Thursday, April 24, 2014

Catching Up On Tags

Hello Everyone! 

I know I'm late with this post, but I wanted to take some time out and complete the tags that Lauren (Five Face Challenge Tag), Shalunya, and Amelie (Very Inspiring Blogger Award) tagged me for. Thanks ladies!


Five Face Challenge 

So, here is the challenge: Create a full face look with only 5 items! 

Here are the rules:
1. Use Five and only Five products to create a complete makeup look.
2. Each different product counts as 1 product. Multipurpose products count as 1 product, such as Benetint, Bombshell the One Stick, Nars Multipurpose Stick. 
3. No palettes are allowed. No trios, quads or multi-shade palettes.
4. Tag Five others to complete the Face Five Challenge
5. Have Fun! 

Products Used:

- Fashion Fair Pressed Powder
- Fashion Fair Foundation Stick
- Avon Ultra Color Lipstick (Red 2000)
- Avon Lip Liner (Fire Red)
- Revlon Lip Gloss (Fatal Apple)


Here's the look I came up with, very simple and quick. I guess I could have come up with five other products than the ones I used but I was getting ready to wash my hair (thus the towel hiding my messy hair lol)


Very Inspiring Blogger Award

The Rules:

Thank and link to the amazing person that nominated you.

List the rules and display the award. 

Share 7 things/facts about yourself.

Nominate 7 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them and provide a link to your post. 

7 Facts About Me

1. Spring is my favorite season.

2. I love watching you tube beauty videos. A few of my favorites beauty gurus are Nicole Guerrero, Buttaripple, NitraaB, and Jarmaine.

3. I'm thinking about going to graduate school next year.

4. I want to visit Italy.

5. One of my favorite hobbies is crocheting. I've displayed several of my crocheted items on my blog :)

6. In addition to crocheting, I also want to learn to knit.

7. I enjoy going to the movies.

I want to thank Lauren, Shalunya, and Amelie again for tagging me! I tag anyone who wants to complete them!

Thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said...

I don't think I could only use 5 products for a makeup look! Nice tags I lovie reading them!

Jackie Harrison said...

Congratulation and your image pretty.

Pilar said...

Thanks! I think I found it easy to do the limited makeup look since I just did foundation, face powder, and different lip products lol

Pilar said...

Thank you!

willsingformakeup said...

Thanks for doing the Face Five! I love the red lip! I've really been into a statement lip for spring. xoxo Lauren

Amelie said...

The Five Face Tag looks like a lot of fun. But it sounds difficult at the same time :) Spring is my favorite season too!


Marie said...

Great tags! That red lipstick looks pretty on you!

Pilar said...

Thanks and you're welcome! I want to start wearing red lipstick more this season!

Pilar said...

It was fun! I agree I think it would have been more challenging if I didn't stick to lip products lol. It was difficult not using not using my eyeshadow palettes!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I really like that red lipstick!

Sakuranko said...

Oh very ebautiful lipstick!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

nice tag dear !! love you look :) very pretty !! xx

Unknown said...

Congrats doll and you have created a pretty look!! <3

Have a lovely weekend!!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Same to you!

Elle Sees said...

thanks for the nomination! my 7 facts:
-i've been to every state
--19 countries too (including the smallest country in the world)
--i have 4 college degrees and use none!
--i never drank coffee until a few years ago. now i'm obsessed
--i have a cute morkie rescue
--i've been involved with beauty since i was 3! i started making my own beauty products and tried to perm my sister's hair once when i was 3 or 4.
--i love to sing--in the shower or car, that is!

Pilar said...

Great facts Elle! That's really cool you've been to every state and have four degrees! Charlie is the cutest morkie!

Kristen said...

Love your picture and love the red lipstick.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

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