Monday, December 29, 2014

Reflections 2014: My Year in Review

Hello Everyone!

Can you believe that 2014 is almost over?! I know it may sound cliche, but this year went by fast! If you're familiar with my blog, you may remember I wrote a post like this last year. I figured this would be a good way to end the year.

2014 was pretty good year. It had it's highs and a few lows, but a decent year nonetheless. I have to admit November and December were stressful because of the holidays, personal stress and being sick with this cold, but I can't complain too much. Even though I have year round allergy/sinus problems and this pesky cold, my health has been good this year.

As someone who has struggled and I still sometimes struggle with depression, I have been happier this year. I've just learned not to let people and things get to me as much as I used too. I still stress and worry over things at times (I'm still working at the not worrying part), but not nearly as I did in the past. I know that may come to you as a shock that I have dealt/deal with depression since I usually write my inspirational posts. Depression isn't always about having negative thoughts, feeling sad all of the time, and self loathing etc. I find channeling negative feelings into something positive isn't only helping myself, but I may help someone who is reading this also. Feeling sad is never fun, but you can be happy. Never lose sight of you being happy again. Stay tuned next year because I plan on writing a few depression awareness posts alongside my inspirational posts. I've always believed that we as a society should help not hurt each other. I guess the only thing that had a profound affect on me this year was the death of my father in February. Some of you may remember the post I wrote about my dad's death and I took a hiatus from my blog for a few weeks. Thanks again to my mom, my two best friends, all my blogger friends who showed me so much kindness through that difficult time. I appreciated that so much!

I did accomplish some of my lifestyle changes such as getting more rest, and eating more fruit. It's weird because I'm always eating vegetables, but I was never really big on eating fruit until now lol.  Lately I've been on a grapefruit kick, and no I don't sprinkle any sugar on top. It's usually sweet enough for me!

Another thing I want to reflect on is something a lady said to me. This was around Mother's Day and she was talking about her kids and long story short, I told her I hope she has a Happy Mother's Day. She said thank you, but asked me what am I waiting on to have children and that I'm pushing 30...I felt that was kind of rude yet really funny because I was thinking at the time when did 28 become to old to have children lol? It's like her mindset was from the 1950's and she is only around 50ish herself. Now of course I want to have a husband and children someday, but that day isn't right now. When it's my time then all those things will come. Honestly, I want to wait until my early to mid 30's to have children because I would like to be more established. Like I mentioned in my other reflective post I can't just rush my life, and definitely not for other people standards. I feel like this all the things I want to experience, I look forward to having in the future. 29 is my last year in my 20's and I'm going to make the most of it!

As for grad school, I'm still undecided, but lately it's been heavily on my mind. I love to help people and I really think I would make a good counselor.   I have a B.A. in Psychology and I found most of the classes I took as an undergrad very interesting especially the counseling courses. So for those of you who were wondering about that, I'm still thinking about it...A LOT!

Like I mentioned earlier, 2014 was a pretty good year, and I look forward to what 2015 brings!

I didn't forget about the positivity jar I started at the beginning of the year. I didn't get a chance to take a picture, but I should have that included in my new years post.

May you all have a wonderful and safe HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Unknown said...

Amazing post as always, Pilar! I'm really looking forward to your posts on depression awareness and of course more inspirational posts from you! I definotrly think a lot of people are waiting until later in life to have children now days. There is nothing wrong with that at all, everyone needs to do what's best for them! Ever since I got married people have been bugging me about when I'm having babies lol! I could see you being an amazing counselor! I hope you have a great New Years!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I just felt it was time to incorporate an important issue such as depression awareness because so many people suffer in silence and there is nothing to be ashamed about. I think everyone has felt depressed or had some feelings of sadness at some point in their life. I definitely think counseling is my calling because I love to help people and give advice. I've noticed that more people are having kids in their 30's. Like I said I want a husband and children, just not right now lol, but I look forward to those elements in my life in the future. I hope you have an amazing new year as well!

Jackie Harrison said...

Great post your planning post about depression will be helpful for others is good to talk about it. Happy New Year may 2015 bring you success and joy.

Pilar said...

Thank you! I thought the depression awareness would be a good addition to my blog since it's a social issue that affects many people. I wish you all the same in the new year!

Naturalle Drea said...

Great reflection of the past year. I can't stand when people give unsolicited advice, you can't rush people into what they are not ready for. Hope you feel better and Happy New Year!!

Miriam said...

Great reflection post. I admire your honesty, and want to start by saying sorry for your loss. You are such a sweet, genuine and beautiful person, and I see you going very far in life, I think you would be a great counselor, I hope you are happy with the decision you do make. As for the children comments.. ugh. So irritating. Is life for women solely on having children? I think that is so rude that people assume that we all want kids. I understand that you do, but not until you are more established, but please people, it's none of your business!
I hope you have a wonderful 2015! :)

willsingformakeup said...

