Monday, December 19, 2016

Fab Fit Fun Winter Box 2016 Unboxing

Hello Everyone!

* This is a sponsored post by Fab Fit Fun.  I want to thank Fab Fit Fun for sending this me this box for review purposes. All opinions are 100% my own.

I was recently contacted about reviewing another Fab Fit Fun box. Today I'm unboxing the Fab Fit Fun Winter 2016 Box that I received over the weekend. Let me tell you these boxes sell out quickly, so to get a chance to receive a quarterly box is pretty exciting!

 Product Information

- Each FAB FIT FUN Box is retailed for $49.99/ Seasonally

-The FFF Winter 2016 Box is valued at $252.95. *Not bad for only $49.99!

Fab Fit Fun Magazine 

In every FFF BOX you will receive a magazine that gives you a description of all the products, tips, recipes etc.

What's inside the FFF Winter 2016 Box?

1. Starlight Children's Foundation Starlight Pendant

Fab Fit Fun partners with a charity to raise awareness. For the Winter Box, Fab Fit Fun partnered with the Starlight Children’s Foundation.

About Starlight Children's Foundation

Each year, more than 30 million children in the US suffer from a critical, chronic or terminal illness.

Many of these kids experience long hospital stays, painful medical treatments and sometimes a scary and uncertain future.

Starlight turns pain, fear and stress into laughter, fun and joy – because a sick kid is still a kid at heart.

Me wearing my star pin

To raise awareness about Starlight Children's Foundation FabFitFun wants you to:

Take a photo with your pin
Post it on Instagram and tag @fabfitfun and @starlightchildrensfoundation
In the caption, share your holiday wish with hashtag #wishuponastar, #fabfitfun, and #starlightchildrensfoundation

*My holiday wish is to maintain good health and have a happy holiday season. May we not forget those who are ill, especially the children. 

 2. D.L. & CO Candle

This candle automatically caught my attention. If you follow my blog, you probably already know that I love candles and this one smells so good! This candle reminds me of Bath and Body Work's Winter 3 wick cande, except this candle has a lighter woodsy scent.

3. Gorjana Necklace

What a gorgeous necklace! I don't own anything like this in my jewelry collection. I can't wait to wear this necklace!

4. Marie Mae Company Thank You Card Set

This is such a beautiful thank you card set! These cards are perfect to send out during Holidays or anytime you need to send someone a thank you card. This set includes 10 thank you cards and envelopes.

5. Moleskine 2017 Weekly Planner

This color is so pretty!

I was unaware of the stickers until I looked in the back of the planner.

I have a Planner that I use for blogging, but this Planner will come in handy for my personal schedule next year. I also really like the color!

6. Butter London Iconoclast Mascara

I've never used a Butter London Product, so I'm looking forward to using this Mascara. I love how  this mascara is full sized. I plan on doing a full review on this product.

7. O.R.G. Skincare Mineral Peel Face

I'm unfamiliar with this brand. This product is supposed to brighten skin and remove dead skin cells. I'm interested in seeing if this product will live up to its claims. The scent smells very clean and fresh. 

8. Anderson Lilley Beach Butter Body Cream

I'm also unfamiliar with this brand, but I love using body butters especially during the colder months. I really like the scent. It smells just like the description, tangerines.

So many goodies in this box! I can't wait to test out everything! I mentioned earlier in the post that these boxes tend to sell out quickly, so when a new box comes out I suggest that you go ahead and make your purchase.  You may even want to consider ordering a box pre sale to ensure you don't miss out! As a gift to my audience, use my code PILAR to receive $10 off of your first box!

For more information about FFF, I linked my first impressions post on the Fab Fit Fun Welcome Box CLICK HERE  or

Don't forget to use code PILAR to receive $10 off of your first box!

Don't forget to check out my Blogmas related posts. My links are below

Blogmas: Christmas Tree Decorations

Blogmas: Holiday Makeup: Rose Gold Smokey Eye

Blogmas: Holiday Skincare Prep ft. Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Products Part 2

More of My December Posts

Fall 2016 Makeup Looks Recap

Reflections: My Year in Review 2016/ Almost 31 Years Old

Inspirational Post: Body Positivity

Happy Holidays, and Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Shireen L. Platt said...

I know many love this subscription but for some reason it never really interest me. I guess I love my beauty products too much. LOL!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Beauty Unearthly said...

Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

Marie said...

This box has so many things I want to try! I think raising awareness about the Children's Starlight Foundation is very important! I like how items are full sized products! Are you going to write a review on the body cream?

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

You definitely got some fantastic goodies in this box! That candle totally caught my eye and I had no idea that Butter London made mascara.

Pilar said...

From the two FFF boxes that I've done reviews on, I really love their variety of products. I haven't been disappointed at all! I truly see the hype all the beauty lovers talk about this subscription box!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and same to you!

Pilar said...

That's one of the things I love about FFF, they raise awareness for different charities and organizations. That Starlight pin is so pretty and it for a good cause! I can write a review of the body cream!

Pilar said...

Thanks! The candle smells so good! I can wait to light it! I didn't know Butter London made Mascara either! I'm definitely writing a review about it!

Jackie Harrison said...

Awesome items in this box doll.

Pilar said...


Midnight Cowgirl said...

This is a subscription I've been wanting to try! So many fun things :)

Unknown said...

So many goodies in this box! I love that they are raising awareness for that children's foundation! That candle looks super pretty, and so does the necklace! I'm excited to see your thoughts on the mascara!

Anonymous said...

Nice box! All these for only $49.99? That's a great deal!

Elle Sees said...

Loved seeing what you got! I have that one too and got a few of the same things.

Pilar said...

You should defintely give this subscription a try!

Pilar said...

That's one of my favorite things about this box, FFF is raising awareness for the Starlight Children's Foundation! The pin is gorgeous and it's for a very good and important cause. The candle smells so nice, and I don't have a necklace like this one in my collection. I can't wait to wear it! I didn't even know Butter London made Mascara! I'll write a review on this hopefully sometime next month!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and yes it is!

Pilar said...

Thanks! I remember reading your review! These boxes are so awesome!

Claire said...

i am hearing great things about this box! it is really interesting and i love that there is a large variety of products in it !

Pilar said...

This is a great quarterly subscription box! I love that each box contains full sized products too!

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