Friday, August 4, 2017

Milani Amore Matte Lip Creme Liquid Lipsticks

Hello Everyone!

I've been wanting to do this review for the longest time! About two months ago I finally started seeing the Milani Amore Lip Creme Liquid Lipsticks in CVS.  I also noticed that one of the local Wal-Mart's in my city started carrying Milani Cosmetics! I'm super happy about that lol.

With flash (true colors of the lipsticks)

Without Flash (I added the number alongside the names of each lipstick)






Cinemattic Kiss

My Thoughts

I didn't want this to be a compare and contrast type of post, but I like these matte liquid lipsticks much better than Colourpop.  I feel with the Milani Amore Lip Creme Collection you can apply your lipstick effortlessly. There isn't splotchy application which is a major plus! As you can see these lipsticks are so pigmented. I've worn these lipsticks for the majority of the day and there wasn't any fading.  I find these lipsticks comfortable to wear with or without a lip balm.  I'm so happy that I found matte liquid lipsticks that aren't drying.

As for the matte metallic liquid lipstick (Cinemattic Kiss) it's pretty much the same results as the matte except since they're metallic matte. The lipstick isn't completely kiss proof and I usually have to reapply at least once throughout the day which isn't bad. I almost forgot to mention the scent! Omgosh these lipsticks smell like funfetti birthday cake, or at least that's what I think. The scent is sweet, but not overpowering. Overall I like both formulas of these lipsticks. 

Side Note: I had to share this, Covergirl liked one of my photos I posted on Instagram

To view my last post for my review on Covergirl Colorlicious Melting Pout Lipsticks, CLICK HERE

August 2017 Posts

My Life in July 2017

Covergirl Colorlicious Melting Pout Liquid Lipstick

July 2017 Posts

Bath and Body Works SAS Summer 2017 Pt. 2

Beauty Big Bang Powder Brush

Projects with Pilar: DIY Flower Crown Headbands

Beauty Big Bang 10 Piece Cosmetic Brushes Set (Unicorn Brushes)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Miguel Gouveia said...

All colors looks amazing dear. In love with Loved color :D Fits perfect on your lips :D

I'm new GFC follower :D Hope you can follow me back <3

NEW REVIEW POST | Oriflame: Refreshing Cucumber Gel Mask. <3
InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

Susie said...

Pilar, They all look good on your beautiful lips. I like how you tested on your arm. All the colors were good on you. I like a lipstick that stays on a long time. One that doesn't bleed. Good find for you. Blessings to you. xoxo, Susie

Marie said...

All these lipsticks are pretty! You wear each color well! Congrats on Covergirl liking your photo! That picture is a gorgeous picture of you!

Red Rose Alley said...

I was browsing through all these lipsticks on you, and I like the "cinematic kiss" best. Goes perfect with your "love" shirt. I like the "devotion" too. You always look good in red lipstick. Most people can't wear it well.


Unknown said...

I'll have to check these out! I'm not the biggest fan of the colourpop ones so that's nice to hear that you prefer these! All the colors are pretty! I like the loved one!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures and congratulations!

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...



Beauty Unearthly said...

Very beautiful.

nerline said...

These look pigmented with a matte finish. I love the colors. Great review!

Pilar said...

Thanks Miguel!

Pilar said...

Thanks Susie! These lipsticks are long lasting!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie! It was exciting Covergirl liked my photo!

Pilar said...

Thanks Sheri! I don't own too many metallic lipsticks, but Cinemattic Kiss looks so pretty!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! In my opinion these are much better quality than Colourpop liquid lipsticks. Loved is a pretty color and Adorable is a pretty nude and very wearable!

Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Pilar said...


Pilar said...

Thanks Nerline!

Lynette said...

The colours look amazing on you .

Pilar said...

Thanks Lynette!

Naturalle Drea said...

I remember when I could not find these in the stores and was glad when I got my hands on one. I really love the formula and wear time. I forget which color I have but I love them.

Pilar said...

I love the formula on these lipsticks too! Colourpop is ok, but I like Milani quality much better!

Unknown said...

You look so pretty!! Your lipstick is really nice. Thanks to share this beautiful lipstick. I believe makeup is an important part of women's life and a perfect lipstick gives a great look of hole makeup. I can't imagine a single day without my makeups. That's why I love to use my favorite Liquid Matte Lipstick for my lip.

Pilar said...


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