Monday, January 11, 2016

Inspirational Post: Goals for 2016

Hello Everyone!

I know I'm a little late with posting my goals for 2016, but better late than never right? I never really make new years resolutions, but I try to set goals for myself each year. Even if I don't complete my goals with in the year, I can always work toward accomplishing my goals in general.

1. Keep Looking for My Dream Job

I haven't giving up with looking for a job related in the Psychology field. I know life can take us down unexpected roads, but we'll see what happens. It's never to late to pursue your dream job or even change your career!

2. Reduce Stress

I'm constantly working on reducing stress. Having a Type A personality doesn't really help lol. I still stress, but at least I don't stress like I used to in previous years.

3. Learn to Relax

I'm going do more of the things I enjoy this year. Maybe I'll even pick up a few new hobbies.

4. Read More Books

Sometimes I just want to curl up and read a good book. Nowadays technology and social media is basically taking over, and I want to get back to the simplicities of life.

5. Enjoy More of the Simple Things in Life

In speaking of simplicities, I try to enjoy the simple things in life. I started a Simple Things in Life Series on my blog last year, and I intend to continue with the series this year as well.

6. Continue with Inspirational and Depression Awareness Posts on my Blog

In addition to my beauty posts, I plan on writing my inspirational and depression awareness posts. I noticed that a lot of you find these type post helpful and inspiring. I think I did a pretty good job with being consistent with those posts last year, and I plan to the same this year as well. I thought it was important that I dedicated this week to inspirational posts. When I first started my blog, I named it Beauty and  More By Pilar because I knew there were going to many topics I wanted to discuss on my blog.

7.  Let Things Happen on Their Own

This is pretty self explanatory, sometimes in life we just have to go with the flow of things.

What are your goals for 2016?

* This week is Inspiration Week on my blog! I'll be posting the links for all the content I write this at the end of each post

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 


Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

These are great goals Pilar! I am looking forward to the continued mental health posts on your blog as well as the simple things!!

Unknown said...

Love this post Pilar! To me it's still the beginning of the year so I don't think you're late on this post! You have some great goals, and I definitely want to learn to not stress as much and relax more too. I'm always trying to remind myself that I can't control everything so if something is stressing me out that I have no control over, to just let it be. And I love that you're doing an inspirational week on your blog! Definitely keep them up throughout the year, you do such great ones!

marie said...

Nice goals for 2016! I'm glad you're going to continue with your inspirational posts etc! Those posts filled with positivity!

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo! I think the mental health awareness and simple things post are important topics on my blog!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! I've been trying to post things in a timely manner, but you're right it's still the beginning of the year lol! I'm going to really work hard on controlling my stress levels this year! You're right we can't always control things and we have to go with the flow of things! I thought it would be good to do an inspiration week on my blog! I think everyone can benefit from inspiration!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie!

Jackie Harrison said...

Great ways to start your year I like simplicity and enjoying nature I also like reading or hearing about the bible.

Elle Sees said...

wonderful sentiments about letting go and letting things happen. i hope you have lots of joy this year.

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie! I really like reading the Bible. It helps me feel inspired!

Pilar said...

Thanks Elle! I learned throughout the years Sometimes I have to just go with things I can't control. In the end things usually work out for the best. I hope you have a joyful year as well!

willsingformakeup said...

These are great goals, Pilar! I think many of us could benefit from slowing down and living more simply. This is a great reminder!

Lily (Beauty With Lily) said...

These are some great goals! I definitely need to reduce stress and relax as well. Wishing you a great year!
xo, Lily

Pilar said...

Thanks and you're welcome Lauren!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lily! I wish you a great year as well!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

These are definitely accomplish-able Pilar! Good luck doll :D

Pilar said...

Thanks Kim!

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