Monday, December 10, 2018

Decorate with Me! Christmas Edition 2018

Hello Everyone!

Today's post is a mixture of my Christmas DIY projects and regular Christmas Decor. If you missed my Christmas Tree Decoractions 2018 post, you can view that HERE. I really love Christmas not because it's my birthday, it's just a beautiful festive time of year. If you believe in Jesus Christ, it's also a time to remember the reason for the season.

DIY Mirrored Glitter Tray and DIY Glitter Frame

I would be lying if I said I found all my glitter projects fun lol. Don't get me wrong adding glitter makes for beautiful projects, but it gets everywhere! I love the finished look for the tray. I plan on using this tray throughout the Winter in addition to Christmas decor. I also decorated the frame of the wall decor with glitter.

The living room is coming along nicely. I'm still in the process of seasonal decorating. I'm unsure if I'm going to add more pillows. I've been looking for silver snowflake pillows, but I haven't had much luck finding them.

DIY Mirrored Christmas Present Boxes and Counter Decor

Those jingle bells ornaments are diy projects. I removed the string and added a gem to the ribbon on top.

I love my mirrored Christmas Present Boxes! I had so much making these and they go well with my Christmas Decor.

 I wanted to incorporate more teal to my silver decor on the counter, so I added this snowflake that contains hints of teal. I added the little teal gem in the center.

DIY Ornament Magnets

These were originally ornaments, but you know how I love diy projects! I added gems to center of each ornament magnet and I added a magnet on the back each of the white snowflakes 

Mirrored Wall Decor and Snowflake Candle Holder

How pretty is this mirrored wall decor? The candle holder is a gift from my mama last year. I love using this candle holder. It's so pretty!

Wall Decor with Pearl and Silver Candle Holders

Positive vibes with believe. This decor is under the tv in the living room.

Candle Holders with Lights

I put this on the side of the of the tv. I actually have two of these candle holders and I placed lights inside.

Sparkle Letter Decor

At this point of the point you probably aren't surprised I made another glitter diy project. I'm not sure of how this incorporates with Christmas, but I'll probably use it in my room for shelf decor.

Happy Holidays!

December 2018 Posts


krishna said...

Very beautiful decorations dear!

Red Rose Alley said...

Pilar, I love all your Christmas décor - everything looks wonderful. I always like coming over here and seeing your blue and silver, it's just beautiful. There are so many things I like.....'all is calm, all is bright' frame, your blue pillows, your mirrored boxes, the BELIEVE sign, and wherever did you find that blue candle holder? The color is so lovely. You have made your house a charming and festive place to be at Christmas. Now, relax and enjoy. : )


Anonymous said...

Beautiful decorations!

Ann said...

Love your blue theme.
HAve a great day ♥


R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Your decorations are so beautiful.

Jackie Harrison said...

Beautiful decor perfect display

Adriana Leandro said...

What a beautiful Christmas decor!
You're so criative.

Paola Lauretano said...

So many beautiful decorations here!
P letter is also for Paola!!!
Kisses, Paola.


Pilar said...

Thanks Krishna!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! You're too kind! Surprisingly I found the blue candle holder at Target in the Dollar Spot! I purchased 2 of the candle holders! It's so peaceful in the evenings when I turn the Christmas tree lights on!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Ann! Have a great Wednesday!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rakhshanda!

Pilar said...

Thanks Jackie!

Pilar said...

Thanks Adriana!

Pilar said...

Thanks Paola! I love the P decor I made!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

These are such gorgeous decorations, love the colours as well :)) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog lovely x

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Your holiday decor is coming together so nicely and everything looks so festive and beautiful Pilar! Glitter is not fun to work with but the lovely finished results make it worth it :)

Marie said...

Everything looks so beautiful! Your home looks like a Winter Wonderland! The glitter projects look amazing! Did it take you long to make them?

Pilar said...

Thanks, and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Rowena!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! It didn't take to long. The glitter mirror tray took about 2 hours with including drying time for the sides.

Naturalle Drea said...

I haven't put up any decorations yet lol and Santa needs somewhere to put the gifts. I love all the decor, so pretty!

Marie said...

That didn't take long at all to make! Thanks for sharing!

Retail Digital Marketing said...

Nice blog thanks for sharing this beautiful blog and its also helpful to decorate my house in this Christmas. If you are looking for marketing skin care products click the link.

Beauty Unearthly said...

What a great idea.

Pilar said...

You're welcome!

Pilar said...

Lol, and thanks Drea!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...


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