Saturday, May 4, 2019

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Hello Everyone!

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? I was going to write about this topic last year, but if you remember in one of my recent posts I mentioned this time last year I was an emotional mess. Everytime I would start typing I would start to cry. I guess I was crying because I was letting depression and anxiety get the best of me. Thankfully I don't feel like that now.

Strength and Wisdom

I actually had a counseling appointment yesterday morning with my new counselor. It was best I switched counselors because my last counselor wasn't beneficial to my treatment. He was very negative and somewhat rude. I've been in counseling throughout college so I know how it goes. Some counselors will work for you, and others will not, and that's okay. I mentioned last year that I felt hopeful at my first session, and I did, but just not with my old counselor's method of treatment.

New fish tank in the waiting room at the doctor's office

I've only had one session with my new counselor, but for the first time since last Summer I feel like I truly can express my feelings and talk about my thoughts.

A butterfly represents many things such as endurance, change, hope, and life.

Examples of things you shouldn't say to someone with mental health issues

You're so dramatic...

You'll get over it...

There are people who have real problems...

Just shake it off...

You don't look like you have anxiety or depression...

Speaking from personal experience these are some of the things that I've heard from people over the years. If you're wondering I no longer associate with those people. Having mental health issues can be sensitive topic for some people to discuss, so please think about the things you say to someone.

I find it troubling that in 2019 that mental health is still considered taboo. I don't understand why there is such a stigma about mental health. This is a topic that should be discussed more. Education and awareness about mental health is so important.

Life happens and sometimes you need help to cope. There are days I feel great and there are days I don't feel so great. Over the years I've learned to keep my emotions in perspective and not lash out when people don't understand depression and anxiety.  Kindness, patience, and understanding can make all the difference in helping someone with mental health issues and helping yourself with mental health issues.

I'm glad there is a month to focus on mental health in the community, but this is a topic that needs attention in general. Please educate yourself about mental illness. Check on your loved ones, friends, etc.
If you're struggling with mental illness there is treatment. You don't have to suffer in silence or struggle alone.

Here are a few of my motivational/mental health etc. Related posts


Surviving Domestic Violence (2017)
Surviving Domestic Violence: One Year Later (2018)

Reflections 2018/Almost 33 Years Old

Planning and Goals 2019

What is Love

A Different Direction

April is Stress Awareness Month

Courage Believe Inspire


Soak up the Sun

May 2019 Post

Hello May


Lisa said...

I am so glad you got a new and improved counselor. I have never talked with one but I can see how they can help. You definitely cant just talk to any friends and family. They would not understand and could actually hurt more than help. People mean well but it just isn't there.
It makes me smile knowing your feeling better today.
Have a happy weekend.

Jackie Harrison said...

I’m glad you heading toward the right direction with the help of your new counselor.

Anonymous said...

That's great you're working with a new counselor that you feel is helping you.

Ivana Split said...

Mental health is such a big part of our life, it's crucial for our well being. So, mental health still being taboo is really not acceptable and as society we should do something about it. It is great you're talking about it openly. That helps raise awareness as well.

GlamourZONE said...

hi dear, I hope it works out with the new counselor. Kisses!

Marie said...

Pilar your bravery is admirable. I think that it's great that you openly talk about your experiences with anxiety and depression. You're educating others by shedding light on the topic of mental health in general.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Mental health does need attention all year long. It's sad that this is still a taboo topic.

Beauty Unearthly said...

Hello, thanks for the information.

Pam said...

It is Mental Health Awareness as well as Fibromyalgia Awareness. Hey....I fit both issues! Its not funny but I have to somewhat find humor in some of this stuff. If I don't laugh, then I will cry and I am just now getting to the point that I don't cry everyday since losing mom. Now its time to deal with the issues/feelings/lost feeling since her loss. Alive Hospice offers us someone to talk to, and I probably really need to consider doing that cause at this point my mental state still is not recovering. I am glad you are doing better.

Natalia said...

I did not know about that, it is so sad that so many people deal with this problem alone, hope you will feel better and better each day☺☺

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

A month to focus on mental health is a good start but as a society we really need to place more attention and provide more education on the issue since it affects so many people. Good to hear your new counselor is working out and i hope you keep feeling better Pilar!

