Wednesday, June 26, 2019

My Life in June 2019

Hello Everyone!

It's almost the end of the month, and it's time for a monthly lifestyle post!

I started June by doing a makeup look for a client. June was a busy month for me in terms of doing clients makeup.

June is National Pride Month. I'm a straight woman, but I believe everyone should be able to love who they want to. In support of the LGBT Community,  I created this Rainbow Sparkles Eye Makeup Look

Thank you Derma E for sending over these skincare goodies!

Did you know that Urban Decay has their Perversion Mascara in a waterproof version?! Thanks Urban Decay for sending over this amazing trio set!

I love the UD Waterproof Fine Point Eye Pen!

The UD Perversion Waterproof Mascara means this mascara isn't going anywhere!

So I decided to try something different at Starbucks...mistake! This S'mores Frappuccino wasn't the worse drink that I ever had, but I won't order it again.

Much better!  This was a free Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher. 

Strawberry Refresher 

It's good to back home at T-Mobile lol!

After careful consideration, I decided to go back home to T-Mobile. Verizon was out their mind thinking I was got to pay a house payment for a cell phone bill. 

June means the Semi Annual Sale at  Bath & Body Works

I wanted to use my B&BW giftcard, but I didn't see anything I wanted. 

Yankee Candle was the same. The selection wasn't very good.

Disappointed with the selection

Lunch at McAlisters

I was near Sandy's the other day and I wanted to take a photo of the fountain. I'm assuming the green in the water is a cleaning solution?

I had to stop by Ulta to get a few things for my MUA Kit and I wanted to look for oil reducing skincare products.

I decided to get Clinique's Liquid Face Soap Oily Skin Formula. I've been using this for a few weeks and I'm noticing my face isn't as oily.

I was thinking traffic has been horrible in South Carolina since it was Father's Day Weekend. I realized it's starting to look like this on a daily basis, especially on the weekends.

Traffic Jam

Late Springtime Smokey Eye 

We had really bad thunderstorm in South Carolina last week. Trees were down and people were out of power for hours. 

Huda Beauty New Nude Palette

This abandoned building has significant purpose. This was Good Samaritan Waverly Hospital. Due to segregation, This hospital provided medical care to African Americans. After segregation this hospital continued to provide medical treatment to the community. Good Samaritan Waverly Hospital provided medical from 1952-1973. When the new county hospital was built in 1973 (first named Richland Memorial) which provided medical services to everyone, Waverly shut its doors due to lack of funding.

My mom was a Waverly Baby. She was born here in the mid 1960's. Thankfully by time my mom was born in the mid 1960's segregation was basically over in South Carolina. My mom told me that when she was a little girl my granddaddy showed her the room where she was born (the hospital was closed by then). On the news they mentioned if anyone has baby pictures of themselves to submit their photos. Unfortunately we don't have many pictures from the past because we lost our photos when our apartment flooded in 2015 from that historic flood here in South Carolina.

I think Allen University bought this building in the late 1980's, and the building has been unrenovated due to lack of funding. I heard on the news that Allen University wants to renovate and dedicate the building to Clementa Pinckney who was also a graduate of the university. You may know his name because sadly Clementa Pinckney was the Pastor and one of the Charleston 9 that were killed in Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC in 2015.

Wishing everyone a wonderful July!

June 2019 Posts

Freelance Makeup Kit Guide for Beginners

Memories of My Father 

Rainbow Sparkles

Urban Decay Perversion

Urban Decay Naked Palettes

Late Springtime Smokey Eye

Current Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

Hello Summer!

Glitter Eye Makeup feat. Huda Beauty New Nude Palette


Miss Val's Creations said...

It looks like you had a wonderful June Pilar! That is sad about the Good Samaritan Waverly Hospital. It sounds like it was full of history. I am sorry to hear you were affected by the 2015 floods. We have heard and read many devastating stories. Sometimes things like s'mores are best left as is. It seems it would be strange to drink. :)

Red Rose Alley said...

