Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Happy 9th Blogiversary to Beauty and More by Pilar!

 Hello Everyone!

Happy Blogiversary to me! I say this every year, but wow how time flies! 9 years of blogging!

My Godmother sent me a photo of this Watermelon Starbucks Tumber she got for me!

Thanks Mommy for my early Blogiversary gift!

What about makeup?

Beauty is one of the main reasons why I started my blog in 2013. I still love beauty, but since the pandemic started 2 years ago I have taking a slower pace with posting makeup looks. I still creating makeup looks, but I plan on getting back to posting them. I miss posting makeup looks in detail.

I want to thank those in my life that support my blogging and encourage me to continue to do things that I love. Next, I want to thank all the brands that I have worked with past and present. I appreciate you sending PR Samples/Products, sponsoring, and valuing my opinion to share with my audience. Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank you all for taking time to visit, read, and comment on my blog! I appreciate you all so much! I hope that when you visit my blog that you enjoy and find inspiration from my posts. Here's to my 9th year of blogging!


Red Rose Alley said...

Wonderful you've been blogging for nine years. Yes, the time goes fast, doesn't it? These are nice gift to receive for your blogiversary. We meet so many creative, wise, and beautiful people here in blog land, and you are one of them, Pilar. It's nice that I can come over and visit and see a sincere post from you. Oh, how I miss driving through Starbucks. Not one here in the mountains, but I do still buy the coffee at the store. : )


Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Happy 9th Blogiversary Pilar and cheers to many many more! I have stopped keeping track of my blog anniversary but I think I might be on 11 years this year.

Thank you so much for your recent kind words of support and encouragement! It means the world!

Express Yourself by Paola Lauretano said...

So many years! Happy blog anniversary Pilar, I love your space!
Kisses, Paola.


My Instagram

Marie said...

Wishing you the Happiest Blogiversary Pilar! I love reading your blog and I can tell you put a lot of dedication and effort towards your blog! Congratulations on 9 years, and wishing you all the best!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Happy Blogiversary Pilar! I hope you continue to enjoy blogging for many years to come.

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

Congratulations Pilar, it is a great pleasure to be part of your audience! I look forward to these make up posts! Continuation of a good work!
Hip hip!!

ALLIE NYC said...

Wow nine years!! Congrats on this! I am right around the same time frame. So much has happened since I started blogging had so many experiences I would not have had if not for blogging.

Here is to another nine years!!!

Allie of

Pam said...

AWESOME.....congrats on your blogiversary. LOVING the cup your mom gave you. I love watermelon!

Raquel Loio said...

Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog! It's true, time goes by so fast. It also seems to me that I created my blog yesterday and it will be six years. I also have times when I post less and others more. Keep up your blog, it's very beautiful! A hug from Portugal, Raquel

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Sheri!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Rowena, and you're welcome! Congrats on your 11th Blogiversary this year!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Paola!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Marie!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Val!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Marisa!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Allie! Congrats on your 9th year blogging!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Pam!

Pilar said...

Thank you so much Raquel!

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