Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Meal Prep: Chocolate Chip Overnight Oats

 Hello Everyone!

Before I start this post I want to thank everyone for their kind words on my last post. I truly appreciate it. Since I'm going back to work next week from medical leave, I thought it would be a good idea to start on some meal prep/meal prep ideas.

I've been wanting to make overnight oats for a long time and I finally got around to doing so. I was glad they turned out pretty tasty.

1 Cup Old Fashion Oats

1/2 Cup Milk of your choice

1 Tbsp Honey

1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract 

1/4 Cup Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 

Place in a jar with a lid. I use a 16 ounce Mason jar. Let Chill in the fridge overnight. I usually let my overnight oats set for at least 8 hours. I eat mine with 3 days. Some people choose 5 days, but to each its own.

Since I work 12 hours shifts I tweaked the recipe so I can eat this throughout the day

1 1/2 Cup of Old Fashioned Oats

1 Cup of Milk of your choice

1 TBSP Honey 

1 TSP Vanilla Extract 

1/4Cup Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

As I mentioned I'm new to making overnight oats, but so far I can see me making this for breakfast, snacks etc. I like that the overnight oats are filling and a quick go. I'll probably try blueberries next time.

What are your favorite go to overnight oats?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Where Have I Been?!

 Hello Everyone!

Surprised to see another post from me?! I didn't mean to take a three month hiatus, but once life happens. Working 12.5 hour shifts and everything else in between can be a little challenging to get everything done.

Back in April My landlord decided to sell the rental property last minute so I ended up moving. To be honest, I was ready for a change. I didn't like that I had limited time to move and working 12.5 shifts just to come home to pack, but thank God everything worked out for the best.

I moved into my new apartment during early May. I still haven't set everything up or unpacked everything and I've been living here for almost two months.

Fast forward to June, as you can imagine I was exhausted emotionally and physically. By the end of June I had a pulmonologist appointment and she wanted me to take a few days off. Going against doctors orders I ended up going back to work a day early due to feeling pressure from my job.

Well not 48 hours later I was in the ER. Guess what came back?!..Sepsis (3rd time) and pneumonia again, and a small blood clot in my lung. There was no doubt I was being admitted in the hospital's critical care unit. 

One year ago on July 4th 2023, I posted the most difficult post about losing my mom. A year later it still hurts. I don't think you ever get over losing your mom, but learn to adapt to life without them. She may no longer be here physically, but she's always here with me in my heart. She loved the 4th of July, so as I continue to recover from my recent hospital stay. I will celebrate and cherish the wonderful memories we shared. 💛

Lately my personal and work life have been stressful, but in moments I feel unsure, worried, and doubtful, I have to remember God is in control. Despite a few setbacks and challenges I'm still blessed. I have a couple of follow up doctor appointments this week, so per doctors orders I'm going to continue to get rest so that I can get better.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Almost 1 Year Later

Hello Everyone, 

I know that I've been m.i.a. for almost 3 months, but more about that in my next post. Today I want to focus on my mom.

Her 1 Year Heaven Anniversary is coming up. I rather call it that, because the word death is still hard to accept. There hasn't been a day in the past year I haven't thought about my mom. I miss her so much. I miss her on good days, bad days, moments I wish I could share things with her, moments I need her guidance and love. I miss seeing her beautiful face, hearing her angelic voice and laughter.

I won't sit here and pretend the past year has been easy because it hasn't. Emotionally, mentally, and physically it's been tough. My mom died on the the 4th of July last year and ironically it was one of her favorite holidays. I have no idea how I'll feel on the 4th of July, but I want to celebrate her life as she would have wanted. She may be gone physically, but she lives continously in my heart. I love and miss you mommy.

Talk with you all soon


Monday, March 25, 2024

How to Survive a 12.5 Hour Shift

 Hello Everyone!

I'm no stranger to working long hours, but when it comes to working a 12.5 hour shift. I must admit I'm a newbie lol. I've done 10.5 hours but never 12.5.

