Thursday, April 4, 2019

Lake Murray

Hello Everyone!

My mom and I recently had to run a few errands and she suggested we drive across Lake Murray Dam. When I was little, we actually used to live about 5 minutes away from the Lake Murray. Just because we lived 5 minutes away from the dam, doesn't mean we crossed it on a regular basis lol. The lake is beautiful and it has a view as far as the eyes can see. I showed two pictures in my February and March lifestyle post of Lake Murray. Today I wanted share more pictures that I took as we drove across the bridge.

On the way to drive over Lake Murray

I'm not going to show the pedestrians, but this is the side of the bridge that people are allowed to walk, run. 

The towers

I love when the bridge isn't crowded with traffic. The ride is so peaceful, well once my anxiety subsides.

For some reason this side of the dam doesn't scare me as much as the other side with the wall.

Nearing the end of the bridge

Love Lock Fence.  Just like in France :)

Now let's take a drive across the other side. The dreaded wall side. This is another day we drove across the lake.

You probably have noticed this dam is actually called the Dreher Shoals Dam or Saluda Shoals Dam...let's just be real if you're from South Carolina we call it Lake Murray.

I'm assuming there are no love locks on this side since there pedestrians aren't allowed to walk in this area.

The scenery across Lake Murray on a sunny day is so beautiful

My mom always says it looks like you're going to drive right into the wall. I have to agree. 

When I was a child this side of the dam terrified me lol. There has been reconstruction over the years and this side used to be wide drop instead of the wall. The bridge was also one level, but now the lake side is the higher level and the wall side is the lower level. You may can tell that from this photo 

It may come as a surprise, but I have never driven across Lake Murray. My anxiety has held me back, but I made a promise to myself that I will drive across it this year.

Until next time Lake Murray 

April 2019 Post

My Life in March 2019

March 2019 Posts

My Life in February 2019

Zoya Innocence Collection: Spring 2019

Smart Spa Sugar Scrubs

Urban Decay Naked Reloaded Palette

Original Beauty Box Cosmetic Travel Organizer (Large)

Spring into Skincare

Vibrant Eye Makeup for Spring

Spring 2019 Makeup Haul


Marie said...

You took really nice pictures of Lake Murray!

Lisa said...

Thanks for the ride along. I'm not a fan of bridges and I get anxiety going across them. I was once stuck in traffic on a bridge and texted all my family to tell them where I was just in case.
Me and my husband were stuck in traffic on a bridge once and I begged him to let me out so I could run to the end and he could pick me up when he got there. Needless to say, he would not let me do that. ha.
However, I love looking at the waters beneath them.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks for sharing Pilar! Lake Murray looks so nice! How cute that there is a love lock fence there on the bridge.

Susie said...

Pilar, I loved your pictures and descriptions. I truly understand your anxiety. I have it in traffic. More now than I ever did. I kind of think it's because I have cataracts and have yet to get them taken care of. I need to see better. But also the traffic doesn't go the speed limit. People drive way too fast. We have a by pass in Indy for the city. It's 465. There's always back ups due to wrecks...well it doesn't take genius to know the speed is too fast...people do not have reflex that quick. Pray for me sweet girl, we have to travel that way to Ted's bone marrow hospital and back a few times. Bless your sweet heart. xoxo, Susie

Ivana Split said...

I don't drive much, as we only have one car. It is a beautiful bridge and I hope you'll drive over it some day if that is what you want to do. Thanks for sharing these pics. I think the Love Fence is my fav part of this bridge, it's lovely to see those locks of love.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Looks like a lovely drive!

Jackie Harrison said...

We all have different fears is conquering that takes courage so going over the bridge was yours.

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie!

Pilar said...

You're welcome! I love the Love Lock Fence! I think the fence is very unique and thoughtful!

Pilar said...

Thanks Susie! Having anxiety can be the absolute worst thing when driving! I try not to focus on it. I know my limitations about driving across Lake Murray though! I've gotten better while sitting in the passenger seat going across the lake, so that's progress! I agree I've noticed that some people drive too fast. I hope you get checked out for cataracts soon :) My granddaddy had cataracts when I was in middle school and he got the surgery and he could see better afterwards. I miss him. He would've turned 100 last month.

I'm definitely keeping you and Ted in my prayers. Blessings to you my friend!

Pilar said...

You're welcome Ivana! It's always interesting to view the love locks on the fence!

Pilar said...

It was a nice drive!

Pilar said...

So true Jackie! You're right it takes courage to face fears.

Anonymous said...

Look at that view! Very nice!

Marie said...

You're welcome! Have you ever taken any photos of the lake at night?

Pilar said...

I haven't taken any pictures of the dam at night...yet. I really want to get a few night images though.

Marie said...

Those night pictures would be pretty! I hope you do a post of the lake at night in the future!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a nice drive you and your mom had to the lake. Oh, that Love Lock Fence is wonderful, what a sight! Nel visited the Love Lock Fence in France, and it was so sweet. Yes, I love sentimental things like this, and thank you for letting me know about your post, Pilar. The bridge does look peaceful, and like you, I'd prefer no traffic haha. I like the fact that you're so close to your mom, Pilar. Hold her close to you always. : )


nerline said...

It must have been quite a drive, Pilar. Sometimes we don't take time to appreciate the things that are free to us.

Pilar said...

Whenever I go across the lake at night I'll take a few pictures and post them!

Pilar said...

You're welcome Lisa! I thought this would be a fun post to share! Oh my lol you wanted to get out in and run across the bridge?!

Honestly I probably would've have felt the same if we were stuck in traffic across Lake Murray! For the record my mom wouldn't let me out the car if wanted to do that either! It's kind of funny since there's a pedestrian walk on one side of the bridge!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! How exciting that Nel visited the Love Lock Fence in France! I'm definitely a mama's girl. I love that my mom and I are close :)

Pilar said...

It was a nice drive. That's so true. I try to appreciate the free and simple things in life.

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

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