Saturday, September 7, 2013

Liebster Award Part 3!

Hello Everyone!

I was nominated a third time :) for The Liebster Award!! which is an award for bloggers with under 200 followers. It helps smaller blogs get more readers and help them become a bigger part of the blogging community which is always good! I want to take the time to thank Nicole for nominating me a third time and check out her awesome blog neenersmakeup

Here are the rules

1. write 11 random facts about yourselves,
2. answer the 11 questions from the award giver and then nominate another 11 bloggers
3. make up 11 questions for them to answer.

It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people and find some blogs that they want to follow."

11 Facts About Me

1. My favorite holiday is actually my birthday. My birthday is on Christmas Day ☺

2. I have a B.A. in Psychology. I want to be counselor.

3. My favorite color is pink.

4. I like to cook and bake. Most people tell me my food is yummy.

5. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a model.

6. I have an obsession for purses and sunglasses.

7. I usually watch an episode of Roseanne, The Golden Girls, and The King of Queens daily.    These nostalgic shows keep me laughing.

8. My favorite season is spring, even though spring doesnt agree with my allergies too well lol.

9. My favorite outdoor activity is going to a park or taking a long drive to clear my thoughts.

10. I've always wanted to visit Las Vegas or Florida (mainly for Disney World)

11. My favorite movie is Gone With The Wind

Nicole's Questions

1. Favorite nail polish?
Milani or Maybelline New York Color Stay

2. Do you prefer your hair curly or straight?
Straight but my hair is curly

3. Favorite perfume?
J'adore Dior

4. Favorite high end product?
I would love to try a high end hair product,  maybe it will help eliminate the frizziness lol

5. Favorite drug store product?
Cetaphil Products

6. Favorite time of year?

7. Who inspires you?
My Mom :)

8. Favorite tv show/movie?
Law and Order SVU/ Gone With The Wind

9. What purse are you currently using?

10. Best memory from 2013 so far?
Living life

11. Silver or gold jewelry?

I want to nominate anyone wants to complete this :)

Here are my 11 Questions

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What is one essential bath/beauty product you must have?

3. What is your favorite hobby?

4. Who inspires you the most in your life?

5. Where is your favorite place to visit?

6. Lip gloss or Lipstick?

7. What is your favorite season?

8. Do you have a secret talent?

9. Why did you start a blog?

10. What is your favorite store?

11. What is your favorite makeup brand?


Krystle(Baking Beauty) said...

I loved leaning more about you. I love to cook and bake too. What are your favorite things to make?

Pilar said...

Thanks for stopping by! There are so many things I love to make, but some of my favorites include homemade stuffed manicotti shells, chicken dishes, macaroni and cheese. I also like to make banana pudding and homemade pound cake to name a few :)

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