Monday, November 25, 2013

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

Hello Everyone!

I was tagged by Shalunya at shalunya boyet. She is one of the kindest inspirational bloggers and has a blog that is just as amazing as she is! Go vist her blog sometime!


The Rules

1. The Nominee of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award shall display the logo on her blog.

2. The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days (1 week) – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be ALL on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, etc.

3. The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees in a post or in posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.

4. The Nominee shall make these rules, or amended rules keeping to the spirit of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, known to each reader s/he nominates.

5. The Nominee must finish this sentence and post: ”A Great reader is…”

I feel "A great reader"... is someone who gains something useful, meaningful, and/or knowledgeable etc. from the text they are reading.

I was glad to to do this tag because (just as my previous "thank you post") it gives me the opportunity to let me my readers know how much I appreciate you all for taking the time to stop by my blog and commenting :) it really brightens my day! It's so important as bloggers that we support each other with kind words, encouragement, and positivity etc. Thank you blogger friends :)

Here are my Nominees


Thanks again to Shalunya and to my nominees thanks for being such constant supporters of my blog :)


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pilar in the Pantry: Spaghetti

Hello Everyone!
 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Tonight I decided to make a Spaghetti for dinner. I haven't made this meal in awhile, so I figured why not put it on the menu for tonight's meal :) I used ground beef and Italian sausage in my Spaghetti. It was so yummy!


I had to top off my Spaghetti with parmesan cheese!


Well there you have it, this is what I had for dinner tonight. Has anyone ever noticed that when you let Spaghetti set overnight, it tastes even better the second day?


Thanks for stopping by! Follow me on GFC if you like my blog!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Manicure Monday

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

Today for Manicure Monday I bring you some nail polish colors that I've been using within the last week and a half. All the colors I used are from Sinful Colors Professional.


"Courtney Orange"

"Dream On" 
This is one of the colors that I refered to as having a matte finish.


"Ruby Ruby"


"Why Not"

What colors have you been using on your nails lately? 


Thanks for stopping by! If you like my blog, follow me on GFC located on the right side of my blog. It's the follow this site button!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Beauty and Bath Haul and Review

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
I have another haul and review for you all! This time I have some beauty and bath items.  I was thinking to myself, hmmm…I guess the silver lining in falling behind on my reviews is that I'm getting good use out of my current items for a more detailed review :)


Side Note: All the items I have I've never used before except the Revlon Lip Gloss. Now on to the review!

1. Soft Soap Body Butter Coconut Scrub Body Buff Wash


I like this product a lot! I wanted to try a new body wash, and of course the nice smell grabbed my attention. I would definitely recommend this if you're looking for an exfoliating body wash. I purchased two since they were on sale at the time.

NYC and CoverGirl Eyeshadows


2. NYC City Mono Eyeshadow: In Vogue

Right now, this is one of my favorite darker eyeshadows. I adore this eyeshadow so much I bought two. It's very pigmented and it wears for most of the day see FOTD post

3. Cover Girl Eye Enhancers: Tropical Fusion

I must admit I really like tropical eyeshadow colors. Ok…ok… I know it's Fall, but I still like my bright colors! The blue in the palette is really a gorgeous color. This palette also wears well through out the day.

Revlon Lip Products



4. Revlon Lip Butter: Candy Apple (left) and Lollipop (right)

FINALLY!! I was able to get my lip butters in the colors I wanted to try! Don't you just hate when stores are constantly out of stock of the products you want to try or just want something in general?? Well at least it has been worth the wait. The lip butters are so hydrating on my lips and the colors are so pigmented and vibrant. I can wear these lip butters for hours. I also like the lip butters aren't sticky. Ugh sticky feeling lip colors are the absolute worst! I'm happy that there no worries with this product :)

5. Revlon Lustrous Lip Gloss click here for review This is a great lip gloss as well!  

Fatal Apple (Below)




6. Last, but not least the November issues of Cosmopolitan and Glamour Magazines. Now I just need to read them!

Have you tried any of these products? If so, what are your opinions on them?


