Friday, October 12, 2018

The Best Version of Yourself

Hello Everyone!

I couldn't sleep a few nights ago I decided to work on my blog and write an inspirational post. I actually started writing this post a few months ago, but I didnt finish it until the other night. As I get older, I like to think that I grow wiser. Since I  have both depression and anxiety, I'm usually coping with trying to manage both. I learn so much about myself. My fears, my ambitions, and most importantly becoming a healthier (physically and mentally) better version of myself.

Trust God's Process

As always I'm not one to push my religious beliefs on anyone. With that being said, trusting God's Process isnt always easy or least for me it isn't. God has a plan for me. I've gone through things I dont understand. I'm still going through things I dont understand. It's all apart of the process. I'm a believer that you may not understand what or why you're going through certain things, but I feel eventually everything will make sense or you'll be better and stronger for things you've gone through.

Trust your process

I've never understood why do people put so much valuable time and energy into things and people that just don't matter. I'm guilty of this as well. I know that sounds harsh, but let me explain. Why do we as people allow others define how we feel about ourselves? I've learned over the years anyone or anything that adds that negativity and toxicity to my life I need to remove ASAP! You're the one who ultimately has to live your life, so why would you live it according to others? Do you and just live your life, happily.

Live your best life, not your best lie

Piggybacking off my last point, I see this so much on social media. People seeing others living extragant lifestyles etc, so you may feel you should be doing the same or even feel insecure. Living your best life isn't defined by how much money you have, in my opinion living you best life is partly defined by your happiness.  You should never go into debt to keep up with others or to show off for social media.

Be the best Version of yourself, not the perfect version of yourself

No one is perfect, we all are human and we're bound to make some mistakes in the journey we call life. Forgive yourself for those mistakes and learn from them. I used to put so much pressure on myself to the point I was starting to feel unhappy. I stopped putting that type of pressure on myself years ago. I embrace who I am, and that's truly best the version of myself.

October 2018 Post

Projects with Pilar: Fall DIY Decor

Yes Hipolito Ulta's Favorite Box

Surviving Domestic Violence: One Year Later

All About Pink Makeup for Breast Cancer Awareness


Doctor Anne said...

The older I get, the more these words ring true. It is my life and my calling, and I shouldn´t let others control the way I live my life. i don´t need their permission, I have to keep myself accountable to my goals and the person I strive to be.

Anne|Linda, Libra, Loca

Pam said...

Honey you will change in so many ways as you get older and older. You grow as a person everyday of your life. Be proud of where you are now.

Kinga K. said...

Inspiring post ❤

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring!

Beauty Unearthly said...

Hello, thanks for the information. xx

Kristen Alpert said...

You are right. You have to trust god or a higher power which ever one you believe in that they have a plan for you. And you have to trust yourself and believe in yourself too. I always believe you should live your life the way you want to not caring what others think or trying to do the same things as others. You are also right that it doesn't matter how much money you have. Money doesn't make you happy, you are the only one that can make yourself happy. Once a again another powerful post. Can't wait for the next one.

Ivana Split said...

Very inspiring post! We should live our lives trying to become the best versions of ourselves, and to that we need to look within and know ourselves well. People spend so much time trying to impress others, and often people they don't particularly care about. Fitting in isn't worth our happiness. We need to invest time and effort into forming meaningful and fulfilling friendships and family connections, and cut out negative and manipulative people from our life.

Ann said...

Great post!
Love it and it is so true,
I love the word trust
because it reminds us that there
is someone or something greater than us
and who knows what is better for us.


Adriana Leandro said...

You're right Pilar.
You need to trust God and have true friendships.

PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

Hello gorgeous, I hear you. I also allowed others to shape my life. I tried to please everyone and guess what I learnt? It is not worth it. Most people will never be happy no matter how much you do and what you do and I learnt not long ago that I will live the life I want that these people who I thought were important do not deserve my efforts. I learnt to be happy and follow my dreams and in that way I felt happier. People who really matter will appreciate you and never take you for grant and they will love you for who you are. If they don't it is because they are not important after all. Have a lovely day xoxo Cris

Marie said...

You make so many great points in this post! I believe God has a purpose for everyone. I'm like you, I don't push my beliefs on anyone. The relationships we have with our friends are so important.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks for sharing this inspiration Pilar! It's true we all make mistakes but we really need to be able to forgive ourselves, learn and move on in order to be able to grow. And I totally agree that living our best lives has less to do with money rather than doing things that truly bring us joy. I actually find that I live better with less.

LoveT. said...

Great Post Pilar, your Words are amazing! You are a wonderful Woman. :) Beautiful Photo <3

lovely Greetings

Red Rose Alley said...

I like the one "live your best life, not your best lie." As you said, so many people try to keep up with others and what they have. It's really sad. We should all just try to be ourselves, even if we have less. Thanks, Pilar, for the gentle reminder.


Pilar said...

So true Anne. I don't live my life based on what others think that I should be doing. I do the best I can and aspire to meet the goals I set for myself.

Pilar said...

I'm proud of the things I've accomplished so far in life. I stopped downplaying my accomplishments small or big an accomplishment is worth being proud of. As I grow older I'm learning more about myself.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kinga!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

You're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Kristen. Over the years I've learned that I should trust God's plan even if I don't always understand it. Having trust and belief in yourself is also important.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana! People really shouldn't feel they have to spend time trying to impress others. The person in the mirror is who's opinion really counts. You're so right, investing time and effort to form meaningful friendships and family bonds can add so much joy to our lives.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ann!

Pilar said...

Thanks Adriana! I agree!

Pilar said...

Thanks Cris! I think sometimes we as people can let others influence the way we feel about ourselves. Over the years I've learned not to listen to negative influences that insecurity and self doubt. I agree I believe there are people who except a person for who they are. You have a lovely day as well!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! My relationship with God is important to me, but I don't push my beliefs on people since religion can be a touchy subject. I agree I feel God does have a purpose for everyone too.

Pilar said...

Thanks T! You're too kind!

Pilar said...

You're welcome Rowena! Self forgiveness is essential in freeing yourself. Life can weigh you down if you take on everything. Life is also beautiful and I try live my best life!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome Sheri! I've never been one to try to mimic the lives of others. I just live my life and appreciate everything life has to offer. I don't live my best lie. Lies never solve anything, and besides one lie usually leads to another. I agree we should just be ourselves!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...