Monday, January 8, 2024

Happy Heavenly Birthday Mommy

 Hello Everyone,

Today is my mom's 59th birthday. She may no longer be here, but today will always be special to me. My mom has been gone six months and honestly it doesn't get easier. I miss and think about her everyday. Sometimes it's hard to process that she is really gone. I think when you lose a loved one especially a close loved one you learn to adapt to life without them. I mentioned this before she wasn't just my mom, she was best friend.

Birthdays were always special to my mom. A little back story. My mom had me exactly two weeks to date before her 21st birthday. She used to tell that I was supposed to be born on her birthday, but I decided to come earlier. She used to joke that I was impatient then as I am now lol. She used to call me her Christmas Day and early birthday gift. 

This was one of my moms favorite pictures of herself taken years ago. This is one of my favorite pictures of her as well. She looks so beautiful.

My mom died on the 4th of July and ironically that was one of her favorite holidays. Technically my first holiday without my mom was the day she died. I survived all the other holidays without her, but it was hard. I woke up crying on Christmas/My Birthday knowing she was gone and not telling me happy birthday and Merry Christmas. Then I remembered she wouldn't want that for me. So today I'm going to try not to cry and remember all the happy memories of my mom because that's what she would've wanted.

Since today is her birthday I decided to make her homemade pound cake. Since it's just me, I made a small loaf cake instead of a regular sized lemon pound cake. I'll probably give a few slices and freeze what's left.

Today as I celebrate my mom's birthday I remember her favorite color yellow, her beautiful singing voice, her laugher and comedic sense, her love of horses, her kindness, and most of all her love.

Happy Heavenly Birthday Mommy. I love you.


Vix said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to your beautiful Mum. What a lovely way to remember her birthday and you're right, despite your sadness your Mum would have wanted you to be happy.
Those anniversaries are so very hard. On my Mum's birthday for the first few years after she'd died me and a friend used to go out charity shopping and have lunch in the pub, two of mum's favourite things to do.
When you live in the hearts of others, you never die. xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your mom

Ivana Split said...

Happy birthday to your wonderful mother. This is a beautiful way to remember her. I think it's so lovely you're remembering her on her birthday.
The loss of our loved ones will always hurt, but as long as we honour them by keeping them in our hearts, a part of them lives on. I know you keep your mother in your heart, so her legacy of love, kindness and beauty lives on through you.

Marie said...

Happy Birthday to your gorgeous Mother! You look a lot like her Pilar. What a beautiful to celebrate your mom's life on her birthday. She is smiling from Heaven on you :)

Red Rose Alley said...

What a heartwarming post for your mom's birthday, Pilar. And a beautiful photo you shared of her. You look like her! Lemon pound cake sounds perfect to enjoy on her special day. I like how you will freeze some for later too. Happy Birthday to your beloved mom, Pilar.

And a Happy New Year too!


ALLIE NYC said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to your mom. I love that you made her pound cake. Yes it is true 6 months it is not any easier. There is also no such thing as closure. You just learn to live with the loss. But keeping her memory alive like you are helps. Very touching post.: )

Allie of

Mica said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, and how hard getting through special occasions must be without your mum. it's so nice you are able to keep her memory alive and celebrate in a small way by making her favourite cake for her birthday. It's so sweet :)

Jackie Harrison said...

That looks so delicious your mom will be so proud and she was beautiful you look like her. So happy that you share her memories with us may she rest in peace.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to your Mom. This is such a lovely way for you to honor and remember her Pilar.

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

I'm so sorry for your mom, what you did is wonderful!

Hena Tayeb said...

Such a wonderful way to remember your mother.

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