Thanks for stopping by! If you like my blog follow me on GFC (join this site button on the right side of my blog)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Spoiled by Wet n Wild and LA Colors Art Deco Haul and Review! NOTD

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

I wanted to post a second review on two more nail polish brands in addition to my last fingernail polish review Sinful Colors Professional since I plan on showing you all pictures of my nails in future posts.


Spoiled by Wet n Wild

Back in August I featured this clear polish in Summer/August Favorites post (this of course is a new bottle) Well I was at CVS about a week ago, so I picked up three bottles of polish. Spoiled by Wet n Wild also offers a line of polishes that are vibrant, bold, and inexpensive $1.99 each. I think it's so great when I find nail polish that actually doesn't chip within one or two days after applying it on my nails. The only con I have is the brush. The polish brush on the wand is a tad larger than I prefer. Overall I think it's a good brand.


Tip Your Waitress
X-Ray Vision
Plastic Flamingo

LA Colors Art Deco

I wanted to try these for a while, and when I went to Walmart I picked up a few bottles. So far I like this brand as stated in its name "Art Deco" is very useful in creating nail art designs. I purchased these bottles for .98 each. Hopefully next time I go shopping for nail polish, there will be more varieties of colors.


Gold Glitter
Silver Glitter

TRIM Manicure Kit

I just threw in this manicure kit since it's important to keep healthy nails! This kit costs about a $1.00 at Walmart.


Here are my nails with Plastic Flamingo and Gold Glitter (NOTD)



Thanks for stop by! If you like my blog follow me on GFC (join the site button on the right side of the page)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sinful Colors Professional Fingernail Polish Haul and Review

Hello Everyone!
 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
As promised I'm trying to get caught up on my hauls and reveiws. I'm breaking them up in seperate posts. I figured that would be best so I won't overwhelm myself with typing and overwhelm you all with reading lol

Let's get started with fingernail polish!

So I haven't posted about fingernail polish in a long time! If you read one of earlier post from a while back, you already know that I adore fingernail polish! I'm always testing out brands that will meet my expectations. My latest findings are by a brand called Sinful Colors Professional.


First Impressions:

I absolutely love the vibrant and bold colors. Some of the colors give off a matte finish which is fine to me, but for those who don't like matte finishes try a clear top coat for a shiny finish.

I like the fact that these polishes are inexpensive. I purchased these  at Walmart for $1.98 each, so of course I stocked up on colors I wanted to try!

Another plus is that the polishes are long lasting. This is actually a great plus for me because it really irritates me when polishes chip not long after I polish my nails. So far the longest day I've gone without retouching my nails is six days. Very impressive I must admit!

I also like that it doesn't take very long to dry. Let's be real...nobody wants to wait forever for their nails to dry!


The only cons I have are the texture of the polish and the true
color of the polish...

Some textures of the polishes seem kind of thick. It's not terribly thick. I guess the good thing is that it doesn't take much to coat my nails and it spreads on my nails very smoothly.

Another issue I have is that some of the colors look different than the color in the bottle. For example if you're in a well lit environment or outside the some of the colors tend to look different (which can happen). Even if you're not in a bright environment, the colors can look different. The colors are still very pretty though.

Here are the lovely colors I chose:


Courtney Orange
Boom Boom
Sugar Sugar
Ruby Ruby
Dream On
Clear Coat


Let's Talk
Midnight Blue
Why Not
Black on Black

Overall I'm very pleased with my purchases. Knowing how I am, I will likely be purchasing more of Sinful Colors Professional. Stay tunned for my new series Manicure Mondays and/or NOTD so you can view the colors on my nails!

Here's my nails polished with Boom Boom


Have you tried Sinful Colors Professional? If so, what are your favorite colors?

Thanks for stopping by! If you like my blog, hit the join this site button (located on the right side of my blog) to follow me on GFC!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Liebster Award Part 5!!!!!

Hello Everyone!

I was nominated by Veronica@verosays Thanks for tagging me! This is my fifth nomination! These tags are so fun to complete! Make sure you check out her great blog on beauty, fashion etc!


