Thursday, April 18, 2019

Soak up the Sun

Hello Everyone!

Today I wanted focus on Vitamin D and the importance of getting natural sunlight.  It can be hard to soak up the sun when you have allergies or live in a state that is incessantly hot and humid getting accurate sun consumption can be a challenge. If I'm being honest Summer typically starts mid April here in South Carolina.

Last Summer I was diagnosed with Vitamin D Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia. That diagnosis explained a lot. The paleness, weakness, and tiredness was coming from Vitamin D Deficiency and anemia.

I looked at the list of foods reccomend for Vitamin D Deficiency and iron deficiency anemia and let's just say I'm not a fan of most of them lol.

A picture I took last Summer on one of my morning walks.

Did you know that Vitamin D Deficiency can attribute to depression? Another reason why sunlight exposure is healthy. Letting sunlight in your home is helpful, but going outside is a much better option. The picture above is from last Summer. I found walking and being active outdoors early in the morning before it became scorching hot outside helped me.

Another option is being prescribed Vitamin D medication. Usually these are pills that you take once a week to bring your Vitamin D levels up. My physiatrist prescribed Vitamin D medication after she noticed my blood work indicated my Vitamin D levels were low.

Over the last few months I have noticed a difference. I'm not feeling as tired as I used to feel. I'm still taking the Vitamin D medication, but hopefully my Vitamin D levels will be up when I go back for blood work. Remember when spending time outdoors, please use sunscreen and protect yourself in the sun.

Also, I wanted to say how much I appreciate all your comments on the last few inspirational etc. posts! If you missed them, you can check out the links below :)

April 2019 Posts

My Life in March 2019

Lake Murray

Goose Creek Candle: Spring Favorites

Here Comes Peter Cottontail


April is Stress Awareness Month

Courage Believe Inspire


Lisa said...

Every year on my checkup, I get a report of “low Vitamin D”. Then they always put my on prescription vitamin D for 11 weeks ((50,000iu a day!). It brings my number up just a little but never good enough. My insurance didn't pay for blood work last time and it cost me too much, so I will not get check again. I now just take 5000iu a day over the counter. I hope its enough.
Sitting in an office 8 hours a day is not good for me. I need the sun!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post!

Kinga K. said...

Perfect time with nature❤

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I'm glad to hear that getting out and taking medication has made a difference and I hope you get good news with your next blood test Pilar. I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia at my last checkup and it's no fun. In my case it may have been caused my the infection in my stomach which I will get tested for again in a few weeks to see if it's cleared up. May we all get healthy and feel at our best soon!

Marie said...

I'm glad you're feeling better Pilar! I think there should more awareness about vitamin d deficiency and anemia. I have anemia, so I know about feeling tired.

krishna said...

Oh dear! I'm very happy to know that you are feeling better. A big Hug!

The Liberty Belle said...

Good post Pilar. Thank you for the reminder on the importance of vitamin D for our wellbeing. Have a lovely Easter.

Red Rose Alley said...

This is a good post about the importance of vitamin D, Pilar. Living in the sunshine state, California, I get plenty of sunshine, but during the summers I tend to stay in more cause it's extremely hot. Your walk early in the morning sounds nice, and such a pretty area. I'm so glad you're feeling better after getting some vitamin D and iron. Tomorrow, I will rest in the sun for awhile and hope the weather is nice.

Happy Easter, dear Pilar.


Susie said...

Hi Pilar, So glad you got out for walking in the sun. Oh sweetie, I have to have sunshine....after about 3 days of gloomy skies I feel depressed. I would rather sit in the sun or walk in it than take meds. I take a multi vitamin everyday. I do not sit out too long, maybe 10 to 15 minutes. I think walking helps clear our minds too. It is nice to be walking in a park where there is sunshine and you get the sun and not too much at once. You keep going girl, and taking care of you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
p.s. happy Easter to you and your family

ALLIE NYC said...

Yes I too was diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency and it also contributes to migraines. I had to take prescription VD for a month once a week as it was very strong and now I take a daily gummy. I also use a light box.

Ugh this is why I don't move south I could not deal with that long of a time period of heat and humidity. The four-five months that we get in NY is more then enough lol

Allie of

Ivana Split said...

I've been suffering from anemia for a long time so I can relate. I had breathing issues earlier this year, and I thought I was having panic attacks, but it turns out that my iron levels were extremely low so that was probably the reason. Lack of iron in our blood means that the oxygen isn't getting to our brain fast enough and this causes feelings of extreme anxiety. I try to eat food rich in iron because I often have allergies to iron supplements and for some reason they don't work so well on me, I'm also severely allergic to iron transfusions. I think my vitamin D is alright now but it might have been low in the past. I remember that at one period my blood tests were terrible, but they are better now. I did know that low vitamin D can cause depression. That is why depression is statistically more common in countries that don't have many sunny days...but weather that is too hot can be challenging too. When sun is too strong it may be hard to get outside just because it is unpleasant and exhausting to expose ourselves to such heat. It is all about finding a balance I guess. Many people avoid the sun nowadays because they are afraid of ageing or skin cancer, but as you pointed out sunscreen can help us with that.

I wish you a happy and blessed Easter.

Sakuranko said...

I received my doses of vitamin D recently because I went to the pool. Thanks for share with us your experience

Pilar said...

I hope your Vitamin D goes up too. I wasn't even aware I had issues with Vitamin D or iron deficiency anemia. Like I mentioned it explained a lot. Last year I noticed I started feeling really tired all the time. I shrugged it off as not getting enough rest. I e been on Vitamin D Pills and I think they're helping. I used to take iron pills, but I can't them anymore because the iron pills make me sick. I've been spending more time outside usually in the mornings. The pollen is so bad outside!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena. I hope you're feeling better. I agree iron deficiency anemia isn't fun at all. I have started feeling better, but I have days when I'm just so tired. Looking forward to better healthier days!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie. I agree there needs to be more awareness about these health issues. For the longest time I just thought my insomnia was causing all the tiredness, but when I felt rested I was still tired. My mom was noticing that I starting looking pale and she was asking me if I felt well. I'm just glad I don't feel as tired as I did a few months ago.

Pilar said...

Thanks Krishna

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome. Have a great week.

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri. South Carolina is state that has a lot of sunshine too. It's so pretty here, but it's so hot during the Summer. I have to get out early if I'm going for a walk. Wishing you a wonderful week.

Pilar said...

Thanks Susie. I have to have sunshine too. I don't mind the rain, but if it rains more than 2 or 3 days in a row I notice that I start feeling a down especially with all those gloomy skies. When I started walking last Summer my mind was clear. Walks can be so peaceful. Blessing to you as well, and wishing you a wonderful week.

Pilar said...

I never knew Vitamin D Deficiency could attribute to migraines. I take medication for Vitamin D Deficiency once a week. The south is soooooo hot and humid. It's already starting to get hot here. I can only imagine what the Summer weather is going to feel like this year lol.

Pilar said...

Vitamin D Deficiency can cause so many different health issues. I didn't know breathing issues can be a result of Vitamin D Deficiency. I tried taking the Iron medication, but the pills were making me really sick. I think getting out in the sun is good, as long as you're protecting your skin and not spending too much time in the sun. Wishing you a wonderful week.

Pilar said...

You're welcome

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...