You would make an amazing counselor! I love your inspirational posts and look forward to more in 2015. I hope you have a Happy New Year!

Marie said...

Beautiful written reflection! I agree depression is a topic that needs more awareness. I look forward to reading your thoughts about depression alongside your inspirational posts. I also agree with your not living to other people's standards, when you decide to settle down with a husband and kids you'll do what's best for you. That was rude of lady to say that! I hope that your new year is filled with happiness, joy, and everything wonderful!

Pilar said...

Thank you Andrea! I was annoyed that the lady said that, but I just didn't pay her any attention because I'm not ready for a family right now. All that will come in due time! Happy New Year!

Pilar said...

Thank you Miriam! You are too kind! I can only hope that I would make a great counselor one day! I know some people may ask about a person not having children yet, but her comment had snarky undertones to it. Like I said I found her to be rude. I've learned I can't pay people like that any attention. I hope you have a wonderful 2015 as well!

Pilar said...

Thank you Lauren! I hope you have an amazing year in 2015!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie! I've already written a few post topic ideas about depression awareness. I think they're going to go well with my inspirational posts. As for that lady, like I mentioned in previous response comments I just don't pay people like that any attention. I hope that you have a wonderful new year!

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

I feel like this day in age if you don't have a kid in you teens you are too old LOL Of course you are not too old to have a kid, I feel once you hit your 30's is the best time. You are more mature and more ready at that point.

Depression is not good, I am glad you are finding a way to deal with it :)

Happy New Year! We wish you all the best in 2015 :D

Pilar said...

Lol to your first comment! I agree as people age, they usually become or want to become more mature. The good thing about depression is there are ways to cope and feel happy again. I wish you ladies all the best in 2015 as well!

Shireen L. Platt said...

What a lovely post to recap 2014, Pilar. I do look forward to your inspirational posts and maybe your thoughts on depression. It's a very dark world and not many understand how horrible depression can be. It's also great to see you're trying hard to stay strong and positive, that's such a remarkable trait.
Don't worry about starting a family, you're right to not rush into it. I have too many friends who rushed into marriage because they were so desperate to tie the man down and in the end, it all ended in tears. It's terrible, really. :-/
Wishing you a fabulous 2015, Pilar and looking forward to all your blog posts! xx

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Pilar said...

Thank you! I have so many new inspirational posts ideas I'm working on for next year. I want to incorporate a few posts on depression awareness because so many people have misconceptions about it. You can live a happy life even if you have bouts of depression and sadness. I also know people who rushed into marriage and are now divorced or divorcing. I rather take my time for love and a future family. I wish you all the same in 2015! Happy New Year!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Pilar, this was a beautiful post. My very first blog, was not a blog about fashion or beauty. It was a personal blog. I was very depressed and sad over a series of events that happened to me all at once. I lost my dad in 2007, so I understand. It truly takes time and there's no one "prescription" that fits all. Each deals with it in their own way. I'm glad you're doing better. You have A LOT going for you! You have a lot of gifts! It's important to work on yourself, take care of yourself and do things to help you first. Then others will fall in line. Always concentrate on you and your family. Friends are sometimes not friend. Acquaintances are sometimes not good. There are many out there that aren't good for you. It's sad. More them than good people. But good people you will know and treasure. I'm kind, but I keep my distance from many. I'm happier that way. Happy New Year Doll. God Bless. May 2015 bring you everything you've dreamed of. Hugs, Kim

Pilar said...

Thank you Kim! I felt that since this is a reflection post, it was only appropriate to speak from the heart (which I always do lol). I think I remember you wrote on one of your previous posts that you used to discuss feeling depressed in the past. I think I know some of what you felt. Sometimes when one bad event happens, it can be followed by other bad events. I know that's happened to me in the past. I usually don't let things defeat me, if anything I'll grow stronger from it. I think this is one of my more personal posts because I know that people can have feelings of sadness and/or depression. It's nothing to be ashamed about. It's like I've stated in my post you can be happy. I think one of the misconceptions people may have is that depression means a constant sadness. That's not necessarily true. I'm a happy person overall, sometimes things just get to me. It's all about coping skills, I think that's so important! One thing I've learned is that life can be the best teacher. I've learned from past mistakes and learned many valuable lessons along the way. So there is a silver lining! You're right I try to treasure and love the people I know who are by my side and there for me. I hope all the same for you in 2015 Kim! Hugs to you also!

Anonymous said...

Great post! There needs to be more social discussions about depression awareness. You're right depression is nothing to feel ashamed about. I can't wait to read your inspirational posts and your depression awareness posts.

Pilar said...

Thank you! I've been working on a few inspirational and depression awareness posts that I'll be sharing on my blog soon!

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