Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Appearances on Social Media

Hello Everyone!

Today I want to write about something that's been on my mind...Appearances on social media. I notice this a lot especially on Instagram and the opinions and comments people leave on someone else's posts.

Here are the few issues/comments I notice the most:

1. I want that loving relationship I see in pictures...

What you don't see... she might be unhappy, she might be a victim of domestic violence, he tolerates her constant cheating, they really aren't that happy...

2. Wow I wish I had all the (material things) that person has...

What you don't know is...that person may have thousands of dollars of credit card debt or have trouble paying their bills/utilities...

3. She's/He's so happy

What you don't realize her/his million dollar smile may be a front for a million tears she's/he's cried...

This list could go on forever, but the point I'm trying to make is try not to be jealous of others. Even though things may seem great, and they might be great, but no one has a perfect life. I've learned in life sometimes you have to play the cards you've been dealt. Good things will happen for you in due time.

Also, I made a Facebook page. Here is the link



I also added a Facebook Like Box on the right side of my page for your convenience. Check out and like my new page! Thanks to everyone that supports me on social media! I appreciate it!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 


Jackie Harrison said...

Great point no one should put a negative comments on others, If you do not have nothing good to said do not said anything at all.

Pilar said...

That's so true Jackie! Some comments I read on another person pics/post are just plain rude and unnecessary. It really makes no sense.

Unknown said...

This post is awesome Pilar! I think it goes hand in hand with judging people and being negative because you don't know what other people's real situations are so I wish people wouldn't be jealous/envy or be judgful in a negative way. I hope that makes sense LOL! Maybe that was a little off topic but I'm sleepy and don't make sense when I'm sleepy haha

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! You make total sense! Don't feel bad because I sometimes get confused when I'm really sleepy lol! It really does go hand in hand with judging. That's a good point you made. I know everyone isn't writing negative comments etc. but I guess you have to be content where you are in life until you're able to change it.

willsingformakeup said...

It's so true! Some people are just good at social media, and that doesn't always mean that they're equally as good at other things in life. Usually, when I see amazing pictures on Instagram in particular, my reaction is always about their great photography skills. lol True blogger reaction!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

Great post! This is so relevant right now!! You never know the struggle a person goes through. I am sometimes one of those people who tries to post extra happy pictures even when things are going wrong to put up a brave face. You just never know!

Pilar said...

Thanks Lauren! My blogger reaction is the same! I pay attention to photography skill too! I say to myself this person captured a great shot! I think some people get intimidated by others who do well on social media when they shouldn't. Everyone is different and so is their social media!

Pilar said...

Thanks Margo! I'm can relate to what you mean. I can show kindness or be happy for to others even if I'm not having the best day!

Marie said...

I noticed that too a lot on social media. You're right that no one has a perfect life. People should try to remember that. Great post!

Pilar said...

Thanks Marie and I agree!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I say, there is always a story BEHIND the story! LOL Great observations Pilar.

Pilar said...

Thanks Kim! That's so true!

Beth said...

You make great observations in this post. You never know what people go through behind closed doors. Nice post!

Pilar said...

Thanks Beth!

Hurricane Helene Aftermath

 Hello Everyone,  I want to start this post by thanking those who reached out to me. Last week Hurricane Helene did impact various states in...