Get Rest

I cant stress this enough! Please get rest and enough sleep. Working 12 hours is exhausting enough now imagine working that long without proper rest. You can become cranky irritated, and likely won't have a good day at work.

Eat Well

I feel like I shouldn't be speaking on this much since I'm bad for skipping meals due to being busy at work.

Check in on your mental health

12 hour shifts can be emotionally exhausting, overwhelming, and demanding. I try my best to check in on how I'm feeling. I work with the public all day,  which in itself can be exhausting. Have you noticed the entitlement of people?! That's a tooic for another blog post lol. My therapist had me do a homework assignment. Write down my negative thoughts or things others say to me and then we'll process those feelings about it. I must admit it does help. 

Disconnect from Work when not Working

Once I clock, I leave work at work unless its something I have to get done for my job. My job takes up most of my day, and during my off days I want to focus solely on me or other things I need to get done. After a long shift the first thing I want to do when I get home is taking a relaxing shower.

Engage in Self Care

I was so happy to receive these Pacifica skincare items to add to my skincare routine. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Daylight Saving Time

 Hello Everyone!

We may have lost an hour of sleep, but honestly I'm glad that the sun will be setting later. I need sunlight. Today was one of these days where it was a beautiful day outside.

Happy Sunday

Saturday, February 17, 2024

A Personal Year

 Hello Everyone, 

Okay so I'm not going to start this post off with a new year, new me vibe. That's not what this post is about lol. You ever go through one of those times in your life that elevation means everything to you? That's where I am right now. I've always been a go getter and this year I'm going hard for becoming more of the woman I'm destined to be. At 38 years old I still don't have life figured out and that's okay. 

I'm also learning to accept and embrace these few stands of grey hair lol

2024 is very personal. I owe myself a lot. For the first time in a long time, I'm putting myself first. Self care and protecting my peace isn't selfish. I'm not entertaining personal relationships with people that aren't adding any value or meaning to my life. I'm not doing things or staying at jobs that leave me feeling stressed or feeling miserable. In order for new doors to open you have to have courage to close old doors. 

New Beginnings

2024 iI still in the early stages, but I'm optimistic about the future. After the year I had last year I'm definitely taking charge over things I can control. The things I can't control I'll continue to view them as life lessons and proceed forward. 

Friday, February 2, 2024

Valentine's Day Inspired Brownies

 Hello Everyone!

I haven't made brownies in so long! Since Valentine's Day is coming up, these are a great treat to make and share with those you love. 

To make these brownies more festive, I added sprinkles and powdered sugar. 

I'm not sure of why I've never added sprinkles to brownies before now, but the brownies are delicious!

Are you doing any baking for Valentine's Day? Happy Baking! 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Zoya's February Color of the Month "Love"

 Hello Everyone!

Disclaimer: This product was pr gifted by Zoya. Thank you so much for sending this product over! All opinions are 100% my own.

Last year Zoya started their color of the month series and today I'm going to share their color for February 2024, Love

Love is perfectly balanced, dynamic red, infused with both micro and macro glitters, creating a magical gemstone as it it dances between cool and warm tones, ensuring it flatters everyone. With just two coats, LOVE transforms your nails into the ultimate Valentine's Day accessory.

Whether adorned with Ultra Glossy Topcoat for a classic finish or paired with the Naked Manicure Defend & Shine Gelie for an encapsulated, multi-dimensional gemstone look, LOVE offers endless possibilities.

With ZOYA's signature ZWide brush inside, each application is a stroke of perfection, offering flawless coverage.

Color Family - Red

Finish - Glitter

Coverage - 2 - Coat Coverage (1 = Sheer - 5 = Opaque)

Tone - Neutral

Zoya has done it again with their nail polish release! I'm in love with Love! This hue of polish reminds of the Ruby Slippers that Dorothy wears in the Wizard of Oz. The polish is so sparkly and vibrant what's not to love? I think this polish adds a little razzle dazzle to the color red in time for Valentine's day or throughout the month of February in general. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Pacifica Sunny Glow Bronzing Drops

 Hello Everyone!

