Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thoughtful Thanksgiving

 Hello Everyone!

It's almost Turkey Day! Well at my house we're skipping the turkey breast again this year and having ham.

For the last 10 years or so I've helped my mom prepare Thanksgiving Dinner. Even before then I always helped my mom. I remember being a little girl and I would always want to help her so she would give me tasks such as writing her Thanksgiving grocery list, going shopping with her, and setting the table. It used to be so much fun for me lol. I was helping my mom even if I wasn't actually cooking. I felt so responsible 🙂

Now that I'm grown I truly see all that goes into preparing for Thanksgiving. Even if we're having a small gathering, there's still a lot that goes into preparing for Thanksgiving. 

Since this is the season to give, I thought it would be a good idea to give the Thanksgiving host a thoughtful pre gift to help prepare. This Thanksgiving as you give thanks, don't forget the person (people) that prepared your meal. Like I said it can takes a lot to prepare for Thanksgiving. Time, patience, energy, focus is needed to get through the holidays in general. I came up with a breakfast basket idea you can give someone in advance to help them get ready for the big day! 

It doesn't have to be costly, just a few items to say I'm thinking about you and thank you. I know me personally last year I drove to 3 different Mc Donald's on Thanksgiving morning in search of coffee. This year I'm skipping a coffee search and making a cup at home! Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!


Aleksandra Krajewska said...

so good post :D

Red Rose Alley said...

That made me chuckle driving to find a cup of McDonald's coffee. It good, right? Sometimes when I get an egg Mc muffin, I have to get a cup of coffee to go with it. And taking a quiet drive by yourself before the festivities is a smart thing to do. Your Thanksgiving basket is so thoughtful and creative and wonderful, Pilar. Your Mom will love it. I noticed the hot cocoa mix right away. ; ) Loved hearing your story about helping your Mom out every year with the preparations when you were little. Have a pleasant Thanksgiving, Pilar.


Anonymous said...

What a nice gift idea for Thanksgiving!

Marie said...

I love the gift basket! That is such a thoughtful gesture!

Mellie said...

What a nice and thoughtful idea. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Pilar. I hope you and your family have a nice holiday. We are having a ham AND a turkey!

Marie said...

What a thoughtful idea to give a gift basket to the host/cook for Thanksgiving!

Pilar said...

Thank you Aleksandra!

Pilar said...

Thank you Sheri! Lol, last year I drove to 3 Mc Donald's and 1 Bojangles in search of coffee. I forget about Bojangles, but no luck there either lol. I was so happy that 3rd Mc Donald's had coffee! I didn't have that problem this year since I made an instant cup of coffee at home. I love helping my mom with Thanksgiving. I always have :) I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Sheri!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie!

Pilar said...

Thank you Mellie! I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

Pilar said...

Thank you Marie!

Ann said...

You pie looks so good and your basket of goods is wonderful.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Pilar, just wanted to tell you that I was craving McDonald's Egg McMuffin this morning, so went through the drive-through. Had a cup of coffee too. : ) My son joined me, which was even better.


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving Pilar! A pre gift for the host is such a lovely and thoughtful gesture!

Lovely said...

The breakfast basket to the host is a thoughtful idea! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Adriana Leandro said...

What a nice idea for Thanksgiving.


Pilar said...

Thank you Ann!

Pilar said...

I'm glad you had nice time with your son Sheri! That's awesome you were able to get your McMuffin and coffee! Now I want a cup of McDonald's coffee lol!

Pilar said...

Thank you Rowena! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

Pilar said...

Thank you Lovely! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

Pilar said...

Thank you Adriana!

Marisa Cavaleiro said...

We, here, don't have that tradition! The breakfast basket is wonderful!


Pilar said...

Thank you Marisa!

Kinga K. said...

Very nice things❤

Hena Tayeb said...

I love my coffee at home.

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