The Liebster Award is intended to give some exposure to small blogs with less than 200 followers.

The rules are as follows:
-  Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
-  Answer the 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you.
-  Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.-  Go to the blogs you nominated and notify them of your nomination.
-  Give your nominees 11 questions to answer.

Veronica's Questions:

1. Drugstore or high end nail polish?
Drugstore nail polish is fine with me :)

2.Favorite Mascara?
Estèe Lauder or Covergirl Super Thick Lash Mascara

3.Holy grail under eye concealer?
Avon Concealer Stick

4. If you had to wear a full face of one brand what would it be?
Drugstore: Revlon
High End: Fashion Fair

5. Coffee or tea?
Tea especially if it's made with lemon!

6. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?

7. How long have you been blogging? Why did you start?
I've been blogging about 3 months, I always wanted to start a blog to share my ideas and thoughts with people. I love everything from makeup to crocheting.

8. Apple computer or other?
Compaq Laptop

9. Do you check prices before buying makeup products?
Most definitely!

10.Favorite you-tubers and/or bloggers?
-YouTube: Jarmaine, Nitraab, and Ciaoobellaxo
-Bloggers: I love reading my followers blogs because each one of you offer something special and I love reading all the various topics!

11.What are you looking forward to this month?

My Questions:

1. What do you like about Thanksgiving?

2. Favorite fingernail polish brand?

3. Glamour or Cosmopolitan Magazine?

4. Do you wear glasses?

5. Favorites Fall accersories?

6. Can you crochet or knit?

7. What are your must have makeup products?

8. Can you cook or bake?

9. What's your favorite season?

10. Do you plan to travel for the holidays?

11. Do you like shopping during Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

I tag anyone who wants to complete this! Thanks again Veronica for tagging me!

Thanks for stopping by! If you like my blog, hit the follow this site button (located on the right side of my blog) to follow me on GFC!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is off to a great start so far! Well I'm excited to discuss today's post for a few  reasons. I've been so busy with crocheting projects among other things I haven't had time organize beauty post, hauls, reviews, etc! Well I'm trying to get back on track this week :) Today is also my first FOTD post!

Here's the look I'm going for today. I used two of my new products I bought, NYC In Vogue Eyeshadow and Revlon Lip Butter in Lollipop (the review/haul coming soon!)




Here are the items I used for my look (I forgot to incude Fashion Fair Foundation stick in the picture...ooops!)


Thanks for stopping by! If you like my blog and want to keep up with me, follow me on GFC!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Why I Started My Blog

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone had a nice Halloween! I wanted to take some time out to tell my followers/readers why I decided to blog. I actually wanted to start a blog while I was in college, but I never found the time to do so. Even after graduating college in May 2010, I still didn't have the time. Well now that I found more time, I figured it would be a good time to start blogging so that's exactly what I did in July 2013.

At first I had no clue of what to call my blog lol. Seriously I really had to think about. I came up with Beauty and More by Pilar :) because I love all things related to beauty. The "and more" part is focused on all my other interests. I usually jot down my ideas for posts in this cute little journal book to keep organized. Since I don't always keep my laptop in front of me or sometimes I just don't feel like typing at the moment, I write down a rough draft of my posts in a spiral notebook and type it up at a later time.  I do these things so I won't forget my ideas.

As you may have noticed my interests can vary from social and health issues, fashion, and crocheting. (I'm hoping to share some of my food dishes in upcoming posts) I like to keep things versatile. As I mentioned I love before beauty topics are my most favorite. In the spirit of getting back to wearing making again (thank goodness the humidity is trying to taper off…let's hope it stays that way!) stay tuned for FOTD posts…they're also coming) Lately I have been focused on social and health issues such as domestic violence and Breast Cancer. They are two issues that greatly affect society and awareness is very important. Well those are a few reasons why I started my blog. What inspired you to start your blog?


Thanks for stopping by! I love reading your comments and checking out blogs! If you like my blog and want to keep up with me, follow me on GFC!                  

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...