Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Inspirational Post: Deadlines

Hello Everyone!

I want you to ask yourself something... If you gave up your passion, would you miss it? Could you be okay with giving up something you love or want to do in life?

I know for me that answer would be no. I think about some of the things I love to do or want accomplish and I couldn't imagine how my life would be different if I completely gave those things up. Shortly before I turned 30 years old back in December I started to freak out about not meeting deadlines I set for myself. Isn't it funny how life has a way of going the complete opposite of how you thought it would be? I know in life you have to sometimes put your goals and dreams on the backburner, but that doesn't mean you have to completely give up on them altogether.

Even if things don't happen when you want them to too, that doesn't mean you're a failure. You know what I believe? Failure is when you have a constant negative attitude. Yes we're only human and we may feel down about things from time to time, but staying in a constant state of negativity isn't good or healthy for you. It may take a you a little more time to accomplish your dreams and goals, but you finished them nonetheless. In some cases you may have to redirect the path in which you are going and that's okay too. You may even find yourself going down another path if  you discover a new passion that you find interesting. It's good to set deadlines, but if you don't meet the deadline in the time you set for yourself, don't be hard on yourself. Everything in life has it's set time and your hard work and dedication will be worth it in the end!

Also, don't forget to check out my Monthly Favorites post!

Monthy Favorites: June 2016

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Jackie Harrison said...

I always put god first in my life and in what I do so I start my day in a positive not great post.

Unknown said...

Great post, Pilar! I agree, the answer to your question above is a no for me too. And you're right, if someone has a negative attitude all the time isn't good for your health. It is okay to redirect our paths in life, and also necessary to do so when life throws things at us. We should never give up on something just because of the time it takes to accomplish, even if it's taking more time than we had planned

willsingformakeup said...

I completely agree, Pilar! As we mature and come into who we really are, our goals mature and change with us. Sometimes, the dream is the same and sometimes it isn't. Either way, it's a good thing! You are so right about having a negative attitude. It's terrible for your health and well-being!

Unknown said...

Great post Pilar! I completely agree dedication is always worth it in the end xx


Pilar said...

Thanks! I agree Jackie, I always put God first in my life and in everything I do. I try to start my day by saying a prayer!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I've never been one to just give up on my dreams. Some things aren't meant to be, but there's nothing wrong with focusing your attention on new possibilities!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Very well said Pilar! So true how a negative attitude can actually be a form of failure only we don't always realize it a the time.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Having a negative attitude can just make you feel bad in the long run. In life you have to look forward to something!

Shireen L. Platt said...

You said it so well, Pilar! I think many don't know that failure can good for us as long as we learned from it and don't let it beat us down.

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Pilar said...

Thanks Lauren! It's all about maturing and coming into one's self! I try not to stay in a negative state of mind because it doesn't solve anything!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marina! Hard work always pays off!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena! I think it's easy to get consumed in one's thoughts and not realizing the damage that a negative attitude can cause.

Pilar said...

Thanks! So true! I look forward to the good things in life!

Pilar said...

Thanks Shireen! I look at any past failures as learning experiences and grow stronger to become better!

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