Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Pilar in the Pantry: Easy Oven Baked Hashbrowns

Hello Everyone!

*Disclaimer: This meal was prepared and photo wast taken at my old house. 

Two back to back Pilar in Pantry Posts? Yes, your eyes aren't deceiving you lol! One of my guilty pleasure foods would have to be hash browns. I absolutely love them! Most of the time I'll make a quick trip to Waffle House and get a hash browns covered (cheese) and chunked (ham) and it's so good! Don't you just love when you can make some of you favorite take out foods at home?! For today's post I'm sharing a quick and easy recipe to make oven baked hashbrowns browns.

Easy Oven Baked Hashbrowns 


- Bag of frozen hashbrowns

- Pam Cooking Spray

- Salt

- Pepper

Other Materials

- Cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil


Preheat the oven to 375° degrees,

Line the bottom of a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray the foil lightly with cooking spray.

Spread the frozen hash browns in a semi thick layer on the foil (about a cup)

Spray the top of the hash brown layer lightly with the cooking spray.

Bake for 30 minutes, turning the hash browns over halfway through and remove from oven

Lightly respray the top of the hash browns and place back into he oven uncovered for the remaining 15 minutes. The hash browns will be golden-brown and crispy on the top once done baking.

Remove hash brown from the oven, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

I've made these a few times and each time the hash browns taste delicious! I've tired frying these hash browns, but honestly I like the oven baked version so much better!

This another quick dish you can make on a busy weekday.  Don't forget to check out my previous post on easy casserole meals Pilar in the Pantry: Easy Casserole Meals

July 2017 Posts

Bath and Body Works SAS Summer 2017 Pt. 2

Beauty Big Bang Powder Brush

Projects with Pilar: DIY Flower Crown Headbands

Beauty Big Bang 10 Piece Cosmetic Brushes Set (Unicorn Brushes)


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, these hashbrowns look good, Pilar. I think it's much easier cooking them in the oven than on the stove. Your series "Pilar in the Pantry" is very clever and sweet, love that.


Marie said...

Thanks for sharing this recipe! It looks so good!

Pilar said...

Thanks! I try to be creative with my post titles! I agree it's easier to cook them in the oven rather than on top of the stove. I also like that these oven baked hash browns aren't that greasy!

Pilar said...


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your hashbrowns look so good! Thank you for the recipe. I always forget to buy them at the grocery. Maybe I'll remember now. Ha! ♥

Anonymous said...

Looks good!

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...


Midnight Cowgirl said...

Those hashbrowns look really good!

Pilar said...


Unknown said...

I've only made hash browns in a frying pan!! I honestly hate cooking them in a frying pan. I never even though to bake them! I'm definitely going to try this, and I've also never had cheese on them either! I need to try that too!!

Pilar said...

I don't like frying hash browns in the pan either! I just figured it had to be a better way to cook them lol. I like oven hash browns so much better! Cheese on these hash brown taste so good!

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 Hello Everyone! During the month of February I want to focus on all things good and love. In order to show love to others you must first sh...