Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Mental Health Check-In

Hello Everyone!

After last months ER visit for anxiety and depression. I had to acknowledge that I wasn't feeling okay.  Last month was a wake up call. I didn't like seeing my blood pressure so high because of anxiety.  I'm still struggling with anxiety and depression, but I take everyday with patience and better self care. I know that I said I'm taking a small break, which I am. I wanted to update everyone on how I'm doing. I'm still not doing well as I want to, but I'm not in an Emergency Room. I think this time dealing with anxiety and depression is worse because of letting things bottle upside. I guess it was just a matter of time before I felt like I was crashing. I can't thank you all enough for all of your well wishes.

I had so many triggers last month leading to me feeling like I was falling to pieces. I haven't felt like I did a few weeks ago in over 3 years. I'm working on not letting my triggers overwhelm me.

Since I've been in this depressive state I had a tendency to overindulge in Krispy Kreme Glazed Donuts. Time to put those glazed donuts away and get back to my exercise routine. Since it's so hot and humid all day I doubt if I'll be walking outside. I'll probably go to the mall and walk. I want to get back into cardio as well.

I had no plans to stop going to counseling, but right now I need counseling. I usually space my appointments, but I think I might start going every two weeks. I think talking about my feelings is healthy and therapeutic. Talking helps me keep things into perspective.

I've been on medication for depression and anxiety off and on for about 10 years. I started taking antidepressants again last year. I've noticed that medication does help, but I have to learn to balance my life better. I will talk with you all soon. Don't forget to check out the other two posts I posted this week. Links are below.

My Life in July 2019

6th Blogiversary Gifts and PR Haul


The Dainty Dolls House said...

I hope to see you continue to get better lovely!! Lots of love and wishes to you xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing an update. Wishing you the best with everything!

Grace Liang said...

Thank you so much for the update! I hope you continue to find relief! :)


Pilar said...

Thank you Kizzy

Pilar said...

Thank you

Pilar said...

Thank you Grace, and you're welcome

Lisa said...

I have no doubt that Krispy Kreme adds comfort but Im glad you plan on getting yourself back together.
Hang in there girly.

PS: now I want a doughnut.

Marie said...

Glad to read an update from you Pilar. I love Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! Keep your head up. Things will get better for you! I meant to say this on your last post, congratulations on your first brand event invite! You may not have been able to attend, but being invited is a huge deal :)

krishna said...

Oh dear! hope you'll feel good very soon. And exercise really helps.

Doctor Anne said...

Thank you for the update, Pilar. It takes time to truly feel better, so give it time. But I feel like you are on a good way.

Evi Erlinda said...

Thank you for the update, Pilar.
I hope you feel much better. Praying.

Have a great one!

Pilar said...

Thank you Lisa. I had to put the doughnuts down and I'm getting back to working out.

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie. I'm remaining optimistic about things. I was so excited to receive my first brand event invite! I'm such a fan of Urban Decay!

Pilar said...

Thank you Krishna. I agree exercise does help.

Pilar said...

Thank you Anne, and you're welcome.

Pilar said...

Thank you Evi, and same to you.

The Liberty Belle said...

You have wonderful personal insight and I commend you for having an action plan for continued healing (continued counseling, compliance with your medication regimen, and exercise). Wishing you peace and happiness.

Pilar said...

Thank you

Paola Lauretano said...

I hope you'll feel better soon! So inspiring post!!!
Kisses, Paola.


Jackie Harrison said...

Hope you get better.

Pilar said...

Thank you Paola

Pilar said...

Thank you Jackie

Tanza Erlambang said...

glad to hear that you are able to manage your depression, hope everything goes well with you....

Have a great day

Pilar said...

Thank you Tanza, and same to you.

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

I hope you will get better!!


Pilar said...

Thank you Marisa

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Even though you're not back, it sounds like you're on the right track. Just keep focusing on taking care of yourself and getting back to where you need to be Pilar.

Pilar said...

Thank you Rowena.

Ivana Split said...

Getting better is always a process, sometimes we just have to take it a day at time. Triggers can really worsen our state and it is not easy to find balance, especially when things don't go as plan. Your plan to get better sounds good. Counseling should help and it is always healthy to talk about our feelings. It can be easier with a good professional, I should think. I hope you find a counselor that will suit you, I think that's important too, to find a good match for your personality. Exercise can be helpful. Walking out in a heat and humid air doesn't sound like much fun, so going to an air-condition area and walking there (as you said you plan to go to the mall) is probably a better option. I like walking myself because it is a simple exercise and we don't need any props or special preparation. I hope you'll find the right way to keep care of your self.

