Monday, December 16, 2013

Manicure Monday: Holiday Edition 2013 Part 2

Hello Everyone!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  

For my second post of the day here's Manicure Monday. I didn't get the chance to incorporate black into my last week'series click here for part 1 We all know that black is a color that is versatile and classy. Gold is another color that is always worn during the holiday season.


Sinful Colors Professional: This is It


LA Colors Art Deco: Gold Glitter
LA Colors Art Deco: Black

Thanks for stopping by!



willsingformakeup said...

Love these nail looks! So festive, but in a very grown up and classy way. Well done!

Imogen said...

Very lovely. Gold is always a favourite of mine.

Jackie Harrison said...

Great job like the color choice. Keep in touch.

Unknown said...

I love the black and gold tips!!
Also I don't know if you know but GFC is gone but if you have bloglovin let me know so I can follow you there too!!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I just had to add black for a holiday nail color too!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I love wearing gold it's such a pretty color!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I stopped by your blog earlier this morning, nice products you had in your post!

Pilar said...

Thank you Ashley! I see that GFC is gone! I just set up my blogloving account a few hours ago, but I'll make sure I'll follow you! I'm following you on Google+ as well!

Unknown said...

Ill follow you back on bloglovin and I'm following you on google+ but I have no idea how to use it lol!! This is all so confusing

Pilar said...

I know right! I just go on google+ to add people and publish my latest post! I'm still trying to figure out bloglovin! Lol

Anonymous said...

hi doll :) i am following you on bloglovin :) let me know when you are google plus :) xx

Pilar said...

Ok thanks for continuing to follow! I'm following you on google+ I update my status to let everyone know when I post :)

Kristen said...

you look good with the gold polish.

Pilar said...

Thank you! Gold is always one of my favorite colors to wear during the holidays and for Winter!

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