Monday, July 15, 2019

Things That Make Me Happy As An Adult

Hello Everyone!

Sometimes finding things that make you happy as an adult can be challenging  Here are a few adulting things that make me happy. Also today I have two posts for today! So make sure you visit the second post that I'll link near the end.

1. Scented candles

What can I say?! I love candles. The aroma of candles can be so relaxing, and candles smell so goo!

2. Going to Target

Target is the Disney World for adults lol. In speaking of Target, I haven't been to Target in about a month! Shocking I know!

3. Couponing

Saving money is the goal. I found this wooden easel for $4.00 at Big Lots during Black Friday last year.

4. Documentaries

Who am I kidding?! I loved documentaries when I was a teenager as well. I'm perfectly fine staying in on a Saturday night watching documentaries!

5. Going to bed at a decent hour

This rarely happens, but when I go to bed early I catch up on much needed rest.

6. Waking up in the middle of the night and having hours of sleep left.

I'm grateful for hours left to sleep, especially if I have to wake up early.

7. Taking Naps

I hated naps a child, but I sure love naps as an adult.

8. Having canceled plans

Sometimes canceled plans are disappointing, but other times canceled plans are a relief.

9. Doing maintenance/handy work myself

I feel so accomplished when I assemble or fix something.

10. Spending the least time at the post office or DMV

I hate going to the post office. Customer service reps act like you're bothering them. The DMV comes in a strong second of places I dislike. The less time inside of these places, the better!

What things make you happy as an adult?

Don't forget to check out the other post for today Get to Know Me!

July 2019 Posts

Blue Glitter Mermaid Eyes

Creative Patriotic Makeup

Emotional Self Care


Current Beauty Wishlist

Get to Know Me!


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I'm with you on candles, Target shopping, and taking naps! I smiled at number 8, and so true. That's wonderful that you try to save money and try to find good deals.

Speaking of Target.....I can't wait to see all the stuff in the dollar bins this Fall. Be sure to show us any goodies you get. : )


Anonymous said...

Target has the best Fall decor!

Pilar said...

I try to stick to a budget. It truly helps from overspending. I've saved so much money with couponing. I love naps now that I'm an adult! Lol to #8!

I haven't been in Target in over a month, but I've seen a few Fall items posted on Instagram.

Pilar said...

I agree! Michael's, Dollar Tree, and Hobby Lobby are good stores too for Fall decor!

Evi Erlinda said...

I love naps too. I go to Hobby Lobby for DIY and crafts.

Pilar said...

I usually feel refreshed after I take a nap! Those stores have so many essential items for crafts!

nerline said...

I hate spending time at government places. I know what you mean about Target. I feel the same way about some of my favorite stores.

Marie said...

I never thought about Target being the Disney World for adults lol!

Pilar said...

I agree. I have to admit that in recent years some government offices wait times have gotten better, but some of the representatives attitudes are still bad.

Pilar said...

Haha yes! I love when the dollar spot is fully stocked!

Tanza Erlambang said...

target is one of my favorite stores...

Pilar said...

Target is one of my favorite stores too!

Pam said...

Visited both blogs! Nice learning more about you. Christmas not fun for most. My daughters bday is the 19th and even that is hard. I love smelling scented candles, right there in the middle of the store. I really do not burn candles at home, as my luck goes, I would burn the house down. But I love to stop in the store and just stand there...smelling! HAHA

Marie said...

Check your local Target. I'm starting to see more Fal stuff in the Dollar Spot!

Pilar said...

I've been seeing new Fall items around social media, but I haven't been to Target in about a month! I've been so busy lately, but I miss Target! I'll checkout the Dollar Spot next time I go there!

Pilar said...

Thanks Pam! I really like that I'm born on Christmas. It's such a special holiday :) I try to limit smelling the scents a few at a time in the stores since all the scents can become overwhelming lol.

Jadieegosh said...

very interesting topic! loved this


Pilar said...

Thanks Jadiee!

Woman Today said...

Nice topic, I notice that we have several things in comon, I also like scented candles, documentaries and couponing but I have problem sleeping and I hate naps. Sometimes I think that the time I don't sleep it is better used doing something else.
I like your blog, very interesting topics and well written. Hope to get to support each other as bloggers.
Wish you a good night!

PhotosbyCris Travel Fashion Lifestyle said...

I love this post I still hate naps though However I love when plans are cancelled depending on the plan of course and yes sleep as much as you want is wonderful however I am not that great at sleeping but I am a day person so waking up early and being super productive from Sunday to Sunday makes me happy Keep doing things that make you happy because you deserve it xoxo Cris

Priya Hareesh said...

Even I feel very refreshed after the nap

Adriana Leandro said...

I love naps too.
My bed is a wonderful place.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I'm with you on going to bed at a decent hour. I just function much better on good sleep and I love getting up early and getting stuff done and out of the way first thing, And yes cancelled plans can be a relief. One other thing that makes me happy that being completely debt free so we can concentrate on retirement savings.

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Estupendo post! Espero verte pronto por mi blog!
Es un placer leerte! 🌺🌺🌺

LoveT. said...

Great Points, i also love scented Candles. :)

Happy Sunday <3

The Liberty Belle said...

We're kindred spirits! Scented candles, naps, documentaries, and couponing rate pretty high on my Happy-o-Meter too!

Ivana Split said...

Getting enough sleep can make such a difference!

Pilar said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'll stop by your blog! I agree we do have several things in common! Naps help, but I don't always sleep well in general. Have a great week!

Pilar said...

Thanks Cris! I try to do things that make me happy. I want to get a better sleep pattern. I tend to wake up early and go to bed late. I'm always productive, but it can be a little overwhelming! I'm learning to find the balance between productivity and rest. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Pilar said...

Naps can be so refreshing!

Pilar said...

I agree!

Pilar said...

I function better when I get sleep too! I'm not as tired and I focus better. I've been really trying to work on getting more sleep. As I get older I welcome some canceled plans lol. I agree planning for retirement savings is very important, so being debt free is the goal.

Pilar said...

Gracias Carolina!

Pilar said...

Thanks T!

Pilar said...

That's awesome! All these things truly make me happy!

Pilar said...

So very true!

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