Monday, November 25, 2013

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

Hello Everyone!

I was tagged by Shalunya at shalunya boyet. She is one of the kindest inspirational bloggers and has a blog that is just as amazing as she is! Go vist her blog sometime!


The Rules

1. The Nominee of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award shall display the logo on her blog.

2. The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days (1 week) – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be ALL on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, etc.

3. The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees in a post or in posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.

4. The Nominee shall make these rules, or amended rules keeping to the spirit of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, known to each reader s/he nominates.

5. The Nominee must finish this sentence and post: ”A Great reader is…”

I feel "A great reader"... is someone who gains something useful, meaningful, and/or knowledgeable etc. from the text they are reading.

I was glad to to do this tag because (just as my previous "thank you post") it gives me the opportunity to let me my readers know how much I appreciate you all for taking the time to stop by my blog and commenting :) it really brightens my day! It's so important as bloggers that we support each other with kind words, encouragement, and positivity etc. Thank you blogger friends :)

Here are my Nominees


Thanks again to Shalunya and to my nominees thanks for being such constant supporters of my blog :)



Jackie Harrison said...

Congratulation very well deserve its hard for me to participate due to holidays I have to much on my plate doll but thank you for being kind to acknowledge me.

Pilar said...

You're welcome and thank you! This week and the next upcoming weeks are going to be busy for most people! I wanted to get at least two posts done before Thanksgiving!

Marie said...

Thank you for including me in this post! You have a wonderful blog that I enjoy reading!

Shalunya21 said...

Thank you so much for your super kind words, my friend!!! Thanks for just being you bc you're pretty awesome! (◕‿◕✿)

Unknown said...

Thank you for nominating me Pilar! I agree with you that it's important to support and encourage each other as bloggers!!

Pilar said...

You're welcome! Thank you for being a constant reader of my blog!

Pilar said...

You're so welcome! Thanks for your kind words as well and for the nomination!!

Pilar said...

You're welcome Ashley! I appreciate your consistent visits and comments!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award! Well deserved!

Pilar said...

Thank you for the kind words!

Amelie said...

Thank you for nominating me Pilar! I just came back from a vacation and I have a few busy days ahead of me but I will definitely do this once I have some time!

Pilar said...

You're welcome! Thanks for being a consistent reader of my blog! I hope you had a nice vacation!

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