Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Planning and Goals 2019

Hello Everyone!

We're in the second week in the new year, and it's still surreal to me 2019 is here. As a surprise for Christmas I received a planner that I saw in the Target Dollar Spot. I stopped using planners a few years ago because I started feeling too organized.

Let me explain, having anxiety is a challenge for me, and to plan out almost every little detail actually causes me feel anxiety. Typically I'm a very organized person, but as I age I'm learning to go with flow of things. Life isn't always going to go as planned. We have to make the best of things.

Word for 2019...

A word for the new year has become popular in recent years. I usually pick a word as well, but today I thought I'd share. My word for 2019 is Opportunity (Opportunities)...365 days full of different opportunities. 
- Opportunities to start over.
- Opportunities to do something different
- Opportunities to work towards yours goals
- Opportunities to do good in the world

If you read my blog regularly, you already know that I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I have goals that I want to accomplish, and I strive to work on those goals. I try to make realistic deadlines.

Striving for Success

I'm always striving for success. All the hard work and dedication I put into the things I do aren't in vain. Anything worth having is worth working for. I'm not where I want to be, but that makes me work even harder and stay focused.

Getting back on track with exercising

By the end of last Summer I lost 17 pounds, and by Christmas I gain 8 pounds back lol. Don't you just hate all the yummy holiday food that adds pounds to your waistline?! It's ok though I'm getting back on track with walking and eating healthier. I find that walking and exercising helps with my anxiety. I plan on making more smoothies. Smoothie recipes are welcome!

Putting myself and well being first

I'm learning to do this more. As much as I care about others, sometimes I have to put myself first. It's not selfish to have self care and love yourself. My needs and well being are important too.

It's Okay to be Happy

Last year I mentioned that I decided to go back into counseling. Having depression and anxiety isn't always easy. There are still days that I feel everything is wrong, even though things are fine. Like I said it's been a struggle at times. Even though I'm dealing with mental health issues I've learned to be happy again. I have a small inner circle, but it's so important to associate with people that support you even though they may not fully understand what you're going through. If people don't love and support you, do yourself a huge favor and let them go.

Blogging Goals

Last year I tried to post at least 10 times a month (some months I posted more, some months I posted less) over the course of 5 years blogging, I think that I have a pretty good balance for editing and posting content on my blog. I have worked with some amazing brands, but I also love creating my own original content. I have so much in store for my blog this year!

Last but certainly not least, today is my mama's birthday! Happy Birthday to my beautiful and amazing Mama!! 🎊🎉🎁🍰💙 I love you so much and I hope you enjoy your birthday! 🎁💙 

Here are some of my inspirational post from 2018


Happy 5th Blogiversary to Beauty and More by Pilar!

Surviving Domestic Violence: One Year Later


Reflections 2018/Almost 33 Years Old

January 2019 Posts

My Life in December 2018

My 33rd Birthday/Christmas 2018


krishna said...

I bought a simple planner this year. I'm more organized now.

Beauty Unearthly said...

Interesting post dear! thanks for sharing, xx

Anonymous said...

Nice planner and goals!

Lisa said...

I feel the same way about planning. I was trying out a planner and it was actually stressing me out to keep up with things on certain dates. Then when I'd mess up I was finished.
I started what I call bullet journal planning. I'm gonna see how that goes. I will keep putting my events and appointments in my Google calendar on my phone but kinda just keeping a "go with the flow" planner for blogging and goals. So far so good. (post soon)

Marie said...

That pink planner is nice! It sounds like you're off to a healthy and positive start for the new year

Gingi said...

That surreal feeling during the New Year hits me every time.. time seems to go so slow in summer, then holiday hit and BAM! It's February. Lol! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

Doctor Anne said...

I know what you mean about planning giving you anxiety. I use an electronic planner for my work deadlines, my blog and family appointments, but don't plan every day.

Anne - Linda, Libra, Loca

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

My daughters love to bullet journal, they find it very helpful to keep their lives on track. They track their moods, goals, habits both healthy and otherwise, workouts, etc. Good luck with your 2019 goals!

Kinga K. said...

I like to plan everything :)

Ann said...

Love your 'word for 2019'
and I love journals and planners.
Great post.


The Dainty Dolls House said...

Happy New Year lovely. I hope it's a beautiful one for you. Planning things out is good and also just going with the flow on things is good too. I like this planner. Self care is so important, I'm glad you are doing more of it and I hope the counseling is great too, it's nice to just talk everything out to someone. I hope your Mom had a wonderful birthday, I hope all her wishes come true always. Have a great weekend lovely xx

Paola Lauretano said...

Sounds like a great start for 2019!
Planning things is always a good idea!
Kisses, Paola.


Susie said...

Pilar, Reading this post today...you kind of opened my eyes. It is okay to put ourselves first sometimes. While worrying and nursing my Ted , I had to let my back go. But in my prayers I did ask God to heal my back so I could do better helping Ted. God did help me. My back is healing. Blessings to you sweet girl, love, xoxo, Susie

Beauty said...

Beautiful Post; Happy New Year. I love to make goals rather than resolutions too and one of my goals this year is to also exercise more and eat more veggies. I have a few pounds to lose from all the holiday fun...:-) Happy Birthday to your Mom and have a great weekend.

Pilar said...

I really like this planner because it's simple and I love the color!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Bullet journaling seems to be popular right now. Good luck with it! I typically use Google Calendar too, but I wanted to get a standard planner for 2019. I'm definetly trying to continue with a go with the flow type vibe. I don't want to increase anxiety by planning everything.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! I'm trying to have a healthy and positive 2019!

Pilar said...

Lol I agree!

Pilar said...

I think not planning everyday is key for keeping my anxiety into perspective.

Pilar said...

Thanks Debbie! Best of luck to your daughters with their bullet journaling!

Pilar said...

I would like to plan everything, but it's too anxiety provoking. I wanted a planner so I can improve on not planning every detail like I used to years ago.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ann! Opportunity is a word that I will focus on this year. So many opportunities and endless possibilities for a happy, healthy,and productive 2019!

Pilar said...

Thanks Kizzy! I hope your new year is going well so far! My mom had a great birthday. She enjoy her day! I realized that self care is very beneficial to my overall well being. I agree talking does help. I notice a postive change since I started back with counseling. Have a wonderful week!

Pilar said...

I think I'm starting off in the right direction for the new year!

Pilar said...

Susie I just visited your blog yesterday to check on you and Ted. I hope that both of your are doing well. I think in order to help others we have to be in a healthy mindset and physically healthy to provide the love, care, and strength. It's okay to make sure you're doing too. You're doing an amazing job with helping Ted. I see all the love and dedication you write in your posts when discussing updates. I'm glad that your back is healing. I know that Ted had a setback, but as always praying for him and you!

Pilar said...

Thanks! Have a great week!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...