I can't believe June is almost over! That was an interesting story of your mom being born in the Waverly building. Wow, you had a thunderstorm last week! Nel told me that in Georgia they would get the tropical rains almost every day in the Summer. She thought it was so neat to watch. The fountain is pretty, and I'm always drawn to fountains. That very berry drink at Starbuck's looks so refreshing and good. Happy July days to you, Pilar.


Anonymous said...

Nice recap!

Lisa said...

The smokey eyes and glasses look really good on you.
We got a taste of that thunderstorm too. Not sure how far from me you are but I’m only a couple miles from Clover.
We had a few trees down in the area but lucky for us, we do not have any trees close enough to fall on our house and that gives me a sense of security. I hate driving around in a storm too.


iamperlita said...

I really loved that pride inspired makeup! Also, they have new guava-flavored drink at Starbucks that I want to try. Enjoy your week!
PerlaGiselle |

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Unas fotos preciosas!Clinique me encanta! Espero verte pronto por mi blog! Feliz día ! 🤗🤗🤗

Beauty Unearthly said...

Great post dear, thanks for sharing these products :)

Anna B. said...

I like your makeup posts Pilar. I'm a Christian and believe homosexuality is a sin. God loves us and wants to forgive us of our sins if we turn away from a sinful lifestyle and ask for forgiveness. I too believe in Love, but if we love them, we will let them know the homosexual lifestyle is not of God. Acceptance is not loving them.

Looking forward to more makeup posts in July!

Pilar said...

June has been full of different events that kept me busy! I can't complain! I agree I think the story about the Good Samaritan Hospital is kind of sad for a couple of reasons. When the county hospital opened I wish Richland Memorial would have purchased Waverly so it could continue as an annex for the community to reduce overcrowding and provide more care for everyone. The hospital was a staple for African Americans during segregation, but once desegregation began all people could've have continued care. I'm not sure if you're familiar with healthcare systems here in South Carolina since your fairly new to the state, but there needs to be more medical facilities. I would've loved to see what Waverly could have become.

Thanks Val, I truly appreciate that. It's been almost 4 years ago and my family had to move because of the mold and water damage. I had a bad cough for weeks from the mold. It was a mess and the apartment manager didn't do much to help. I used to have nightmares after the flood. I'm just grateful to God we made it through that turbulent time.

I tried to like that S'mores Frappuccino, but it didn't taste that good. I agree things like S'mores should be left as is!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! Wishing you Happy July days as well! I think the story of my mom being born at the Waverly Hospital interesting too especially when she saw the room where she was born. That was a pretty bad thunderstorm last week! All of a sudden it became windy, rainy, and thundering and lightning! I really like the fountain near Sandy's. It really adds attraction to the shopping center! I love the Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher, but I think the barista gave me the wrong drink because it tasted different than what I'm used to drinking lol.

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa! I think I'm at least an hour or so away from you. I was wondering if North Carolina had recent thunderstorms. I noticed that NC and SC weather is very similar. Being out in that storm wasn't fun at all! If I would've know it was going to do all that I would've stayed in! I didn't see any trees in my area, but I heard on the news a tree fell on this man in his backyard. I think his sister saw the tree fall on her brother. So sad.

Pilar said...

Thanks Perla! I can only hope the guava flavored drink will tasted better than that S'mores Frappuccino! I hope you're enjoying your week!

Pilar said...

Gracias Carolina! Feliz día para ti tambien!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Anna! I plan on creating more makeup looks for the Summer!

In regards to your other comment, I'm a Christian too, but I do believe that being a child of God that I'm not going to judge someone else for how they choose to live their life or who they choose to love. When I write about religion on my blog, I always write the disclaimer that I'm not one to force my beliefs on anyone. I always write that disclaimer since everyone doesn't have the same views as I do in terms of my relationship with God. As I stated before I'm a straight woman, but I know people that are in the LGBT Community. My social media handles are places where everyone is welcome. I do believe that even if a person doesn't agree with someone else's lifestyle, there should be a means of respect and understanding.

