Monday, March 22, 2021

Spring Fashion

 Hello Everyone!

I'm so happy Spring is here! Pastel colors, lightweight cute clothes, and sandals are some of my favorite things to wear during Springtime. 


In my opinion you can never have enough leggings lol. I love these leggings from Old Navy so much! I received a few pair of these leggings for Christmas and I had to get a few more. 


This dress sells out so quickly on Forever21, but I was in luck when I found it online at on sale. I love shopping during off season, you can find so many discounts.

Since the pandemic started last year I haven't been getting dressed up all that often, but I plan to change that this Spring. Even if I'm not going anywhere when you look good, you feel good. My mom gave me this beautiful dress as a gift last year. I love wearing flowy lightweight dresses.


Last year I bought the white and black Espadrilles Sandals, but I was missing the Blush color. Back in January I finally found them on on sale so I quickly added them to my cart. These shoes are so comfortable and can be paired with so many different outfits.

I typically don't wear sneakers much since it's so hot and humid during the warmer months, but I do love wearing my Converse. 


In my last post I shared that I partnered with Adore Me for their Walkin on Sunshine Campaign and chose a few new bright pieces for Spring.

Don't forget to check out my Walkin on Sunshine: Adore Me Haul

What are your favorite fashions for Spring?


Anonymous said...

Cute styles!

Evi Erlinda said...

Nice fashions for spring, Pilar. I like your dresses and sandals.
I don't buy any dress for spring yet :)

Red Rose Alley said...

You bought some cute Spring clothes for yourself, Pilar. I really like the dark colored flowy dress your Mom got for you. I don't really wear pastels in the Spring, and have always loved darker colors all year long. Those sandals are so cute from Target. Oh, how I miss shopping there. Your leggings are nice to wear throughout Spring too. Such a fun post, Pilar, and I've always loved fashion. Here in the mountains, we don't see too many fashionable clothes haha, but it's always nice to put on some nice clothes, make-up, and go out for awhile. Enjoy all your goodies, Pilar.


awhite said...

I'm so ready for springtime clothing!

Le Stylo Rouge

Martyna said...

These dresses are beautiful 😊

Marie said...

Nice Spring Collection Pilar! Those dresses and sandals are so pretty! I want to get the Steve Madden Sandal dupes I saw on

Pam said...

OH I LOVE those colors....and those dresses. Very pretty.

Victoria said...

WOW! All of the things are cool! I like all of them) Thank you very much for your sharing)

R's Rue said...

Love it.

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Evi! I love to wear dresses during Spring and Summer!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! I miss getting dressed up. I can't wait to wear that my mom got me last year. That dress looks so pretty paired with the blush shoes. I can't forget my leggings. You can dress up leggings with so many different styles! I'm glad your liking the mountains Sheri!

Pilar said...

I agree! The weather is supposed to be warm here this week!

Pilar said...

Thanks Martyna!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! I saw those SM dupes! I want both pair lol!

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam!

Pilar said...

Thanks Victoria, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rue

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

I love spring fashion, I also love floral prints!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It's always nice to be able to transition warmer clothes when spring arrives and you got some lovely items. I missed dressing up last year and just started wearing my fancy dresses at home. Like why not ;p

Ivana Split said...

Wonderful pastel colours in your spring wardrobe. The dresses you showed are so pretty. I'm sure you'll get a lot of wear from them. I also agree that we cannot have too much leggings.

Kristen Alpert said...

Love the clothes. Especially the dresses bc I love the color blue. Can’t wait for more blogs about spring.

Pilar said...

I love Spring fashion and floral prints too!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena! I know what you mean! Sometimes I'll create a makeup look just to stay inside :)

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana!

Pilar said...

Thanks Kristen!

The Little Things

 Hello Everyone! Recently I received two gifts from my two of my friends. One is my bestie I met at work at my old job that works at my new ...