Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Follow Me on Bloglovin and Google+

Hello Everyone!

It seems that blogger had decided to delete GFC or so that's what people have noticed on their page. My GFC followers are still on my page, but incase it will no longer be there I made a Bloglovin account to keep in touch with my followers

You can hit the follow me in Bloglovin button on the right side of my blog can follow me from the website...

Here is the link to follow me Bloglovin

I already follow many of you on Google+ but here's the link to that as well if you want to follow me!

Send me your link if you want me to follow you back!



Unknown said...

Okay I followed you on bloglovin now :) for some reason everytime I clicked your profile in the mail I got saying you were following me, it said page not found but now it's working!!

Jackie Harrison said...

I been following you hope you following back on both.

Dylan & Berry said...

I'm following you on both but the GFC is back on your profile now :)
-B ♡ MsBerryStylish 

Pilar said...

Lol! I'm glad it worked :) I was having some technical issues myself online yesterday! lol

Pilar said...

I remember a while back you mentioned you followed me by bloglovin. I followed you back as well and I have been following you on Google+ also!

Pilar said...

Thanks for following me! I followed you back! The funny thing is that GFC hasn't been deleted off my blog, but incase it was deleted, I wanted my followers to be able to stay follow me.

Florina Pandrea said...

nice blog dear!
i have just found it and I follow you now via GFC
i have a giveaway on my blog, maybe you are interested :*
and maybe you will follow too:*

Pilar said...

Thank you for stopping by! I'll check out your giveaway and your

Kristen said...

okay I will follow you.

Pilar said...

Thanks! I followed you back!

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