Friday, November 24, 2017

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!  For everyone  that's going Black Friday shopping, I hope you find some great deals and stay safe! Finally!!! I can't wait to start decorating for Chrismas. I don't know if it's because my birthday is on Christmas or I just love Christmas in general, but I love to look at decorations and decorate.

Last week I picked up a few last minute decorations and crafting supplies etc. 

Some of the stored decorations that I took out this morning.

Last but not least the guest of honor in my home, the christmas tree! The decorating process will probably happen sometime over the weekend. I'll show the tree decorated in a later post once everything is finished! 

I don't think I'm doing blogmas this year, but don't worry I'll have plenty of holiday themed post throughout the month of December! Happy Holidays :)

November 2017 Posts

Hello November

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I want to see your Christmas tree decorated! I already did some decorating around the house, and it's such a nice feeling. Have fun with the decorating, Pilar.


*by the way, I think you meant Black Friday on your first sentence. I did the same thing the other day and Jess caught it. Instead of garlic tablets, I put garlic tables haha.

Pilar said...

I can't wait until the tree decorated! I'll be showing it soon hopefully! I hope you share your decorated tree on your blog too!

Thanks for pointing that out Sheri! I know what happened lol. I was editing and my keys got stuck and deleted the b in black. I did mean to put Black Friday!

Jackie Harrison said...

I just got back from Target purchase a Christmas tree awesome start after Thanksgiving

Marie said...

Your tree was so pretty last year! I look forward to seeing your decorations this year!

Pam said... hoping to get around to pulling out my guest of honor tomorrow! Going with the smaller tree this yr since I have a new little kitten....

The Glossychic said...

we havent started our christmas decorations yet but we will.
The Glossychic

Adriana Leandro said...

I want see your Christmas tree. I love Christmas decorations.

Stella said...

Wow! You’re gonna decorate it so soon! We want to get a Christmas tree later on. Mid of December we wanna decorate it :-))

♘ ♘

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're all set to decorate! Have fun!

RaeAbigael said...

i found really amazing pieces and deals this black friday! :) anyway, i hope you'll have a lot of fun putting that Christmas tree up, pilar! :)

xoxo, rae

Unknown said...

Have fun decorating, Pilar!

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Hooray for Christmas decorations!

Pilar said...

I agree! Have fun decorating your Christmas tree Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! I should get started decorating the Christmas tree today!

Pilar said...

Have fun Pam!

Pilar said...

I just pulled most of the decorations out in Friday, but I want to get started on the Christmas tree today!

Pilar said...

I'll be posting my Christmas tree once it's finsihed! I can't wait! I love Christmas decorations too!

Pilar said...

That's my goal for today is to get started! Hopefully I'll finish decorating today!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Rae, and that's great you found deals during Black Friday!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley!

Pilar said...

My sentiments exactly lol!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Looking forward to seeing your tree Pilar :D

Pilar said...

I can't wait to show the tree! :)

Love Your Selfie!

 Hello Everyone! During the month of February I want to focus on all things good and love. In order to show love to others you must first sh...