ALLIE NYC said...

No, I didn't know this, good to know. I am glad you found a good therapist. Much like doctors they can be hard to find with many of them thinking that their word is the last word and having inflated senses of themselves. In the end it just their opinion.

That is half the battle or the first--finding the right therapist.

Allie of

Pilar said...

Thanks Lisa. I did feel hopeful when I first started counseling last year despite that negative counselor. The new counselor is much better. I agree I don't really talk to friends anymore about some of the things I discuss in counseling. It's better for me to have an outside perspective.

I hope you are well, and wishing you a wonderful new week!

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Ivana. I agree. Over the years I've been open on my blog about how I have both depression and anxiety. I want to help others by sharing my story and raising awareness.

Pilar said...

Thanks Carole

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie. I'm glad that I'm bringing more awareness about mental illness.

Pilar said...

I agree.

Pilar said...

You're welcome

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam. I didn't know it was also Fibromyalgia Awareness Month. I've learned a lot about Fibromyalgia through your blog. I think that with having depression, it's healthy to find laughter. Sometimes I need a good cry, but then there are times I have a good laugh. I know these last few months have been hard for you and that you're grieving your mom. You're in my prayers. I'm glad there are counselors to help put things into perspective and talk about feelings.

Pilar said...

Thanks Natalia. There are times I have struggled with depression alone, and I didn't have to suffer in silence.

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena. I agree. As a society we need more conversations about mental health. This time last year I was having a lot of anxiety and sadness. What a difference a year can make. I still have anxiety and depression, but I'm learning to cope better.

Pilar said...

Thanks Allie. I'm glad I have a good therapist too. As I mentioned for the first time since I started counseling, I felt like I could talk about my feelings and thoughts. You described my last therapist perfectly. He wasn't helpful at all. I spoke with my psychiatrist about it, and we both agreed it was time to change counselors.

Red Rose Alley said...

How awful to get a rude counselor just when you need it the most. So glad you found another one that suits you. The silver glittery butterfly is so pretty, and I like those bracelets too and their message. I'm glad you're feeling better with your anxiety, Pilar, and your thoughts and feelings are helping people all around who suffer with this. Oh, I can smell your candles from here. I went to the Target dollar store yesterday. So many goodies. They are re-organizing the whole store, it looks so nice. : )


Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! I have my days, but my anxiety and depression issues aren't as bad as they used to be. My old counselor was just plain rude. He didn't like to listen and he acted like my feelings weren't even important. It was definitely time for a change. I like my new counselor, so I'm optimistic. That silver butterfly was an ornament gift from my mom last Christmas. I love it so much I just keep it out all year with other decor. I went visited two different Targets the other day, and both dollar spots were practically empty lol!

Bohemian said...

This is a very relevant Post and Topic near and dear to my Heart. I have raised two Children with Serious Mental Illness and raised one Grandchild with it also. People who lack understanding about Mental Health or have bias about it can say the most hurtful of things. I had a long time Friend whose ignorance about Mental Illness caused her to say to my SMI 18 year old Grandson that she thought people with Mental Illness do it for the Attention! OMG, I had to mediate immediately... and simply asked her, quite bluntly, do you also say that to those diagnosed with Cancer?! It gave her Pause... because Physical Illness typically has more compassion and empathy from Society and when you make the uninformed Aware that Mental Illness is also Illness and thus no shame, no stigma, no judgment should be heaped upon those afflicted... it's already difficult enough to Deal with any Illness that has no Cures. I am so Glad to hear you are doing Well now and have a Therapist you feel will be beneficial.

Pilar said...

Hi Dawn, thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry to hear that someone said something so hurtful about your grandson. Some people don't think before they speak or lack understanding. Nonetheless, words can be very hurtful and sometimes damaging. You were right to ask your friend that question. No one asks for having mental health issues. I've had people say very unkind things to me. At one point in my life those hurtful comments made me feel bad about suffering from anxiety and depression. I feel if someone can take the time to say something unkind and offensive about mental illness, the person can take time to educate themself about mental health. I'm glad I changed my therapist. Now I can actually feel I can talk about my feelings.

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