Disclaimer: This product was pr gifted by Pacifica Beauty. Thank you so much for sending these products over! All opinions are 100% my own.

Since it's Winter, my skin tends to look pale on those extremely cold days or when I'm not feeling the best. Pacifica Beauty recently released their Sunny Glow Bronzing Drops and I was happy to try this product for my skin.

Skincare meets a sunny glow with the power of Vitamin C. Get your glow–up with skin-loving and brightening benefits of Vitamin C, Glycolic Acid, and Kakadu Plum. This all-in-one complexion enhancer instantly illuminates dull-looking skin. Perfect for cheeks, forehead, the tip of your nose, or any area you want to add a little sunshine.


Good For: All skin types
Skin Situation: All, especially lackluster in need of a pick-me-up

Smells Like: Light citrus

Feels Like: Silky serum

Skin Looks: Healthy + glowing

Skin Feels: Hydrated + dewy

Adds a touch of glow with a natural-looking finish

Brightens, smooths, + refines

Sheer finish for all skin tones

Formulated without parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, silicones or talc.

Always 100% vegan + cruelty-free made with compassion for the planet, animals, and you.

My Thoughts

After the zoom meeting Pacifica hosted last month, I was looking forward to trying the Sunny Glow Bronzing Drops. I like that this product is affordable ($16.00) and a little goes a long way. You can see this by swiping left on my photo. The Sunny Glow Bronzing Drops feel apply so smoothly on the skin and smell amazing! It's a light citrus scent. During the cold Winter days, my skin has been looking a little pale and dull so I'm definitely going to be using these drops to achieve a healthy Bronzy Summer Glow all year long. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

10 Things I Learned in Therapy

 Hello Everyone, 

If you follow my blog regularly, then you know that I've gone to therapy off and on over the years. The past 6 months have been some of the most challenging times in my life. After my mom died last Summer and then I got sick back in August and September I decided to go back into therapy. Here are 10 things that I've learned over the years. 

1. My Thoughts and feelings are valid

There have been many times in my life that I've felt like my thoughts and feelings weren't valid. Other the years I've learned that they are.

2. Continue to set boundaries

My word for 2024 is boundaries. I will not allow people to overstep their boundaries in my life. 

3. I don't owe an explanation to anyone about my personal choices. 

Piggybacking off number 2, I don't have to explain myself to anyone about the way I live my life. This my life.

4. Healing is an ongoing process 

Life will have many challenges, but I'm learning to cope with them better. Healthy ways to deal with challenges helps me put things into perspective.

5. I'm not alone in the things that I'm experiencing.

Some experiences just suck plain and simple. As badly as I might feel about something, I'm not alone. There are others that can relate to my feelings.

6. I need to give myself more grace 

I'm constantly working on giving myself more grace. These past few months have been challenging and I'm too hard on myself. I'm working daily to change that. 

7. Stop putting effort into relationships with people that don't put in the same effort.

I stop doing this a long time ago and I notice that I'm happier. It doesn't matter whether it's a friend, family members, or relationships effort should be mutual not one sided.

8. Therapy is a safe space

When I feel like I need a safe space therapy is my go to place. I emphasize having a therapist that you can communicate with and trust.

9. What does the other side look like?

When you face adversities constantly it can become easy to get stuck in feeling like you deserve it. I started looking forward to the other side. Good days are coming. 

10. It's okay to start again

I've started over numerous times in various areas of my life and I'm okay with that. Starting over is better than quitting.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Cold January Days

 Hello Everyone!

I can only wherever you reading this post that you're somewhere warm and cozy. Meanwhile, it's been freezing in South Carolina. 

Since it was a little warmer yesterday (not much) I took a few photos outside. The time outside was very short lived lol.

Stay warm and safe during the frigid January days.

Meal Prep: Chocolate Chip Overnight Oats

 Hello Everyone! Before I start this post I want to thank everyone for their kind words on my last post. I truly appreciate it. Since I'...