Thursday, December 21, 2023

Holiday Health Update

 Hello Everyone!

Christmas Tree in the waiting room at the doctor's office 

As many of you know I was really sick in August and September with pneumonia, sepsis, and covid. Since I was so sick my blood sugar skyrocketed to 525 once I was the ER during the first hosptial visit. I've never been a diabetic, but because I was so sick the onset of diabetes became prevalent. Diabetics does run heavily in my family but I never had a problem. My A1C has always been in the range of normal and pre-diabetic. 

The doctors in the hospital and my primary doctor were hoping that my diabetes would reverse since they notice my A1C was coming down significantly within a matter of those few weeks. Thank God I'm on the right path. I'm so happy to report that my A1C is normal again.

I was so nervous before my doctor appointment earlier this week because outside the diabetes concerns I'm still battling colds and sinuses, but my low grade fever was normal by time I went to my appointment. Thankfully my test came back negative for Covid, Flu, and Strep Throat. My lungs sounded clear and my heart sounded good. I can hold off on getting my lungs checked for now. I still have to watch out for fevers and get my lungs checked every few months. I'm still under the weather, but I feel so blessed that my health is improving. This is one of best Christmas/Birthday gifts that I could receive.


Anonymous said...

Thats great news about your health!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good health is indeed one of the best gifts one can ever ask for even though we often take it for granted. Glad to hear you're on the right path again. Have a safe and happy birthday and holiday Pilar!

Marie said...

Pilar I'm so happy to hear you're health is improving! I know it's been tough, but you're getting through it! Enjoy your birthday weekend!

LoveT. said...

You are a strong woman, best wishes for your health.
Merry Christmas Pilar!

Red Rose Alley said...

Pilar, I'm so glad that you have good news from your check-ups and your health is being restored. You look beautiful in PINK! I love that color on you. I should wear it more often, but it's hard to find clothes up here haha.

Merry Christmas to you, dear friend.


Marisa Cavaleiro said...

How I understand this nervousness before the doctor's appointment, I also go through it countless times! I hope and wish you a full recovery! I wish you a Merry Christmas full of love!

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