Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Perception of Self Image

Hello everyone!

So if  you read my previous naked face blog then you probably can guess the basis of this blog..self image...

First I want to start off by saying I'm not this overly confident person who is on top of the world with being totally secure with myself because im not. In reality I don't think anyone in the world can be that self confident. Nobody is perfect. One of my neighbors in my dorm before I graduated college once said "Pilar you're the most confident person I've ever met" I felt flattered, yet taken aback because I was saying to myself wow "that's how you see me" but when I thought about it a few others have told me that too. I was also saying to myself "I have many insecurities too" However, I wasn't given myself enough credit for the wonderful things others saw in myself that I couldn't see. I guess thats one major reason why I chose psychology as my major in college because I truly want to help people. I've seen so many people struggle with the daily pressures of life and it takes them on a downward spiral. No one should ever have to feel that way...ever..I just feel a lot has to do with our individual self image and perception of ones self. Some people struggle harder with this than others and thats ok. There is no shame in that. I think the most difficult part is when society and media has something to say about it. I'm not going to be a hyprocrite here because I like makeup and fashion etc, but those are just "things" While they are nice to have, they are material items. Material items don't define who you are. Here's food for thought be the best you can be and love yourself, flaws and all :)

What do you think? I would like to know your views on self image etc.


Thanks for reading! If you like my blog, hit the join this site button to keep up with me!


Raineys Crochet said...

This is a really interesting blog! I think in large groups I come across as quite confident and witty, however when I am in smaller groups, I find it harder to connect with people as I feel more attention is placed on you when you are in smaller groups! I do really like myself most of the time, and I feel make up is an art, I do it for myself just as much as for others, it is quite a personal process really!

Thanks for following my blog! I wish you had a follow button on your blog so I could keep updated more easily! Have really liked ALL your posts from the beginning! Feel like we started out blogging at the same time and just love your blog!

Lorraine xx

Pilar said...

I totally agree I know I feel shy sometimes when the attention is solely on me lol and with make up I've heard so many people say negative things "makeup just covers insecurities etc" I soooooo don't think thats true! I think sometimes makeup is look down on rather than knowing the person's reasons for wearing it, whatever that may be. It's a personal choice. Your right makeup is art. It takes time and patience to achieve certain looks lol.

And thanks! Your blog is great as well!! I think I did start blogging around the same time you did. I've been trying to figure out the whole blogging navigating experience lol but I think I did it right beacause I added the "follow this site" feature on the side of my page

Rachel Gourley said...

I loved reading this! I've learnt throughout school and college that you shouldn't care what other people think - people may talk bad about you or criticise you and it will hurt but you can do either two things - listen to what they're saying and let if affect you, or you can hold your head up and not give a f*** - I do the latter myself lol I know I'm not perfect but I don't let other people's petty opinions take over my life - plus I like to surround myself with people who like me for who I am and appreciate who I am and the only way you can do that is by portraying the right and real image of yourself :)
p.s. love your blog and followed! :)
Rachel x

Pilar said...

I'm more of the latter too, of what you said lol. People are always going to have opinions in most instances aren't necessarily true. I've noticed people that always have something negative or rude etc. to say about others are usually harbouring insecurites themselves. I've always tried to surround myself around positive people and you're right it's so important to surround yourself around people who appreciate you etc. I've always told myself I would not associate with friends or date a man who doesn't accecpt me or appreciate me. It's all about knowing your self worth. I just think some people don't realize their self worth because of negative influences surround them. I try my best to stay clear of those type people. Thanks!! You have a great blog too!! I followed you as well!!

lameyy said...

This is a great post! Some people always have something bad to say about themselves and if we learn to accept our insecurities instead of trying to combat them, I think people would be more self confident. I'm very interested in psychology and an interesting research is ACT. I like your blog so far, please check out mine!x

Pilar said...

Thanks, I'm glad you like my blog! That's true too, learning to accept our insecurities, and flaws etc. It's like I was saying no one is perfect. However, if there are things a person wants to change it should be to that person's discretion. Personal changes shouldn't be based on outside negative influences of other people.

I'll go take a look at your blog! Thanks for following!

Kristen said...

This is a great post that people of all ages should read, because no one is confident in themselves all the time and it would be nice for people to see that they are not alone. I know that my family think that I am this outgoing person and that my parents think I can blend in and adapt to new surroundings but I am this shy, quiet person that can be afraid to speak up because I am afraid of saying something stupid. when it comes to insecurities everyone has them, but it is what you do with them that counts. I always believed that you don't let anyone or anything run your life, you run your life the way you want it, no matter what others say. this is one post that people will see that they are not alone and maybe they will see hope beyond the cloud that they are living under at this moment and turn things in their life in a positive way.

Pilar said...

That's one main purpose I wrote this, because everyone has insecurities and there is nothing wrong with that, it's like you said it's all about what you choose to do with those insecurities. My hope is that when people read this they can take something from it. If I can just help one person feel better about themselves by reading this, that makes me feel like I'm making a positive difference in the world. I plan on writing more posts pertaining to subjects like this.

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