Monday, August 5, 2013

Shower/Bath and Beauty Products

Hello Everyone!!
 My apologies for the missing pictures. My pictures were accidentally deleted off my blog. Please Refer to my Instagram account miss_pilar to view the pictures (or some of the pictures) that were deleted.  
I thought I would focus on writing about my current shower/bath and beauty products. I keep things pretty simple, but consistent on my daily beauty rituals and I wanted to share some of the different products I use.

Bath/ Shower Products


Normally I use Dove soap, but I switched things up by trying this new soap and body wash called Dial Coconut Water and Bamboo Leaf Extract. The smell really caught my attention because it smells wonderful and its not too overpowering. I usually dont buy Dial soap products because it leaves my skin dry; however, this new product from Dial soap and body wash leaves my skin feeling rejuvenated and hydrated.

To keep my face clear and blemish free, I use Noxzema Products. I only exfoliate once to twice a week and I use Noxzema Clean Blemish Control Daily Scrub, Even though its a daily scrub, I dont use it that much because I dont want to over exfoliate. During the rest of the week I use Noxzema Triple Clean Anti-Bacterial Lathering Cleanser. Both products are not drying to my face after usage. As you may notice, I try to use products that keep my skin hydrated. Another product I use to prevent blemishes is Avon Clear Skin Clearing Acne Body Wash. I rarely use this because I dont get many breakouts. When I do get minor breakouts, this is a good body wash to clear it up. I dont like the smell because its kind of strong, but its still a good product to use.

When it comes to shaving gel for my legs, the only shaving gel I have ever used is Skintimate Signature Scents Moisturizing Shaving Gel Raspberry Rain. Im sure there are many other great shaving gels, but this one leaves my legs feeling soft so I never changed brands lol.

Last but not least of my current shower/bath products is Johnsons Baby Moisture Wash Shea and Cocoa Butter. I actually just started using this product. As we all know Johnsons products arent limited to babies only lol, Ive observed that it does keep my skin moisturized and soft during usage and has a great smell!


Beauty Products

Just like my shower and bath products, I like to use beauty products that keep my skin healthy and moisturized. Two products Ive been using for years are Palmers Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter Formula. I love the way it applies easily and doesnt leave my skin greasy. I also like to use Olay Ultra Moisture Lotion with Shea Butter. This lotion gives my skin an extra moisturized glow look that last for a long time. This lotion also doesnt leave my skin greasy.

For my feet, I use Creamy Petroleum Jelly first and then I add lotion to keep my feet extra soft. I dont use a special brand or anything; Im assuming any brand of creamy petroleum jelly would work just fine. In regards to my face Ive also been using Ponds Dry Skin Cream. It only takes a few dabs to rub over my face to leave it soft and moisturized.


I focused on some of my moisturizing shower/bath and beauty products because I feel its so important to have healthy skin. What are some of your shower/bath and beauty products that you use?


Thanks for reading!! and if you like my blog, hit the join this site button and keep up with me!


Kristen said...

hey,I always wondered which products that would be good for my body but wouldn't leave it greasy.The lotion that you put on your feet after the petroleum jelly is it the Olay or Palmers cocoa butter. Does the jelly help with cracked dry skin like the heel of you feet's. also, with the shaving gel, does it work with preventing nicks. and does it come in a different scents. the cream for the face, does it leave your face oily? because I have trouble with that. but I am excited about trying some or all of these products. but are these products expensive?

Pilar said...

Actually with the creamy petroleum jelly, you can probably use most lotions with it. I use either or... but both work fine with it. It does help with dry skin and it should help with softening the heel of you foot. Thats one reason I use it to prevent the bottom of my feet from being hard. The shaving gel works pretty well, I haven't had any issues with it, and yes it comes in different scents. Ok with face cream use four dabs... one on your forehead, one on each cheek, and one on your chin and rub on your face. By doing that it won't leave your skin greasy, but you will have moisturized skin. These products aren't too expensive. My suggestion is to get them from Walmart since they're fairly reasonable with prices.

Amanda Villarreal said...

Thanks for the visit to! I agree, I love Skintimate as well. The cocoa butter is also great to use during pregnancy! It helps keep the stretch marks at bay :).


Pilar said...

I don't have any children yet, but I've heard many women say that Palmer's Cocoa Butter is the best product to limit stretch marks. Good to know for future references!

Raineys Crochet said...

Love the Cocoa Butter, it smells soo nice! Nice post!

Lorraine xx

Pilar said...

I know right! I had to get the Palmer's Fragrance Free Cocoa Butter since the store was out of the regular one, but it still has a faint smell of cocoa butter thats smells good. Thanks!

Kristen said...

thanks, yeah I have trouble with dry skin and I hate to use most lotions because it makes me feel all greasy afterwards. but I will give those lotions and petroleum jelly a chance and see if that works for my skin and especially my feet. thanks for the help again.

Pilar said...

No problem! And just remember the product I'm talking about is the CREAMY petroleum jelly.

Unknown said...

good stuff!i also don't like strong scented products.


Pilar said...

Thanks! Glad I could help! I plan on writing a healthy skin tips post soon.

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