Friday, May 17, 2019

Life Lessons

Hello Everyone!

I had a different post scheduled for today, but I wanted to write a Life Lessons aka Things I've Learned post instead. I haven't written one of these in a long time. Let's get started.

- Everyone has a certain amount of drama

Whether you create it or life happens, everyone has a certain amount of drama in their life at some point.  How you handle drama makes all the difference.

- Moderation and balance

Moderation is something that I struggle within the area of stress in my life. I've gotten a little better with dealing with stress, but I have to keep working at it.
Life is about partly about balance. It's important that I have balance in my life because when my life becomes unbalanced I have major anxiety. Sometimes I have to take a step back and just breathe.

- It's a possibility that you'll face the same test in your life more than once

Honestly I really dislike this aspect of life. I can't count the times that I've been in this situation. When things are going well and then suddenly I'm confronted with a life test that I thought I was done with ages ago. The bright side is I know I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. If you remember same script, different cast it will make your decision making easier.

- You can't get over hurt unless you allow yourself to grieve

Instead of bottling up my feelings about something bad, I've learned to let myself grieve. You shouldn't wallow in self pity, but allow yourself time to grieve.

- You don't always miss the person, but you miss the memories. 

There are people that I actually miss, but for the most part I miss the memories and the bonds I once had with some people.

- God will use your trials to test your faith 

I feel like the last few months my faith has been constantly tested. I strongly emphasize the word constantly. When I don't have the answers or understand why I go though some of the things I've gone through I turn to God and pray. You may have noticed that I talk about God more. As always I'm not forcing my beliefs on anyone. I'm just talking about my relationship with God.

Karma is real

If you're out here doing wrong and mistreating people, stop it. Trust and believe Karma is real. I've seen karma happen to many people.

May 2019 Posts

Hello May

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Clinique Skincare and Makeup

A Mother's Day Message For My Mom  

Zoya Barefoot Collection: Summer 2019


Anonymous said...

Nice post!

Pilar said...

Thank you

Ivana Split said...

Great life lessons. Finding balance and practicing moderation is really important. I think we all can be attracted to extremes, but finding a balance is what makes life easier on every day basis. It's true that everyone has their drama too. It's something worth remembering. It is good to be kind, whenever we can be, but at the same time mindful of our relationships lest people take advantage of it. These are all great lessons. In life our faith will be tested, but we can come out stronger for it. Karma is definitely real. Sometimes the difficulties we go through can make us more emphatic and considerate, so there is always a silver lining.

Marie said...

This is a great life lessons post Pilar. I believe karma is real. I think it's always a good thing when we become close or closer to God. You made a good point about missing the memories more than the person.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

So much truth in this post!

Kinga K. said...

Very true post❤

Pam said...

Great know when I was younger I hated when folks said, "if you are meant to have a wreck or stomp your toe..etc ~ it was meant to happen". Now, there are times that I feel that is true, other times I am not sure. I have always heard that those times are learning times. Personally I am tired of learning lifes lessons. I had my life like you said, very, very little stress or drama. I enjoyed an easy life. Things really changed with the death of my mom. I miss her, I am having a rough time with it but its not just that, my whole world flipped upside down. My inner core is off balance and I am struggling to get back to that part of me. I for one am a believer of ~ you make your life what it is....TO A POINT. Sometimes you don't have that choice. But you are correct, it is how you handle things that make a difference. KARAM...of YES. I love KARMA. I learned a few yrs back that KARMA does come around, it does happen, it is real. So that helped me a lot to look at life and those that have messed with my life. I know one day KARMA will get them. Don't have to know about it, don't have to see will happen. You have learned a lot in your life and you seem to be appling them very well. Enjoy your life, enjoy things. Handle drama with eyes open and a big heart.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

One of the good things about getting older is the wisdom we gain from life. I definitely believe that moderation and balance is the key to a good life and that everything we do comes back to us. Happy Sunday Pilar!

The Liberty Belle said...

Prayer is a powerful thing. Good post, Pilar. May peace, God's favor, and blessings be with you.

Beauty Unearthly said...

Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

Lisa said...

Great post. These are all great lessons to remember.

Doctor Anne said...

I agree: You usually don't miss the person, but the memories and the prospect of what could have been. It helps to remember that, because it means that getting the person back in your life will not make you happy in most cases.

Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana. As I get older I realized everyone has drama in their life. I think some drama isn't avoidable. I'm a kind person, but I set boundaries. Sadly some people will try to take advantage of someone's kindness. I feel like I'm constantly being tested, but you're right I will be stronger for any obstacles I've faced. Difficult times truly can humble you. This world needs more kindness and empathy.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie. I think the memories are the hardest thing to put out of your mind. I've come this conclusion, to cherish the memories I once had with someone. Sometimes the best thing you can do is move on.

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley

Pilar said...

Thanks Kinga

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam. I know what you mean. The last few months I've gotten frustrated with life's lessons. I feel I have learned a lot even though I'm only 33 years old. I've learned to enjoy life more and truly appreciate the simple things.

Pilar said...

So true Rowena. Life has so many valuable teaching lessons. I've learned to balance things more and I see a positive difference. Have a great week!

Pilar said...

Thanks. God bless

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcomem

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa

Pilar said...

Very true Anne. Some people aren't meant to be in your life, and that's okay.

nerline said...

I agree with everything you say here, doll. Life has a way of surprising us.

Pilar said...

Very true Nerline. If I had a nickel for all of life's surprises I'd be rich lol.

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...