Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bronzy Glow and Bright Colors FOTD

Hello Everyone! 

Typically I would wear these type colors I used in today's FOTD more during the Summer months (well when it's not super hot outside lol). Since I liked the color combination I decided to go ahead and create this look. Side note: The lighting and the camera really gave me a super bronzy glow lol. I took this picture before I had box braids.

* Eyes *

- NYX Eyeshadow Base (White)

- BH Cosmetics 120 Color  Eyeshadow Palette 1st Edition 

1. Light Brown color as a transition  
2. Electric Blue color in  
    tear duct and whole lid
3. Purple color on Outer V and Top
    of the lid. Blend into Electric Blue

- Covergirl Bombshell Volume by  
  Lashblast Mascara

- Maybelline Great Lash Mascara (for 

* Face *

- Cetaphil DermaControl Oil  
  Moisturizer (for preparation)

- VS Baked Mineral Bronzing Powder  

- Fashion Fair Fast Finish. Foundation
  Stick (Butterscotch/Caramel)

* Lips *

- MAC VIVA Glam Miley Cyrus (LE)

Also, I made a Facebook page. Here is the link

I also added a Facebook Like Box on the right side of my page for your convenience. Check out and like my new page! Thanks to everyone that supports me on social media! I appreciate it!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


RetroStreetStation said...

love you make up!!

Pilar said...


Marie said...

Love the look and colors! You look pretty!

willsingformakeup said...

This is such a beautiful and vibrant look! These eyeshadow colors remind me of your blanket that you're working on.

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I didn't realize that observation until you mentioned it lol!

Unknown said...

Your eye makeup looks gorgoues! And your skin looks so beautiful and flawless in these pictures!! I think bright colors are good for spring time too and not just summer!

Pilar said...

Thank you! I I really love bright colors actually all during year!

Jackie Harrison said...

Cool images and the lipstick rock

What Taylor Buys said...

Beautiful eye look! Love the lipstick too :)

Pilar said...

Thank you!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Really pretty makeup look!

Pilar said...

Thank you!

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