Evi Erlinda said...

Hi Pilar, How have you been??

Coming back to visit you and follow your blog :)

Have a wonderful week end!

Marie said...

It looks like had an eventful June Pilar! I tried the S'mores Frap and I didn't like it either. That pride look you did was so pretty. I have a cousin that is gay and I've seen the way others have treated him just because he likes men. I was reading the comments and one of your followers mentioned about religion and God. I hope you don't mind that I'm adding my thoughts. I agree with you I believe in God and I feel that everyone should be treated with respect despite if someone agrees with their lifestyle choices in regards of sexuality. No disrespect to anyone's comments. Have a great weekend!

LoveT. said...

It was a great Month for you! I really like your Make up. :)

Happy Weekend <3

Erra Mood said...

Miałaś bardzo pracowity czerwiec :)

Jackie Harrison said...

Great month and cool shopping spree.

Ivana Split said...

It seems like you had a lovely month. It's great that you're working more as a make up artist, because you're so talented. I'm sure you do a great job with your clients. I always like the make up looks you create.

I hope that the abandoned historical hospital (Good Samaritan was it called?) that offered medical help to everyone it times of segregation will be restored. It seems like such an important place to preserve, not just because it is a hospital (and they are obviously always important) but also because it is important from a historical point of view. Fingers crossed it works outs, it looks like a beautiful building too. So cool your mother was born in this hospital.

Kinga K. said...

Nice summary of June😘💙💜💚

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Wow I didn't realize that Verizon charged such exorbitant prices for it's plans. I've been on T-Mobile for many years and have never thought of switching. Wishing you a fantastic month of July Pilar!

Pilar said...

Thanks Evi! I'm doing well! I hope you are doing well! Have a great week!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! I'm not a big coffee drinker, but I did want to give the S'mores Frappuccino a try. It's not for me lol. I don't mind you adding your thoughts to the discussion in the comments section from earlier. Like I mentioned before I'm a christian too, but I've also seen how people in the LGBT Community are sometimes treated unkindly and unfairly. I just believe that everyone should be able to love who they want to without ridicule or judgement. I know people who've said their families have turn their back on them because of their sexuality. I just think that's so sad. I'm straight, but I wanted to create that look in support and for all those I know in the LGBT Community. Have a great week!

Pilar said...

Thanks T! Happy Sunday!

Pilar said...

Bardzo zajęty!

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie! I actually didn't go on a shopping spree for the SAS. I had a few giftcards to spend, but I decided to save them for another sale since I didn't see that great of a selection.

Pilar said...

Aww thank you Ivana! You're too kind! I really love doing MUA work for my clients! I have a few new looks planned for my blog as well!

It was called Good Samaritan Waverly Hospital:) that was the full name of the hospital. I'm hoping that everything works out financially as well. This hospital has so much history and with the overflowing need for medical care, this would make a great building for another medical services for the community. Wasn't that an interesting story about my mom being born at Waverly? I thought it was cool that my granddaddy showed her the room where she was born when she was a little girl.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kinga!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena! I hope you have a wonderful July! Exorbitant prices is an understatement lol! I saw that first bill and said absolutely not! There were charges that weren't even supposed to be on the bill and Verizion didn't even adjust the credits! Ridiculous!

Linda, Libra, Loca said...

I live next door to the hospital I was born in and loved to show that place to my children. They were both born in another city though.

Paola Lauretano said...

Another beautiful month Pilar, lovely recap!!!
Happy July!
Kisses, Paola.


Pilar said...

That's really interesting you live next to the hospital where you were born!

Pilar said...

Thanks Paola! Happy July!

nerline said...

It looks like you had a busy month. Mine was busy too. Keep doing what you do doll.

Pilar said...

Thanks Nerline! Very busy month indeed!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...