Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sinful Colors Professional Fingernail Polish Haul and Review

Hello Everyone!
 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
As promised I'm trying to get caught up on my hauls and reveiws. I'm breaking them up in seperate posts. I figured that would be best so I won't overwhelm myself with typing and overwhelm you all with reading lol

Let's get started with fingernail polish!

So I haven't posted about fingernail polish in a long time! If you read one of earlier post from a while back, you already know that I adore fingernail polish! I'm always testing out brands that will meet my expectations. My latest findings are by a brand called Sinful Colors Professional.


First Impressions:

I absolutely love the vibrant and bold colors. Some of the colors give off a matte finish which is fine to me, but for those who don't like matte finishes try a clear top coat for a shiny finish.

I like the fact that these polishes are inexpensive. I purchased these  at Walmart for $1.98 each, so of course I stocked up on colors I wanted to try!

Another plus is that the polishes are long lasting. This is actually a great plus for me because it really irritates me when polishes chip not long after I polish my nails. So far the longest day I've gone without retouching my nails is six days. Very impressive I must admit!

I also like that it doesn't take very long to dry. Let's be real...nobody wants to wait forever for their nails to dry!


The only cons I have are the texture of the polish and the true
color of the polish...

Some textures of the polishes seem kind of thick. It's not terribly thick. I guess the good thing is that it doesn't take much to coat my nails and it spreads on my nails very smoothly.

Another issue I have is that some of the colors look different than the color in the bottle. For example if you're in a well lit environment or outside the some of the colors tend to look different (which can happen). Even if you're not in a bright environment, the colors can look different. The colors are still very pretty though.

Here are the lovely colors I chose:


Courtney Orange
Boom Boom
Sugar Sugar
Ruby Ruby
Dream On
Clear Coat


Let's Talk
Midnight Blue
Why Not
Black on Black

Overall I'm very pleased with my purchases. Knowing how I am, I will likely be purchasing more of Sinful Colors Professional. Stay tunned for my new series Manicure Mondays and/or NOTD so you can view the colors on my nails!

Here's my nails polished with Boom Boom


Have you tried Sinful Colors Professional? If so, what are your favorite colors?

Thanks for stopping by! If you like my blog, hit the join this site button (located on the right side of my blog) to follow me on GFC!


Jackie Harrison said...

I like sinful colors nail polish you have a great collection doll.

Pilar said...

Thank you! I've been happy with the quality of the nail polish!

Unknown said...

those are gorgeous colors! I especially like the blues. We use some of those at the nail salon I work at and they are pretty good for the price they are!

Denise Lindsay said...

I'm loving the pink one! It's a nice bright colour to cheer you up in this cold weather :)

Pilar said...

Thanks! These polishes are really great, one of the best brands I own!

Pilar said...

Thanks! It's not that cool here today, but I know what you mean. Bright colors are awesome to wear in cool and rainy weather, it really does brighten my day :)

Unknown said...

I Haven't tried this brand but I love all of the vibrant colours and I dislike that too when the colour is untrue to its self on your nail !! but great post as always !! xx

Marie said...

Great haul and review! I've heard this brand of polish is worth trying. That is a pretty pink nail polish!

Nicole said...

I'm wearing gorgeous on my nails right now, I love it! That pink looks excellent on you! I love sinful colors :)

Lily (Beauty With Lily) said...

I have to agree with you Pilar some of the colors do give off a matte finish.

You sure did pick up some lovely shades!!

xo, Lily

Pilar said...

Thanks! I wasn't too disappointed the Dream On polish was different than the color in the bottle because it's still a pretty color.

Pilar said...

Thanks! I definitely recommend trying this brand!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Boom Boom and Gorgeous are two of my favorites. I actaully picked those two colors first :) I'm glad Sinful Colors caught my attention when I went shopping!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Dream On especially gives off a matte finish. I still like the color though :) I think that's why it looks different than the color in bottle. I'll probably pick up some glitter polishes next, those are pretty too!

Feenkuss said...

Wonderful colours <3

Pilar said...


Kristen said...

love, love those colors of nail polish. I will have to look for this brand and get some of those colors. please post more.

Pilar said...

Thanks! I bought these polishes at Walmart. I'll be posting more in upcoming NOTD or Manicure Mondays posts!

Kimberly said...

Hey girl hey! I'm so thankful you shared this with us! I'm totally loving the pink and may have to add it to my collection!

By the way: You have an awesome blog!


Anonymous said...

Lovely colors you got :) in love with the pink one :) XOXO

Pilar said...

Thank you for the kind words! The pink color really is a pretty
color. I had to add this polish to my collection!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

i'm a big fan of nail polishes but never tried these ones! thanks for the review :)

i've just recently started blogging, i hope you can check mine out and follow ^^

Pilar said...

You're welcome and thanks for stopping by! I'm going to view your blog now.

whatkingalikes said...

Nice colours ;D
Maybe, we can follow each other? ;))

Shalunya21 said...

I love all of these colors and I really enjoy Sinful Colors. I've had really good luck with their polishes. I have found that several polishes are too thick. I always keep polish thinner handy. I really enjoy your haul. Thanks for sharing. (◕‿◕✿)

Pilar said...

You're welcome and t hank you! I've been really pleased since I started using these polishes. They have so many colors to chose from! This brand of polish has quickly become one of my favorites! Good idea to use polish thinner for thicker nail polishes!

Pilar said...

Thanks! I'm going over to your blog.

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