Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Health Update: Follow Up Doctor's Appointment

 Hello Everyone!

Before I start today's post, I want to thank everyone that sent me messages, etc concerning my recent health. I've been going through a lot lately and it does help to know there are kind people that care.

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I had a pretty good visit. No covid 🥳 Pneumonia is clearing well. My lungs sound clear and my heart sounds good. My doctor said I'm healing well and continue to get rest and drink fluids for the rest of the week. 

I feel so blessed that I'm feeling better. Last month I could've died the first time I was hospitalized with pneumonia and sepsis, that caused a high blood sugar. The second time I was hospitalized I had both pneumonia and covid. I was so sick and I've been through a lot personally and medically. God has a purpose for me to still be here and for that I'm grateful. 


Anonymous said...

That's great you're feeling better!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Oh Pilar, I'm so glad to hear you got some positive health news and that you're also feeling better. Take good care and keep healing <3

Marie said...

Pilar that's wonderful you're feeling better! I'm praying for continued good health for you!

Hena Tayeb said...

Good to hear you are feeling better!

Jackie Harrison said...

God is good he does hear prayer so happy you heading toward a better health everything else will fall into place as well. Have a bless week.

R's Rue said...

Continued prayers for improved health. Hugs.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I'm so glad you are feeling better, Pilar. I have been thinking of you, and thanks for the update. You are so special to all of us. Take care, and get well, dear friend. : )


Anonymous said...

God is so good! Continue to get well!

ALLIE NYC said...

I am glad you are feeling better and don't have COVID. Being sick can very difficult and challenging.

Allie of

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