Saturday, June 27, 2015

Depression Awareness: What Depression Feels Like

Hello Everyone!


I'm here to share another depression awareness post. My focus today deals with what depression feels like. Depression varies from person to person, but here are some of the things I've dealt with.

1. Staying in bed

People may look at depression as an excuse to stay in bed, but if you have dealt with depression you probably have an idea of what I'm talking about. I remember near the end of my Senior year in college, I would go to Spanish class in the morning and skipped all my other classes for a whole week. I would come back take a shower and stay in bed all day with the blinds closed. I guess I'm grateful for always doing pretty well academically in school because I would have probably been in a mess if I would've fell behind in my classes. Thankfully that never happened.

2. Trying to achieve what comes naturally to some people...happiness

I would be lying if I said sometimes it's a struggle to be happy especially if I'm feeling depressed. It's hard to focus on being happy especially if I'm going through something. When I feel like that, I just remember that the sadness I feel is not going to last always.

3. Feeling like no one understands

I think people can relate to the feeling of no one understands what they're going through. Well the reality is that sometimes people aren't going to understand what you're going through unless they've been through the same thing or a similar situation.

4. It's Not Fair that I Have Depression

During the times I feel or felt sad, I sometimes feel it's so unfair I have depression because of the frustration I feel/felt.

5. Knowing There's Hope

There is a silver lining because there is hope for dealing with depression. Like I mentioned in my earlier depression awareness posts, there are options that can help you cope with your feelings that vary from therapy, antidepressants etc. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 


FelyM said...

thanks for sharing..this is so interesting

Unknown said...

I think I've struggled the most with #3. And I feel like that goes hand in hand with my anxiety. I feel like no one understands what it feels like when My anxiety is super bad and when I try to explain it I feel like people think I'm crazy. This is a great post Pilar!

Unknown said...

When I'm feeling down I tend to keep busy but that often leads to more stress. This is wonderful to bring to the forefront especially as women. Thanks for sharing!

Pilar said...

Thanks for stopping by and you're welcome!

Pilar said...

Thanks Ashley! #3 is common for me as well. I've also dealt with Anxiety too. I guess it can be difficult for people to understand things they haven't experienced. I try to keep that in mind when I feel like people don't understand how I'm feeling.

Pilar said...

Thanks and you're welcome! I started this Depression Awareness Series at the beginning of the year to share my experiences with depression and to hopefully help someone who has depression as well.

Jackie Harrison said...

We all have our days when I feel down I turn to the bible and the lord it helps me.

Zen Goddess said...

I think everyone at some point has experienced depression. When you are going through depression you tend to feel abandoned and like no one else in the world understands. It is so important to spread the word about depression, so people can know they are not alone. Great post and good good job!!!

Marie said...

These posts are sure to help someone who's going through depression. Thanks for sharing!

Margo @ PrettyPanda said...

I love these posts Pilar, when I see you published one it makes me feel happy that I have you and all these other women to discuss this with and feel less alone, so thank you. I struggle so much with lack of energy from depression. I get frustrated because I know I could be so productive otherwise!

Pilar said...

I find solace and peace of mind when I read the Bible. The words in the Bible are so comforting through good and bad times.

Pilar said...

Thanks for your insights! I think that depression is an issue that should be talked about more because so many people deal with it. It's not my favorite topic to discuss, but awareness about depression is so important. You're so right, people need to know they're not alone.

Pilar said...

Thank you and you're welcome! I hope that my posts are helping someone who has gone or going through depression.

Pilar said...

Aww thank you so much! I'm glad these posts help you feel happy! I know that when I feel down reading something Inspirational or talking to someone helps me feel better. When I lack energy from depression I try to make myself engage in activities I enjoy. Sometimes if I'm having a bad day, I write an inspirational post. Even though I may not be feeling my best, I hope that my posts can brighten someone else's day.

A Very Sweet Blog said...

These are definitely the signs Pilar. You explained them really well. I know I've experienced them in the past. The length of time one spends in each of these is also important. The longer it takes, the more professional help is likely needed.

willsingformakeup said...

I think anyone who has dealt with depression can relate to all of these. It's so hard to just get up and get dressed when you're depressed. Great insights into what it's like for those who haven't experienced it.

Pilar said...

Thank you! That's true, when a person experiences these things I mentioned for long periods of time, that person may need to seek professional help. I'm think I'm resilient when I go through bouts of depression, but in the past counseling and antidepressants helped me cope.

Pilar said...

Thank you! Depression is a very real issue and you're right sometimes it hard to get out of bed. I try not to let myself get to that state, but I can relate to the people who have a hard time maintaining their daily routine when dealing with depression. Some people don't know what it's like to experience depression, so I also wanted to give people a better insight even though depression symptoms vary from person to person.

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