Saturday, August 1, 2015

Depression Awareness: Suicide Prevention

Hello Everyone!


I wanted to write today's post on suicide prevention since the one year death anniversary of actor and comedian Robin Williams' from suicide is coming up on August 11th. Even though it's almost been a year since his death I still find it shocking that he's gone. He provided joy and laughter for so many people through his movies, but sadly he was going through his own personal struggles.

Suicide can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, nonetheless a topic that needs to be discussed. As I typed this post, I must admit I felt a little uncomfortable writing about such a dark topic. However, I can only hope that this post helps someone who is having a difficult time coping with life. A person who is feeling suicidal may feel that no one will understand, they will face judgment, or any other negative feelings that are typically associated with suicide. As a person who has dealt/deals with depression myself, I know how important it is to recognize my feelings of sadness when I'm going through something. It's so important to deal with your feelings, and talk with someone etc. so you don't sink deeper into depression. Depression varies from person to person, but doesn't mean all people who deal with depression will try to commit suicide or even think about suicide.

I think one of the interesting things about life is that everyone has a story. Behind some of those stories are people that may be dealing with issues that their families, friends, etc. are unaware of. This is one reason why I try to show the people in my life that I care and that I love them because as much as we think we know someone, you may not know their full story and things they are dealing with. If you know someone who is suicidal try to be there, show compassion, and not judge the person.

I have a B.A. in Psychology, but I'm not a health professional. I found a link about suicide, suicide prevention, etc.

Remember, if you're feeling suicidal, there is hope. Life may have difficulties, but nothing unpleasant last forever. You can feel happy again.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Marie said...

This is a great post to bring awareness to suicide prevention. Suicide is an uncomfortable topic to talk about, but if more people discussed it maybe more lives could be saved.

Unknown said...

As someone who has delt with a suicide in their family it's a really hard concept to grasp. It leaves so many questions that will never be answered and a lot of things that will never be understood, which just like you said has to do with their story that everyone is unaware of. It's just a sad thing that it can become a story that will never be known.

I know like you said, topics like this can be uncomfortable but they need to not so much of a taboo so I'm glad you write posts about this stuff Pilar! Since I've delt with this first hand, it was a long time before the mention of suicide, anything related, even the word it's self bothered me.

Also please know that you can always always always come to me if you ever need someone to talk to Pilar! I'm someone who's delt with depression before too so I know how lonely it can feel!

Jackie Harrison said...

Is a situation that its sad and leaves their family and friends with question and guilt.

Pilar said...

Thank you! This was a challenging post for me to write because the topic is still taboo. I agree if more people discussed suicide prevention, I think more lives could be saved too.

Pilar said...

I'm sorry for your loss Ashley. I can imagine how hard that must have been for you and your family. Suicide leaves so many unanswered questions for those left behind. On another note, thanks for the support! You're right feeling depressed can feel lonely at times because it can leave you feeling like no one understands. I'm here if you need to talk as well!

Pilar said...

This so true, good insight. I think it's important for family and friends to discuss their feelings as well when someone commits suicide so they can begin to heal.

willsingformakeup said...

Such an important topic to discuss. I think the first step is just talking about it. Thanks for giving everyone the platform to join in on this topic.

Shireen L. Platt said...

Thank you for highlighting this topic, Pilar. I wish there are more awareness to this matter. Anyone with suicidal thoughts are in a very dark place and they desperately need help.

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

A Very Sweet Blog said...

And what's so sad, is usually that person just needs someone to talk to. Psychiatrists are ok, but just to have a friend or family member to talk to helps out so much. Not enough money goes into mental health. Programs are being cut. And all socioeconomic levels and races are affected. I've dealt with depression in the past. It's hard.

Pilar said...

This is a post that I had to really sit down and think about what I wanted to say. You're right, the first step is to talk about it. I can only hope that someone in a suicidal crisis will talk to someone or seek help.

Pilar said...

I agree, I can imagine that having suicidal thought would put a person in a dark place. I would think those thoughts are probably scary as well. I wish more awareness would focus on suicide because some people are hurting emotionally and just need to be given hope things will get better.

Pilar said...

That's so true, all some people need is a friend or someone they know cares. Depression is hard. Even though I've talked with a counselor for my issues with depression in the past, I find talking to people I'm close to helped/helps me feel better. I wish more money would go to metal health programs as well. I remember when I was a senior in college, I wrote a paper on state funding for mental health programs.

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