Friday, December 15, 2017

Simple Holiday Makeup

Hello Everyone!

Every year I do a couple of makeup looks for the holidays, but I realized I never do anything simple. I like to wear more natural based makeup looks, so this year I'm keeping my makeup simple for the holidays. The green Cowl Neck Scarf I'm wearing in the picture is a scarf I crocheted a few years ago :)

Simple Holiday Makeup Products

For the transition shade I used Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in Cornelius. On the lid I'm wearing Edgy Emerald by Maybelline 24hr Color Tattoo. On top of Edgy Emerald, I'm wearing a green shade from my BH Cosmetics 28 Color Smokey Palette. To finish my eye makeup I used a Butter London Eyeshadow.

I used Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser to prime my face. I went with Milani Conceal + Perfect 2-in-1 Foundation+ Concealer in Tan (10).  Lastly, I used BH Cosmetics Duo Blush. This is one of my favorites blushes.

Since this is a soft makeup, I decided to use Milani Matte Naked lipstick.

December 2017 Posts

Christmas Tree Decorations 2017

Grooming Products by Clio

Come Along with Me: Christmas at Yankee Candle

Candy Cane Lane

Christmas Cookies

Reflections 2017/Almost 32 Years Old 

Bakery Scented Candles ft. Yankee Candles

Christmas Related Posts

Projects with Pilar: Christmas Decor DIY's

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Jackie Harrison said...

Its nice to keep it simple

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

I love natural and simple makeup. ou look pretty <3

Yiota said...

You look amazing, I love the soft look you created!! I have Colourpop Cornelius too and I love it!! xx


Marie said...

You look fantastic Pilar! Beautiful makeup look! Very elegant look for the holidays!

Pam said...

When I was younger I used to play with my eye shadow, now with saggy eyelids I don't wear it much. My makeup is pretty simple, base, powder, eyeliner (a must), mascara and blush! Simple and fast..

Adriana Leandro said...

Beautiful and simple. I love it.

Pilar said...

I agree! I've been loving more simple makeup looks lately!

Pilar said...

Thanks R!

Pilar said...

Thanks Yiota! Colourpop Cornelius is a beautiful color! Great for a transition color!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie!

Pilar said...

I'll always love eyeshadow, but sometimes I like to do a quick makeup look!

Pilar said...

Thanks Adriana!

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Love it!!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous makeup!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Federica Di Nardo said...

Very nice>! :)


Pilar said...


Lisa said...

Thats it. Im gonna grab some green eye shadow today! I tend to do a lot of red on Christmas but I like the fresh look of green on you. The dark hair makes it pop! Love love love.

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa! I typically incorporate red in my holiday makeup looks too, but I really wanted to focus on green :)

Paola Lauretano said...

Lovely eyeshadow, you look fab hun!
Kisses, Paola.


Pilar said...

Thanks Paola!

Beauty Unearthly said...

You look lovely dear!

Pilar said...


LINDA said...



Linda from Beauty And Tips

Pilar said...


Unknown said...

Beautiful makeup look Pilar!! I love the pop of green on the lid!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, you look so lovely in green. Green is not my favorite color to wear, but it suits you. The make-up you're wearing looks simple and pretty. And the green scarf you crocheted.....wonderful!

Merry Christmas to you, Pilar.


Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! I don't wear a lot of green, but I do love the color! Merry Christmas!

Kristen Alpert said...

Love the pics. I swear you can't take bad photos. Can't wait to see your next look.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kristen!

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