Monday, October 18, 2021

Moderna Vaccine: My Experience

 Hello Everyone!

Today I'm going to share my experience with the Moderna Vaccine. As of October 6th, I'm fully vaccinated. I was debating if I wanted to post this topic, since it's been a lot of drama concerning this vaccine.

I feel like this, yes I decided to get the Moderna Vaccine, but am I going to condemn those who don't?  Absolutely not. It's not my place to judge anyone if they decide or not decided to get vaccinated regarding Covid. You have to do what's best for you and your family etc. This is a judge free zone. However, if you don't get vaccinated I think you should wear a mask to protect yourself and others. I'm still wearing my mask in general.

I don't think that it's fair to blame the rise of Covid solely on unvaccinated people. At one point we all were unvaccinated since researchers were still developing a vaccine last year. Honestly pointing fingers isn't going to solve anything. People who are fully vaccine can still get a breakthrough case of Covid-19, but hopefully won't get as sick.

1st Moderna Shot: 9/7/21

The shot itself wasn't bad at all. My arm did start itching a few hours later and I had low grade fever. I felt tired for a few days, a little nauseated, and my arm was sore.

2nd Moderna Shot: 10/6/21

This shot hurt a little bit. My arm started itching withing 30 minutes of getting the shot (nothing more than itching) I took a Benadryl Tablet and that helped. I was more tired with this shot and I slept a lot. I don't think it was the Benadryl because I only took one tablet. My arm was swollen where the shot was administered and my arm sore for 4 days. Lifting my arm hurt so much, but Tylenol helped.

Thankfully I didn't experience that many issues with the Moderna Vaccine. I took a few days to get extra rest with each vaccine. Since I have nutrient deficiencies, I was worried about getting the vaccine, but it went okay. I don't have any regrets, and it's too soon for me to get the booster shot. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Did you get the vaccine? Why or why not? Remember this is a judge free zone, you can be opinionated, but please be respectful in the comments.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yes, I'm double vaxxed. My first shot was AstraZeneca and my second was Pfizer. No problems with either. In Canada, we did mix-and-match shots like this, depending on availability of vaccines.

Anonymous said...

Very informative! I got vaxxed as well.

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

Hi Pilar
I took the pfffizer vaccine, 2nd shot was worst, more side effects but in 2 days I was okay!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good for you Pilar! I got the Pfizer in April. It was a no brainer since I have a chronic health condition. It was somewhat liberating since I was able to go to all the medical and dental appointments I was putting off. I still wear a KN95 mask whenever I'm out and observe strict social distancing. I really do not want Covid.

ALLIE NYC said...

I did and I did not get too much of a reaction except for extreme fatigue with the second shot.

Allie of

Lovely said...

Yay for being fully vaccinated. Mine went smooth. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Jackie Harrison said...

I got mine and I did not get side effects thank god. Glad you are well too.

Miss Val's Creations said...

My husband and I received the Moderna vaccine too. We wanted to for the peace of mind in not worrying about becoming seriously ill. The arm pain was not fun for me either but well worth it!

Marie said...

I took the Moderna vaccine as well. Thankfully I didn't have that many side effects. My arm hurt and I felt tired.

Pilar said...

That's great you didn't experience any problems. I'm glad I had minimal issues with both vaccines.

Pilar said...

Thank you

Pilar said...

I'm glad you felt better after a few days!

Pilar said...

It seems like it took forever for me to get the vaccines! I wanted to get them sooner, but it was an issue with availability. I feel better now that I did vaccinated. I'm still wearing a mask and practicing social distancing as well.

Pilar said...

I noticed that fatigue and a sore arm are some of the most common side effects I read and hear about.

Pilar said...

You're welcome and I'm glad everything with smoothly for you!

Pilar said...

Yes, thank God, and thank you!

Pilar said...

The second shot the arm pain wasn't fun at all. It was tolerable, but really sore. Tylenol helped with the aches and pain. I agree it was worth it.

Pilar said...

You had the same side effects I did except my arm was itching. I'm glad I didn't have an allergic reaction.

Love Your Selfie!

 Hello Everyone! During the month of February I want to focus on all things good and love. In order to show love to others you must first sh...