Sunday, December 29, 2013

Reflections 2013: My Year in Review

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas, and for those who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. I wanted to write a quick update/preview post about my birthday and Christmas before I write today's post. I had a AWESOME day filled with love, laughter, and beautiful gifts! I couldn't have ask for a better day!! I will probably have my post up about Christmas/birthday later this week (after New Year's) because I haven't had time to take my pictures and organize my post yet. Don't worry it's coming very soon! Now with that being said on to my reflections of 2013... I wanted to write this before the New Year :)

I can’t believe that 2013 is coming to a close. In my opinion this year went by kind of fast! What can I say about this year? Well I thought I had a fairly decent year. I don’t have too many complaints about this year. I guess the only thing I wish had been different, are the number of times I was sick this year. My allergies and sinuses were really misbehaving…terribly!! lol I can’t help not mentioning that awful cold I had in January that lasted until mid February. Then in March I had food poisoning…that’s the last time I ate from Blimpies or ate a sub sandwich in general lol. Through it all I can smile and count my many blessings.

I think sometimes people forget how blessed we are, and tend to let negativity cloud our feelings and emotions. I know people can’t be happy 100% of the time, but I chose to remain positive and optimistic about life. I also think resilience is so important to overcome obstacles. As long as I have faith and prayer, I know I can overcome anything in life. You really can’t let life defeat you or at least you shouldn’t. I’ve learned in the past that negativity doesn’t solve anything…happy thoughts here :) I’m glad that I have supportive and loving people in my life that include my mom, my best friend from that I've known since I was 16 years old, and my other best friend I've known since college. I love these people so very much!

 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
Just a few pics of the awesome people in my life! I'll be mentioning them in my upcoming posts this week.

My mom and I :)


My best friend, I’ve known him since I was 16 years old :)


My other best friend, I've known her since college :)


Last but not least, I want to reflect on my blogging. This year I also started blogging. Blogging has really made an impact in my life! I love reading blogs and sharing my posts with you all. The feedback I have received has truly been so positive and inspirational! I look forward to continuing my blogging journey in 2014 and I look forward to reading and commenting on your blogs :) As I mentioned in my Thank You post, it’s so important that we encourage and inspire each other as bloggers.

In conclusion, as each New Year begins, it’s a brand new start for endless possibilities. May you all be blessed, prosperous, and safe! I wish you all a HAPPY WONDEFUL NEW YEAR!!!



Dylan & Berry said...

I know right, words cannot express how much the blogging community has changed my outlook on life because everyone is so supportive.
-B ♡ MsBerryStylish 

Jackie Harrison said...

You have a beautiful family doll and your mom looks like your sister. You are so right sometimes we take our life and what surround us for granted very well written.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday and Christmas Pilar! This is such a great post! I really love when you do positive and inspirational posts here on your blog! This makes me want to do a similar post for my blog!! Thanks for always being so kind and supportive of my blog :)

Marie said...

That's great you had a wonderful birthday and Christmas! Your positivity is so inspiring and uplifting! Nice pictures of you, your mom and your two best friends! Have a Happy New Year!

Marie said...

That's great you had a wonderful birthday and Christmas! Your positivity is so inspiring and uplifting! Nice pictures of you, your mom and your two best friends! Have a Happy New Year!

Kristen said...

awe..... thanks I think you are awesome too.

Pilar said...

Thanks for stopping by! Blogging can be a very insightful experience!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Most people think my mom is my older sister, I get that a lot lol.

Pilar said...

Thank you Ashley, and you're welcome :) I really had a great day! I try to write inspirational and positive posts because it's important to look forward to the future. Life is full of great possibilities! You have a great blog, and if you ever write a post similar to this I would read it!

Pilar said...

Thank you for the kind words! I love writing inspirational posts! Happy New Year to you too!

Pilar said...

You're welcome and thanks! Now I just had to include a picture of my mom and my two best friends! I found this picture of you and I from college!

Shalunya21 said...

Your Mom is so beautiful!!! That picture made me smile. I love that you pay attention to attitude, faith and integrity. Those qualities shine through Pilar; it's clear to see that you are a genuine person. I am so blessed to have 'met' you. Every time I come to your blog or receive a comment from you I smile. You truly warm my heart. Never change just continue to get better my dear!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I swear you say such kind words :) I'm glad to have met you too through blogging! I felt a genuine sincerity when I read your post about the awareness of the devastation in the Philippines. I thought it was such a nice post you wrote not just because your husband and family are from (and live) there, but you care in general. That really touched me. You have a great outlook on life and with your neurological condition you show us as peoole that we can be positive despite our circumstances and obstacles. Reading your blog is really inspiring! said...

your such a sweet person and it shines through your blog, I am so glad I came across your blog, stay sweet I can't wait to read more on what you have to say in 2014 Great pics of your mom and your besties! xoxo- Cyndi

Pilar said...

Thank you! That is so kind of you! I really want to get back to writing more inspirational type posts for my blog. I look foward to reading your blog as well!

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