Friday, June 7, 2019

Rainbow Sparkles

Hello Everyone!

Do everything with an open heart and kindness...

June is National Pride Month. I'm a straight woman, but I have friends, family members, and people in my audience who identify as LGBTQ.

I believe that everyone should be able to love who they want without ridicule and or judgement. I was taught to love everyone. My social media handles are places where is everyone is welcomed.

To show support of my friends, family members, and my audience, etc. I wanted to create a colorful makeup look for National Pride Month.

To create this colorful look, I used my Morphe×James Charles Palette. 

To create a sparkle effect with the eyeshadow, I used NYX Eyeshadow Base in Pearl 

Sparkle Out Loud Beauties! Love is Love

June 2019 Posts

Freelance Makeup Kit Guide for Beginners

Memories of My Father   

May 2019 Posts

Hello May 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Clinique Skincare and Makeup

A Mother's Day Message for My Mom

Zoya Barefoot Collection: Summer 2019 

Life Lessons

Highlighter CollectionSummer 2019

Summer Beauty Must Haves 2019 

Beauty Influencer

My Life in May 2019


Anonymous said...


PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

I agree with you after all Love is Love Let's love one another without pre conceptions shame or any negativity We need more love in this world This post is beautiful and your makeup so inspiring Lovely colours Happy weekend xoxo Cris

Info BO Terbaru said...

Woow Nice article I am like your post. "Perfect "
Good job TanksFor sharing
Please follow me back

Buku Vs Youtube Apa Yang Ada Di Benak Anda Kebanyakan berasumsi No..

Miss Val's Creations said...

A fun way to show support! I completely agree!

Pam said...

I agree with you. I have several friends that are gay.

Ivana Split said...

I really like your rainbow eyeshadow, this is a great make up look and it's great you're using it to mark national pride month. Everyone should be able to love freely without fear of judgement.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love the colorful makeup!

krishna said...


Sakuranko said...

Oh very cute makeup darling

Marie said...

This is a beautiful message and your makeup is beautiful Pilar!

Linda, Libra, Loca said...

I feel the same way: Even though I am straight and live in a conventional relationship with marriage and children, I don't think anyone should be denied to love whom and how they want (as long as no one comes to harm and terms are agreed on from both sides).
It is important to raise our voices in support!

Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

Priya Hareesh said...

Do everything with open heart and kindness was what was heartouching, so nice of doing a makeup which supports a cause, beauty with a cause

ALLIE NYC said...

I agree %100! And kind of sad that are country seems to be moving in a darker less inclusive direction. But on happy note your rainbow makeup came out GREAT!

Allie of

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I absolutely agree that everyone should be to love without judgment or ridicule and I hope that a day will come when that is possible. After all none of us are truly free until we are all free.

Susie said...

So pretty Pilar. Your lips are perfect. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Cris! I agree love is what the world needs. I wanted to create this makeup look for a good cause. Have a great weekend!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome.

Pilar said...

Thanks Val!

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam. Like I mentioned I have friends, family, and some of my followers are LGBTQ. I've seen some of them struggle with their sexual identity in fear of what the world thinks etc.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana! I agree.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley!

Pilar said...

Thanks Krishna!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sakuranko!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie!

Pilar said...

I agree Anne. I'm straight too. I don't anyone should be denied to love who they choose.

Pilar said...

Thanks Priya!

Pilar said...

Thanks Allie!

Pilar said...

I hope that day will come too for everyone to love without judgement or ridicule.

Pilar said...

Thanjs Susie! Blessing to you as well!

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