Day I always think of strong women like my mom and my grandma. I was only 6 when my grandma died, but I do have memories of her. My mom has told me many stories of my grandma and she was a remarkable woman. She was a woman that bore 9 children and was married to my granddaddy for 51 years. She was a homemaker that ran her household on morals, love, and strength. She was heavily committed to her Church, family, and community. 

I mentioned this last month when I return from blog break, If you didn't know on Inauguration Day the hashtag #chucksandpearls were trending for Madame Vice President Kamala Harris. She has been photographed wearing chucks and pearls during campaigning etc. I think this was a great way to support Kamala Harris as she made history. FUN FACT: Those pearls were my grandma's pearls. The pearls belong to my mom now, but she let's me borrow them :)

Dermelect is celebrating Women by asking them to describe themselves with "I Am____"  I'm also featured in the video with a group of amazing women! You can check out the video below.

Women have made so many contributions to this world.  As you recognize the contributions of women etc, don't forget to celebrate yourself :)


Iwona said...

Have a great day :)

Anonymous said...

Happy International Women's Day!

Pam said...

Strong women, that would be my mom. She was really strong.

Marie said...

Beautifully written post Pilar! Happy Belated Women's Day!

Pilar said...

Same to you!

Pilar said...

Happy Belated International Women's Day!

Pilar said...

Moms are such strong figures and role models!

Pilar said...

Happy Belated International Women's Day to you as well!

Kristen Alpert said...

Happy Belated International Women’s Day!! I would have to agree that moms are strong figures and role models. I know my mom is a strong woman and that I have always looked up to her.

Pilar said...

Happy Belated International Women's Day to you as well! I also look up to my mom!

Red Rose Alley said...

That's incredible that your Grandma had nine children! It sounds like your Mom is a wonderful woman as well. You look cute here in your glasses, Pilar. It's nice that you have good women role models in your life. Love that picture with the tennis shoes and pearls. : )


Pilar said...

Thank you! I have memories of my grandma, but I wish I could've have known her better. My mom has always been my role model:)

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