Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Versatile Blog Award Part 2 and 3!!

Hello Everyone!

I was nomimated two more times for the Versatile Blog Award!! I want to kindly thank Sarah @sarahharrisonn, Denise M @wantingtobeadomesticgoddess, Amelie @allthingsglitterandbeautyand Rachel @sweetnothings Check out these ladies great blogs!

The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you from your blogger peers, for writing quality blogs that have somehow touched them, having good quality photographs, and the uniqueness of the subjects covered. The Award is to honor the bloggers who bring something special to your life :)


How It Works: -Display the Award Certificate on your blog. -Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.-Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award. -Link your nominees in the post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.

-Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

1. I want to start painting and drawing again. I haven't done these two hobbies in a long time.

2. I love art, and I like to visit Art Museums.

3. I love Spring, but I'm looking forward to fall. I can't wait for the cooler weather, wearing boots, cardigans, and drinking hot chocolate.

4. One of my favorite shows is Law and Order SVU...I think I have a slight obsession, I'm always watching marathons on USA and I can't wait for the season premiere next Wednesday lol.

5. I always keep hand sanitizer in my purse.

6. I want to go to Disney World one day.

7. I like to blog.


I want to nominate anyone who wants to do this! Link your address if you want me to check your answers!

Thanks again to Sarah, Denise, Amelie, and Rachel for the nomination!

Thanks for reading! If you like my blog and want to keep up with me, hit the join this site button!


Elle Sees said...

i love disney world and land!! i know all the tips! ;)

Pilar said...

Disney World has always fascinated me, it just looks like so much fun!

Krystle(Baking Beauty) said...

Hi Pilar,
Loved getting to know more about you. I can't wait for fall too. I HATE hot weather and love boots, sweaters ect.

Pilar said...

Thanks! I'm just ready for this warm weather to be over completely lol

Marie said...

Congrats on your nominations! Love your blog :)

Pilar said...


Kristen said...


Pilar said...


Lauren said...

I read this post and OMG one of my favorite shows is law and order: svu too! along with csi ofc! :D

Pilar said...

I think Law and Order SVU is a great show! I'm counting down the hours for the two hour season premiere tonight lol!

Amelie said...

I also love to visit Art Museums and one of my favorite shows is Law and Order SVU too!


Pilar said...

I think Art Museums are great! I love viewing different works of art. Law and Order SVU is so awesome lol!

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