Friday, August 30, 2013

Crocheting Project: Double Crochet Beanie Hat

Hey Everybody!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
 I've been really focusing on my crocheting lately :) For today's post I wanted to share a double crochet beanie hat I made. I was kinda psyched to make this hat because I haven't made a beanie before now. Overall I was pleased with the way it came out. Once I found a crocheting technique that worked for me, this project was fairly simple. I started at the rim rather than using the crown technique. I usually wear those ridged hats (crocheting support ), but I don't wear a lot of beanies. I thought it would be cool to make one to wear and add it to my upcoming fall/winter accessories :)

Double Crochet Beanie Hat


The top of the hat (I had to lay the hat on one side)


Materials Used

Red Heart Yarn: Grey Heather
Boye Hook: Size J (I added the pencil grippers)
Boye Tapestry Needles


Pics of me wearing the beanie :)




Thanks for reading!  If you like my blog hit the join this site button and keep up with me!


ashleymariablogs said...

Wow! How cute :)

Pilar said...


Nicole said...

That hat is so cute! Love how the top is cinched together! I'll need to start crocheting more fall projects the cold is quickly on its way! Also love the lip color what's its called?

Pilar said...

Thanks! I thought the top of the beanie being clinched together was cute. The lip color is called Berry Pretty by Avon Healthy Makeup. I don't think they have it anymore :( last year I bought a few while they were on sale. Now that I'm down to the last two lip creams, I looked on the website and I didn't see it. I know that Amazon carries them, but I'm hoping Avon will bring it back lol.

Crystal said...

Wow, great job! I love it! :o)

Pilar said...


Kristen said...

love that beanie and the color. love gray. it looks good on you. hope you make more.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kris!

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