Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Coping With Stress

Hello Everyone!


The topic of my post today is all about stress. We’ve all endured stress at some point. Some stress is actually supposed to be healthy for you, but for the most part stress can be unpleasant. I felt this would be a perfect topic to discuss since I have been dealing with my own personal stress of coping with my father's death recently.
Here are ways I try to cope with stress

1. What is Causing Your Stress?

I think in order to reduce your stress, you have to know what’s causing.

2. Finding A Balance

Are you overwhelming yourself with multiple daily tasks or do you feel overwhelmed by daily tasks? If so, you probably need to find a balance with daily activities and responsibilities in your life. I try to prioritize the more important elements versus the least important elements in my life. By doing this I keep things in perspective. Remember, your only one person and you can’t do everything or be everywhere all at once. Try not to exhaust yourself.

3. Get Rest

Ok, I don’t want to be a hyprocrite lol since I struggle with this tip. I’m working on getting more rest and sleep this year. I find that lack of rest and sleep can really equal a cranky mood. I know it can difficult to get rest you’re stressed, but you should also find a balance with your rest and sleep patterns just like you would with any other daily activities.

4. Have a Support System/Keep a Journal

When I’m feeling stressed, I try to talk about what is bothering me with people in my life I know who are there for me :) I don’t always discuss everything that’s bothering me, but venting does help me feel better. If you’re not a person who likes talking about your feelings, with a friend, family member, counselor etc, you could try writing down in a journal. It’s not really healthy to keep your feeling bottled up, and besides it will likely add to your stress.

5. Take Time For Yourself

This is one of my favorite things to do when I need to de-stress. I usually take a bubble bath, watch some of my favorite DVD's or TV shows, or my favorite thing of all...RETAIL THERAPY!!! When I do a little retail therapy, I don't go overboard. I make a budget I before I go shopping and I try not to overspend. Oh the joys of shopping!

There are various healthy ways to de-stress, just make sure you find some joy it. I hope my coping with stress tips help! How do you cope with stress?

Thanks for reading!


Unknown said...

Awesome post! These are really great tips. I've found lately that getting more rest really does help! And course retail therapy :)

Jackie Harrison said...

Great tips I might have to follow I have a stessful job.

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

Great tips!! I totally need to follow all of them more haha

Pilar said...

Thank you! Rest really does help with stress, even though retail therapy is more fun lol!

Pilar said...

Thank you! If you use these tips, I hope they help!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I hope these tips help!

Amelie said...

Awesome post. I'm glad you shared these tips!


Pilar said...

Thank you! I thought these tips would be helpful, so I thought I wanted to share them!

willsingformakeup said...

Great tips Pilar! We all need to be reminded of this things on a regular basis. Sometimes, the most basic thing, like actually sleeping, can do so much good!

Marie said...

These are all great tips! Especially getting rest!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I agree with everything you wrote! I also find when I'm rested I can deal with stress better with a clear mind!

Pilar said...

Thank you! Getting rest is so important!

Anonymous said...

great tips dear ! xx

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Denise Lindsay said...

These are really good tips. Cutting back on things that are causing stress and getting more rest are probably pretty obvious things to do but when you are stressed about stuff going on in your life you don't think about what you can do to minimise it, you just want to get things done. I think a long soak in a bath is a good way to de-stress and also I find listening to music helps too :)

Hope you are doing ok xx

Pilar said...

Thanks Denise! That's so true, I know there have been times I've dealt with stress and minimizing it was the last thing on my mind. I try not to do that lol. It's so important to take care of yourself especially being stressed. I've been doing ok, and I hope all is well with you!

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