Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thanksgiving Inspired Makeup 2015/ I'm Thankful

Hello Everyone!

It's almost time for Thanksgiving! One of my favorites holiday even though it may not always be so kind to my waistline lol. Anyway today I'm going to share a Thanksgiving inspired makeup look that I created. For this look, I went for deep red/cranberry colors. Also, you'll notice near the end of this post I wrote my annual I'm Thankful post.

 Products Used 

* Eyes *
- MAC Paint Pot in Soft Ochre 

- Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette 
- Urban Decay Vice 3 Palette 

1. Naked 2 for transition color (Naked Basics Palette)

2. Alchemy all over the lid (Vice 3 Palette)

3. Reign on top of the lid and crease (Vice 3 Palette)

4. Crave slightly on Outer V (Naked Basics Palette)

* Face *

- Cetaphil DermaControl Oil  Moisturizer (for primer)

- Fashion Fair Pressed Powder (Fawn)

- Fashion Fair Fast Finish. Foundation Stick (Butterscotch/Caramel)

* Lips *

- NYX  Lip Pencil in Auburn
- MAC Media Lipstick

Im Thankful

As the holdiay season nears I am thankful for all the good, bad, and everything in between. When I feel the need to complain I remember that I'm blessed and I'm thankful everyday. Things are not always going to be perfect nor easy, but there are people in this world who have it much worse. So with that being said I'm thankful for life, the people in my life that I'm close too, having basic necessities, the companies I've collaborated with, and last but not least my blogger friends. May you all have wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season.

Also I want to thanks Palmer's collegues at Coyne for sending me a few goodies in the mail this week!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Marie said...

Beautiful! I love the colors you used for this look! I'm thankful for a lot of the things you listed as well! I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Your makeup looks so pretty Pilar! And I loveeee your hair curly, it's gorgoues!! deep red and cranberries are one of my favorite shades to wear during Fall time. It's such a great color! And I love your thankful post, I couldn't agree more with everything you've said!

Jackie Harrison said...

Like how it looks on you great choice in colors.

Pilar said...

Thank you! I went for a cranberry look for this look. I thought since Thanksgiving is coming up cranberry/red would be a great color section! Same to you!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I think these colors are so pretty for this time of year! I'm thankful everyday, but I had to include a post on the people and things I'm thankful for!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

The pop of cranberry looks awesome on you! And I loved reading what you are thankful for. I am so glad the holidays are close and I am thankful my family is so near!

Anonymous said...

Nice makeup look

Pilar said...

Thank you! I loved reading your thankful list as well! Great things to be thanful for!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

You look beautiful Pilar! I love your hair, that top and your foundation & makeup looks SO GOOD! I need to revisit Fashion Fair! I tried them YEARS AGO and they were too oily for me. BUt your complexion looks flawless! Loved what you were thankful for! Difficult times don't last forever.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kim! Fashion Fair is really the only foundation and face powder that I use on a regular basis. I think Fashion Fair has changed their formula a few times over the years. I don't have any issues with the products I have. I really like the quality. You may want to give the oil conrtol face oowder a try if oil was an issue for you!


Love this!

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Elle Sees said...

super fab look for thanksgiving, pilar. and lovely list, too. happy thanksgiving :)

Shireen L. Platt said...

Fashion Fair is not a brand that I am familiar with, is it US only? Don't think I've seen it here in Canada. And you look absolutely lovely, Pilar, your makeup is on point as always!

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Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Elle! Same to you!

Pilar said...

Thanks Shireen! I'm unsure if Fashion Fair is sold in Canada. I'll get back to you on that. I plan on writing a review since I've gotten a good bit of questions about the the Fashion Fair products that I use.

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Very beautiful doll! Happy Thanksgiving to you x


Pilar said...

Thanks ladies! Same to you!

willsingformakeup said...

I love the rich colors in this makeup look! They're perfect for the season. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I always like how you add something insprirational to your posts.

Pilar said...

Thanks Lauren! I wanted to use cranberry colors for the holiday, and I agree these colors are perfect for Fall! Even though I'm always thankful, I couldn't let Thanksgiving come along without including I'm Thankful writing!

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