ALLIE NYC said...

Do look in to working out, in particular cardio. Cardio and or dancing for an extended period of time an hour or more will help as I believe it increases serotonin. I remember when I still went out to clubs and danced a lot the next day I would feel much happier. I dealt with depression as it was Seattle and low light and remember this really helped.

Allie of

Red Rose Alley said...

Pilar, I'm glad you are feeling better and getting the right help that is needed. That's so important. Although I love Krispy Kreme glaze doughnuts, I only have them once in great while. You should watch your sugar intake cause that might make your health issue worse. Continue to go to places like the lake that are peaceful, and walking at the mall is a great idea you had. It's been so hot here too, and walking outside would not be pleasant at all.

Get better, my friend, and I am sending love your way. Thanks for the update.


Pilar said...

Thank you Ivana. I have a pretty good counselor now. I mentioned that I switched counselors. The best decision that I've made towards my treatment. It helps to talk about my feelings. The heat and humidity is horrible here, so I'll definitely go walking inside the Mall until the weather gets cooler. I had so many different triggers that lead me to feeling bad emotionally. I'm learning and growing as I get through this.

PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

Hi babe so glad to see you are taking the right steps. I think depression leads us to eat a bad diet It is important to look after your mental and also physical being I have been there over eating sweets because they make us feel good temporarily however the more sugar we eat the more sugar we want to eat and it is bad for us Loving yourself and exercising will make you feel better and not feeling guilty It is wonderful that you are going to counselling it is so important to speak to someone Have a wonderful weekend and take care xoxo Cris

Pilar said...

Thank you Allie. I agree about cardio. I used to feel so good after a good cardio workout. Working out is supposed to increase serotonin and endorphins. I notice I have a better mood when I have natural light exposure. I hate the heat and humidity in South Carolina, but the weather is very sunny here.

Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri. I appreciate your kind words. I may bake desserts, but I don't have much of a sweet tooth except during PMS and sometimes when I feel depressed. You're right though, sugar tends to made these issues worse. I usually only eat two doughnuts, but the other week I actually ate four of them! I plan on walking this week at the mall. I love going to Lake Murray. It's one of the places I found peace.

Pilar said...

Thank you Cris. I agree. I try not to have bad eating habits when I feel depressed. That's why I want to get back to exercising asap. I really think counseling helps with my treatment of anxiety and depression. Have a great week ahead.

Ivana Split said...

I remember that you mentioned a counselor that didn't work well for you in the past, so it is good that you find someone you can get along with. Good luck with everything and have a great week ahead!

Pilar said...

Thank you Ivana. The counselor I had last year didn't work out well. He was rude, very negative, and didn't listen to anything I had to say. I have a new counselor that's much better. I can talk about my thoughts and feelings and work on ways to cope with my anxiety and depression. Wishing you a great week as well.

R's Rue said...


Pilar said...

Thank you

Adriana Leandro said...

I hope you feel much better.


Pilar said...

Thank you Adriana

nerline said...

Thanks for sharing your struggle with us, Pilar. Medication does help, but I think you should also try meditation. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and breathe. Quieting your mind helps too.

Pilar said...

Thank you Nerline, and you're welcome. Medication has helped me, but I did hear good things about meditation. I'm working on trying to quiteting my mind.

Lynette said...

So glad to read an update and sharing your struggles - it helps the rest of us going through the same too.

Pilar said...

Thank you Lynette. I try to share my story about anxiety and depression to help others know they're not alone, and treatment is available.

Erra Mood said...

Trzymam kciuki za powrót do zdrowia :)

Paola Lauretano said...

I wish you all the best darling!
Kisses, Paola.


Pilar said...

Dziękuję Ci Erra

Pilar said...

Thank you Paola

Ann said...

I really wish you well Pilar.
I hope that you will overcome this moment
of depression in your life
and yeah forget the donuts and go exercise.


Pilar said...

Thank you

Pilar said...

Thank you Ann. It's not easy, but I'm trying my best to cope with anxiety and depression. I did put those doughnuts down and I started walking again on Monday.

Marie said...

You're welcome! That invite is something to be excited about!

Pilar said...

I was so happy about it!

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Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...